Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 486 Okay, I Got It

Chapter 486 Okay, I Got It

Natsuki crossed over Tachibana Aya and walked out from the window seat. The less professional maid just saw Natsuki walking out of her seat, walked over and asked: "Master, is there anything else you need from me?" Do it?"

Xia Zhi declined politely: "No."

Then he walked straight towards the door of the coffee shop.Out of sight, the maid clenched her fists with a smile.

Natsuki walked out of the coffee shop and came to the place where she had just seen the elder sister who was suspected to be the editor of Tachibana Aya. She was still standing here looking at her phone. Well, he had just forgotten to reply to her. She was probably waiting. Reply, right?
"Hello." Xia Zhi stepped forward to say hello to her. The elder sister diverted her attention away from the phone and looked at Xia Zhi. After two seconds of silence, she said with a smile that was colder than ice cubes. The voice said: "I'm sorry, I don't like men younger than me."

If Xia Zhi drank the water, he would probably squirt out all of it this time.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't come here to talk with such a purpose." Xia Zhi explained to her, and the other party nodded gently, and then...then lowered his head and stared at his mobile phone.

Apart from Tachibana Aya, this was the first time Xia Zhi had seen such a person with such a personality.

"Are you Tachibana Aya, Ryo Takezuki's editor?" Natsuki tried to grab her attention, but the method he tried really worked, and the eldest sister looked at him.

"Are you Mr. Ryo Takezuki?" Her expression did not change at all, and even her voice did not fluctuate. Xia Zhi was already suspecting that the exclamation points she made while chatting on the phone were not typed by herself. .

Xia Zhi shook his head: "I'm not, Zhuyue Liang is inside. I came here with her. She is sitting there."

Natsuki pointed to the window where Tachibana Aya was sitting. Tachibana Aya was looking at the two of them through the glass window. Seeing Natsuki pointing to her position, she put on a dignified smile that was basically for others to see. Then he waved his hand gently this way.Xia Zhi's mouth twitched because he was extremely uncomfortable.

"Indeed, Teacher Takezuki Ryo said that she would come to this coffee shop with a 17-year-old male high school student." The other party nodded: "Nice to meet you."

Not only was Tachibana's statement at the time problematic, but the editor's way of speaking also had many issues that had to be complained about.

"Anyway, let's go in first. Whatever we want to discuss requires you to reconcile with Li in person, and Ryo Takezuki will come to talk. I'm just a foil."

"Okay, I know."

This sentence "Okay, I understand" made Xia Zhi feel that it would be a miracle if she could not become an editor because of her outstanding ability.People who are good at talking should speak more!

Xia Zhi shook his head and led her towards the store.Pushing open the door of the coffee shop again, Xia Zhi heard a familiar voice again.

"Welcome, two masters..." The maid who was still smiling turned stiff when she saw Xia Zhi passing by. Xia Zhi waved to her: "We have a seat."

Then he continued walking in the direction of Tachibana Aya.The editor sister stood there and looked at the maid lady carefully, who was a little embarrassed when she saw it.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

"No." The editor sister shook her head with a cold face (actually not), stared at her hard for a while (actually still not), then turned around and walked in the direction where Xia Zhi left. .

There were cracks in the maid's smile, and she felt that she could no longer hold on.Today's work is extremely tiring.

Natsuki sat next to Tachibana Aya and looked at her sideways: "Aren't you tired of acting like this?"

"This is a necessary choice to maintain a good image in front of outsiders." Tachibana Said with a "quiet" face.

There must be something wrong somewhere in this world to cause this situation to happen.

The editor sister walked next to Xia Zhi.

"Please take a seat." Xia Zhi stretched out his hand and motioned for her to sit opposite. The editor sister nodded and sat down opposite.

"Although I am the writer you are responsible for, this should be the first time we have met, right?" Tachibana Aya smiled: "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tachibana Aya, and Takezuki Ryo is my pen name, because I don’t have a business card yet so that’s all I can do for now.”

"My name is Yagami Yuka. I am the editor of our publishing house who is responsible for the works of Teacher Takezuki Ryo. I am a loyal fan of Teacher Takezuki Ryo. This is my business card." The editor sister should be called Miss Yagami now. She has been He took out two business cards from his jacket pocket and handed them to Tachibana Aya and Natsuki respectively.To be honest, when a big sister with a paralyzed face and a cold voice said that she was a fan of someone, Xia Zhi didn't feel the passion in her words at all.Even the compliments sound perfunctory... This is considered a disaster-level social skill, right?

After receiving the business card, Natsuki and Tachibana Aya carefully put it away after confirming the card.In Japan, a business card can be said to be a person's face. Rejecting, tearing, or carelessly storing a business card is a great disrespect for a person. The higher the social status of the person, the more so.Although this is true in every country in the world, Japan should be the nation that values ​​this the most, right?This is not a means of publicity for them, but more like a proof of one's identity.

When Japanese people are undergoing vocational training, it is said that the first thing they need to train is the etiquette of exchanging business cards.But business cards are no longer so common in China.

"This is the menu. If you need anything, just call the waiter." Tachibana pushed the menu over, and Miss Yagami shook her head lightly: "I don't need it."

"If we need to talk, and I don't know how long it will take, it would be better to order a drink." Xia Zhi recommended: "If you don't mind, can you drink coffee like me?"

"Thank you."

Xia Zhi pushed the matcha cake in front of him again: "This was served just now and has not been touched yet. I don't like sweets very much, so if you don't mind, please eat it. If you want money, let this guy Just come and pay.”

"This time, the company gave me some budget funds, and I will be in charge as mentioned on the phone. Please don't worry."

"That's it, that's okay." Xia Zhi stood up again and walked towards the maid.

The maid thought he was leaving the store again, so she didn't plan to go up and talk to him, but Xia Zhi walked up to her and said, "Have another cup of the coffee you just ordered. Don't let me go. Thank you."

The maid girl felt a little tired.

(End of this chapter)

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