Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 467 Didn’t I tell you?

Chapter 467 Didn’t I tell you?

Tachibana Aya took half an apple and gnawed it. Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment, thinking that she could taste it first to see how it tasted, so that she could feel confident when she gave it to Xia Meng.So I took the half apple and bit it. The store manager was not lying. This apple was really big and sweet. If I really wanted to sell it, I could get a good price.Xia Zhi began to worry about his salary.

"Oh, by the way, I was in such a hurry when I left this morning that I forgot to tell you something." Tachibana Aya put down the apple on her lips. Xia Zhi looked at her doubtfully, and soon remembered what she was talking about. What happened.

"You really forgot to tell me when you were going to meet the editor. And there are a lot of things to do this week, so it would be better to do it as soon as possible if possible."

Whether it's Tachibana Aya's affairs, Shiraishi Rika's affairs, or her own affairs, it seems that they have become more common in recent times.Li Huacai usually looks like she has nothing to do, and I don't know how she solved it secretly by herself. By the time Xia Zhi can see that she is very busy, she is almost overwhelmed; Baishi Lihua's condition is similar. Although she is dragged around by Ryoko Yamamoto most of the time, she is the daughter of an excellent capitalist and has much more to learn than Xia Zhi thought. It looked like he had been busy when he was gone.

In the end, Xia Zhi, who said he wanted to work every day, turned out to be the most laid-back one. After all, working time is about the same as fishing time, and it is no different from resting.It’s just that I need to use it to study recently.Natsuki was still waiting for Mayumi to find a book to read after she changed clothes and came out of the staff room.

"Ah? Didn't I tell you?" Tachibana Aya scratched her head with her other hand.Xia Zhi stared at her.

"Then what are you talking about?"

"I just wanted to say something else. But since you asked about the time to meet the editor, let's decide now. I haven't decided when to go."

Tachibana Aya took out her mobile phone and pressed her fingers back and forth on the screen, probably sending text messages or something.Xia Zhi felt uncomfortable while she was talking. Couldn't he answer the question he asked first?

But her speed was very fast. In just over ten seconds, Xia Zhi heard her phone vibrate slightly.

"Oh, that's so fast. Let me ask her when she has time to chat in person."

Tachibana Aya placed the phone flat on the table and pressed the screen with the index fingers of both hands, probably to let Xia Zhi see it clearly.But Xia Zhi felt that it was not good for him to look at it like this, so he didn't look at it.However, what Xia Zhi didn't expect was that Li Huacai's cell phone would vibrate endlessly without stopping at all, as if there was an earthquake, Xia Zhi's curiosity was aroused again.

Anyway, Tachibana Aya was allowed to watch it, wouldn’t I be sorry for myself if I didn’t watch it?Such thoughts rose in Xia Zhi's heart, and then someone practiced the fried rice theorem and looked down at Li Huacai's mobile phone.Although the screen was upside down, Xia Zhi could clearly understand what the other party wanted to express.It's not that Xia Zhi's Japanese reading ability has improved, but that the exclamation marks sent one after another are as meaningful as the question marks behind the happy man. It's hard for Xia Zhi not to understand.

But that's right. After all, it was the popular light novel writer who has always been mysterious as his biggest personality. He suddenly told his editor that he wanted to meet or something. If Xia Zhi was that editor, he would probably throw his cell phone to the ground. .I just don’t know if the other party will be disappointed in this legendary light novel writer after knowing Ryo Takezuki’s purpose of exposing his true identity. As far as Natsuki thinks, Tachibana Aya does have such an ability, although when facing others Most are well hidden.

"Wow, there are so many exclamation points... Is she so surprised? And why don't you send out all these exclamation points at once?" Aya Tachibana looked at her mobile phone in surprise, and Xia Zhi sneered: "You are the only one who is not qualified to say This sentence."

Xia Zhike still remembered that when she was chatting with him on the mobile phone using chat software, she broke down a sentence into the most basic vocabulary and sent it one by one. The two of them were basically doing the same thing.

"You still remember." Tachibana Aya was a little surprised and seemed a little happy.

"I was scared by you. Do you think I can remember it?" Xia Zhi looked at her and twitched his eyes.

"I remember I wanted to imitate a yandere girl? I can't remember exactly what it was."

"I don't remember either. I'll talk about it later. You ask quickly." Xia Zhi urged Li Huacai to ask the time quickly, and Li Huacai's attention returned to her mobile phone.

"The specific situation will be explained later. Can you make time to meet? That's it...send it!"

Tachibana Aya pressed the send button vertically with a sense of mission like pressing the launch button of a rocket. Drama queens never lack happiness, and they will find their own fun.

Then her phone vibrated again, Tachibana Aya looked at the phone and read out each word to Xia Zhi.

"I can do it anytime. Teacher Takezuki Ryo just decides the time and place. It seems that I am still deeply respected." Tachibana Aya smiled proudly.

This is the truth after all, although Xia Zhi is a little bit upset seeing her smug look, but it's not enough to pour cold water or something just because of this little bit of discomfort, it's just a natural jealousy of the salted fish towards the boss.Xia Zhi understood it very well, but he didn't really want to admit it.

"She said the time and place are up to us. When will we go? Tomorrow?"

Xia Zhi nodded: "It would be best if we go tomorrow, because I don't know when I will suddenly get busy, and I don't know if there is still time. If you do it tomorrow afternoon, you might not even need to ask for leave. Come directly over here to work.”

"Huh? Why don't you go have dinner together and then go back?"

"I still have to make dinner for Mengmeng."

"...I almost forgot. Then I will go find you at the gate of your school after school tomorrow afternoon? As for the location, just find a coffee shop with delicious snacks." Tachibana Aya made a plan.

"If you want to go to a coffee shop, why not just here? It'll be easier for me to get to work that way."

Tachibana Aya turned her head away: "I'm not mentally prepared to let the children in the same school know that I am Takezuki Ryo."

Natsuki didn't know what to say. He even suspected that Tachibana Aya was not ready to reveal her identity to the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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