Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 463 Stumbled

Chapter 463 Stumbled
After having lunch at Shiraishi Reihua, Xia Zhi entered a short rest period.Shiraishi Rika returned to her seat after lunch. She was holding a piece of paper that looked like a map, probably planning something.

As for Ryoko Yamamoto, after finishing dinner, she went to the girls' group at the back of the classroom to spread the gossip she got from Shiraishi Lihua, and the topic quickly spread.Both boys and girls seem to be interested in this topic.

"Xia Zhi, Xia Zhi."

Hearing someone calling him, Xia Zhi raised his head to take a look, and saw Chang Yuan right next to his desk.

"what happened?"

"Teacher Sakuraba asked you to go to the office."

"Okay. Do you know what it is?"

"I'm not sure, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal. Teacher Sakuraba just said it casually, so don't worry too much." Nagahara comforted Xia Zhi, and Xia Zhi nodded, but still felt a little vain.Although Mrs. Sakuraba is a nice person, she is a teacher after all. When a student sees the teacher alone, he feels like a thief meeting the police. The complexity and anxiety are unspeakable.

Xiazhi stood up and walked out of the classroom. Although he didn't go to the classroom office often, Lu Xiazhi still remembered it very clearly.And the opportunity is rare, so if you are passing by, you should go and see Rishi. After all, we just met this morning. Let's go and say hello at noon, so as not to be forgotten by the angels.

Walking in the direction of the music classroom, Xia Zhi quickly arrived at the door of the classroom and didn't hear anything.After saying "excuse me", he opened the door of the music classroom, and then discovered that Rise was not inside.Did you have something to do so you didn't come over?Xia Zhi felt a little regretful.

After closing the door, he continued to move towards the office, and soon came to the staff office where Teacher Sakuraba was. Before he even got close, Xia Zhi heard a loud noise.But the distance was relatively far, and there was a door across, Xia Zhi still couldn't hear clearly, and when he approached and opened the door, the voice became clearer.Xia Zhi saw Teacher Sakuraba who was accusing another teacher sitting on the chair with one hand on his waist and one finger. The one who was being criticized looked careless but nodded very perfunctorily, "Yeah, yeah Hmm," the school doctor Yawu, remember that the two of them seem to be schoolmates or friends?From their dialogue, it can be seen that their relationship is indeed very good.

"How many times have I said it! Call me Sakuraniwa-sensei at school! Sakuraniwa-sensei! And stop spinning around on my chair!"

"I got it, Megumi." Yamu Mino was spinning on the chair and suddenly stopped. Teacher Sakuraba hadn't even finished her sentence of "You didn't listen to me at all." Yamo Mino said She saw Xia Zhi who had appeared behind her: "Oh, look, all the students are here. Don't you still have something to say? Don't waste time on me."

To be able to say that he is wasting time on himself, Yamu Mino is probably a person who knows current affairs very well, and he is also a person who is not afraid of Teacher Sakuraba's anger.

Teacher Sakuraba said "Ah" and then quickly looked back and saw Xia Zhi standing at the door: "Xia Zhi, you are here. When did you arrive?"

"It's just arrived." In this case, the second answer probably won't appear, right?
"Hmm." Teacher Sakuraba cleared her throat and whispered to Yamu Mino next to him, "I'll teach you a lesson later." Then he put on the Heping look that Xia Zhi often saw: "I've been having a hard time recently. Are you okay? Did you encounter any problems?"

"There's no problem, I'm not sick or anything, Teacher Sakuraba doesn't have to worry about me." Xia Zhike didn't forget that Teacher Sakuraba was still his temporary guardian in name.

"That's it... That's right. After all, Shiraishi really seems to be good at taking care of others, so I don't need to worry about it." Teacher Yingting felt that he had thought of the correct answer and nodded without authorization. Only Xia Zhi stood There are question marks there.

Even now, Xia Zhi has not adapted to the situation where even teachers have a positive attitude towards things like high school students falling in love. The thought "it is outrageous for teachers to say such things" still remains in Xia Zhi's mind. It's better to know that I don't know what to say for a moment.

Is it okay to smile?
"Shiraishi-san and I just have a normal relationship as classmates." Although Xia Zhi gave him a smile, he still told Teacher Sakuraba just in case to avoid being fished for law enforcement.Although he felt that this was a little impossible for a good person like Mr. Sakuraba and the atmosphere here, after all, he was thinking about topics about torches and gasoline all day long, but he had been raised since he was a child and was in line with society. There is still a big difference between the successors of the doctrine.

"Really? I think Shiraishi-san is pretty good, or is there another girl you like?"

"Cough!" Xia Zhi coughed lightly. If she didn't interrupt her, this topic would probably be endless. Xia Zhi thought it would be better for him to change the topic.After all, if you continue talking, you won't be able to outshine them. You have to draw them into the fields and topics that they are good at.

"Mr. Sakuraba, what do you want from me?"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about the real thing." She clapped her palms.

"After all, Xiao Hui is in a daze." Yamo Akeno next to her began to spin happily again. Teacher Sakuraba turned around and glared at her. She didn't say anything, but Xia Zhi knew that as long as she walked out of this office, someone would Something is going to happen.

"Do you remember the activity we talked about in the classroom before?"

Xia Zhi nodded. He was not a goldfish, so how could he forget it.

"It's like this, because this school year is about to end. Many senior high school students have to prepare for exams and review. Many people have withdrawn from their original clubs and student organizations. This year, there are many senior high school students in the student union and discipline committee. Within this range, it is usually fine, but if we want to hold large-scale events, there are not enough manpower. Chihaya-san, the chairman of the Discipline Committee, has a good relationship with Mr. Sasaki, so he asked Mr. Sasaki if he could help, and then Mr. Sasaki asked Do I have a suitable candidate to come and help? I thought about it carefully and think it would be more appropriate for you to go."

After speaking for a long time at once, Teacher Sakuraba took a deep breath: "You are not forced to do this, but I think it is a rare opportunity to exercise."

(End of this chapter)

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