Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 488 I don’t want green pepper!

Chapter 488 I don’t want green pepper!

Xia Zhi knows that Li Huacai uses herself as a character to draw materials. After all, art comes from life and is higher than life. Creation must always be supported by inspiration. The so-called creation out of nothing is just the product of inspiration.This is normal.

But Miss Yagami's words gave Xia Zhi a strong sense of foreboding.

Natsuki has never read a word of Tachibana Aya's new book.I remember that Tachibana Aya intended to reveal the plot to Natsuki, but as a reader, isn't the thing you hate the most is being spoiled?Xia Zhi naturally refused.Although the prototype of the protagonist is based on himself, what happened will inevitably be sublimated, so the book is actually the story of a non-existent person and has nothing to do with Xia Zhi himself.Xia Zhi thinks so.

However, Ms. Yagami, who has read the original manuscript, now says, "Except for the names, most of the settings completely overlap"?This makes Xia Zhi how can he take himself out of the novel!
Natsuki glared at Tachibana Aya fiercely, while the latter turned his head to look out the window and whistled.

"They are exactly the same." Miss Yagami seemed to have focused all her attention on Xia Zhi: "Whether it is personality or appearance, I can clearly distinguish him after just talking for such a short time. . In this case, it seems that the creation of a long novel can be expected. As expected of Tachibana-sensei, you are really thoughtful."

"Of course." Tachibana Aya turned her head again and responded with a beaming look.

I will definitely teach her a lesson when I go back.Xia Zhi snorted softly and continued to drink coffee.It was now time for Tachibana Aya to talk to her editor, Ms. Yagami, so it was best not to interrupt.However, is this coffee brewed with ready-made coffee powder directly mixed with water?The taste always feels different... Even though it's labeled maid, no matter how strange it is, this is a coffee shop, so it shouldn't be such a tasteless thing, right?

"In that case, Ayaka's prototype should be Xia Zhijun's girlfriend, right?" Miss Yagami asked.

Tachibana Aya's eyebrows were raised.

"I'd really like to meet him if I have the chance."



The scene fell into an eerie silence.Tachibana Aya looked at Miss Yagami with huge doubts, while Natsuki's eyes moved back and forth between the two.

"You have already seen Ayakashi's prototype!"

Tachibana Aya's tone of voice rose due to shock.

Miss Yagami was silent for a while, and looked around slightly, the corners of Tachibana's eyes twitched twice, she felt that something was not right.

By chance, the maid came over with coffee: "This is the coffee you ordered, without sugar."

Has she finally stopped insisting on words like "master" and "love"?It's really gratifying.

"Thank you." Xia Zhi thanked her, and then looked at Miss Yagami: "Miss Yagami, do you need to put some sugar cubes?"

Miss Yagami shook her head, then looked at Miss Maid.The latter was stared at by her for a while, feeling a little uncomfortable all over, and she felt as if she was being threatened.Looking at the expression of the maid, Xia Zhi expressed sympathy for her.

Although we have just met, Miss Yagami’s devastating social skills and emotional expression ability are really a bit worrying. I hope the maid lady will not be scared, even though she is not a real maid.

Watching the maid leave, Miss Yagami looked at Tachibana Aya again: "It shouldn't be her, she doesn't meet the requirements."

"Of course it's impossible to meet the requirements! Because Ayaka is me!" Tachibana Aya patted her chest: "Where else in this world can you find someone who has a good figure, looks cute, talks nicely, and also She is a girl who can make money and has top-notch academic and athletic abilities! Then am I the only one?"

To be honest, although Natsuki is used to Tachibana Aya bragging about herself, because what she said is basically in line with the actual situation, but her statement is a bit too absolute, it is still easy for her to say this into a map cannon. , Xia Zhi wrote this down, and would have to remind her later.

"With all due respect, it seems that Tachibana-sensei is not suitable to be described with a childish term like 'cute'. Tachibana-sensei should belong to a more mature category." Miss Yagami shook her head seriously and refuted Tachibana Aya's statement. if.

Someone is in a very complicated mood right now, and she doesn't know what to say now.Miss Yagami said that it was a curse, but it didn't count, because she meant that she was already in a more mature category, and it was not appropriate to use words like cute to describe her.But if you want to say it is a compliment, it is not very reasonable to think that it is a compliment if it means "you are not cute".

Tachibana Aya pouted and looked at Xia Zhi, trying to seek shelter and comfort from the harbor of her soul.But she found that her harbor actually nodded seriously.

"I've told you a long time ago that you are actually not very suitable for the word cute, but you still don't believe it."

"Girls are inherently cute, what's wrong! I will continue to be cute! I want to become a cute and sexy devil, even if you cry and say I'm cute, it's too late!"

Tachibana Aya snorted and ate the cake unwillingly.

Miss Yagami has been looking here without speaking.Xia Zhi looked at her. Although her expression didn't show it, she seemed to feel that she had said the wrong thing.Natsuki, who knew Tachibana Aya would not be angry over such a trivial matter, smiled.

"That's just her. Don't worry about her. Miss Yagami, you're right. I'll just go back and cook something delicious for her."

"I don't want green peppers!" Tachibana Aya frowned: "I've eaten green peppers many times, I want to change the taste."

"You don't think it's spicy if I put the others." Xia Zhi glanced at her: "We'll talk about this later. Let's get down to business first."


"I'm sorry for saying the wrong thing just now." Ms. Yagami apologized expressionlessly. Although Natsuki didn't see any apology, probably Tachibana Aya did the same.But it would be too embarrassing to ask the paralyzed Yagami-san to make any expression.If it wasn't already destined, who would want to be paralyzed?Ms. Yagami is probably worried about this too.

"I know you are complimenting me. Tachibana-sama is very generous, so it doesn't matter."

Miss Yagami nodded, and then looked at Xia Zhi.Although she didn't speak and had no expression, Xia Zhi always felt like she was saying thank you.

It must be an illusion, right?

(End of this chapter)

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