Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 494 Come and sit here

Chapter 494 Come and sit here

Xia Zhi made no other moves and walked to the kitchen to start cooking dinner.After all, it's not a good idea to disturb Xia Meng now.

There is nothing particular about rice. Although Xia Zhi is a chef, he is only half-experienced. He doesn't even know what kind of rice and ginseng can get the best taste.Although most people will not study it, it turns out that Ji Xiaoji Qiuzi does have extraordinary (referring to Xia Zhi's level) ability in cooking.

Because of the dual limitations of ingredients and ability, Xia Zhi spent a relatively short time to prepare the dishes and put them on the plate.Next, just wait for about 10 minutes for the rice to be cooked.

Xia Zhi came to the living room and looked down behind the sofa to see Xia Meng who had a book on his lap and a cell phone on top of the book.Well, she was probably tired from reading just now, so she put her phone on top of the book and took a short rest.That must be the case.

After all, Xia Meng is not a child who would use reading as a cover for playing with mobile phones. No matter what you were doing before seeing you in other families, as long as what your parents see when they see you is reading, then you have always been When reading a book, if you see someone playing with a mobile phone, then you must have been playing with a mobile phone until now.Xia Meng is different. If you see her reading, then she has been reading until now.If she was playing with her mobile phone, then she must have just picked up the mobile phone and played with it for a while because she was tired from reading.

Xia Meng is the embodiment of perfection and cannot be addicted to something like a mobile phone.

"The rice will be ready in about 10 minutes."


Xia Meng didn't make any move, just hummed softly.She lowered her head, and the screen of her mobile phone was not on. The mobile phone blocked the words on the book, and she didn't know what she was doing.

But Xia Zhi had no desire to explore further. Xia Meng naturally had her own purpose in doing this. Anyway, she told herself that she didn't understand it, and it didn't matter whether she knew it or not.

Xia Zhi sat on the sofa next to Zhi Zhi.Sitting on it felt like a wooden rocking chair. Although it didn't really rock, Xia Zhi still felt comfortable sitting on it.It's just that Xia Zhi rarely sits on the sofa since he got the kotatsu.Maybe when it gets hotter in summer and the kotatsu is put away, Xia Zhi will sit on the sofa more often.

"What are you doing sitting over there?" Before Xia Zhi felt comfortable, Xia Meng's voice attracted his attention.Xia Zhi looked at Xia Meng and found that his sister was looking at him with no expression on her face, but Xia Zhi could read dissatisfaction from it.This is probably because they have lived together for a longer time and have higher passive skills.

"Just take a break."

"I mean, why did you go all the way to sit there?" Xia Meng patted the sofa next to her that still had a lot of space left: "Can't we still sit here?"

"It will be more crowded if I sit over. Mengmeng, you usually lie down when reading. If I sit over, there will be no place to lie down, right? Although it is indeed not a good habit to lie down and read, Mengmeng, you'd better be more careful. .”

"Come and sit here, I'll lie down more comfortably." Xia Meng patted the seat next to her again, her meaning already obvious.

Although Xia Zhi didn't think clearly about why Xia Meng could lie down more comfortably after occupying a seat in the past, but since Xia Meng didn't mind, it was fine for him to sit there.Then, Xia Zhi understood why Xia Meng said that it would be more comfortable for him to lie down if he sat there.Xia Zhi was glad that he bought Xia Meng a hair tie instead of a hairpin, otherwise he would have been tortured again.

Xia Meng changed sides and lay down, just like she did when she returned home before the Chinese New Year, resting on Xia Zhi's legs and playing with her mobile phone with her head raised.

In fact, Xia Zhi felt that Xia Meng's action was not very comfortable, because playing with the phone with your head up can easily blur your eyes and get tired easily, and holding the phone is also very laborious. However, there is only a thin line between genius and madman. Forget it, maybe Xia Meng feels more comfortable?
"Playing with mobile phones like this is bad for your eyes." But what should be done was still done, Xia Zhi reminded Xia Meng.Because he didn't express any hope that Xia Meng would listen to him, when Xia Meng put down his cell phone, Xia Zhi felt a little surprised as if he had won a lottery.

However, Xia Zhi felt the bottom-up sight again, which made him feel even more pressured.

So did you bring this on yourself?

But it’s not like I regret it, since there’s no one to issue the card anyway.

"By the way, I remembered something." Xia Zhi lowered his head and looked into Xia Meng's upward-looking eyes: "The manager of the store where I work asked me to take you over for dinner when I'm free. , Mengmeng, do you want to go?"

"Why go out of your way to eat at someone else's house?" Xia Meng asked.

"This store manager helped me a lot when I first came here. If it wasn't for him, it would take me a long time to adapt to life here. Maybe I just go back home like this. Yes. We were so lucky to meet them.”

"According to what you said, I shouldn't have a good impression of them." Xia Meng looked at Xia Zhi: "I still don't have a good impression of you coming here from home. And the facts prove that you are here There are also a lot of questions. How on earth did a girl of that quality get involved with you?"

Xia Zhi felt a little guilty: "One is a classmate, and the other is a regular customer who happened to know each other. We got to know each other from time to time. There is nothing I can do about it. Moreover, I have received a lot of care from them."

"We'll talk about this later. And then, what happened to the manager of which store you work at? Why did he ask you to take me to dinner with you?"

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just that he wanted to meet Mengmeng after you came to Japan to see what you are like. It's probably just out of curiosity." Xia Zhi thought for a while: "The store manager's wife is also a Very nice people, and taught me Japanese for a while at the beginning. Their daughter is also a very cute girl.”

Xia Meng's eyes suddenly became sharp, and Xia Zhi hurriedly explained: "Their daughter is less than... less than seven years old now!"

Xia Meng's sharp eyes lightened a lot.

"If you attack such a young child, you should know the consequences, right?"

"No, no, no." Xia Zhi shook his head crazily. Instead of worrying that he would shake his head off, he was more worried that he would be sent to prison by Xia Meng himself.

Xia Meng snorted softly.

(End of this chapter)

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