Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 496 It will be fine soon

Chapter 496 It will be fine soon

Tachibana Aya was as noisy as ever. Even after dinner, she was still the same when Natsuki got off work at eight o'clock. Along the way, she kept talking about topics she was interested in, and some of them were too ridiculous. Let Xia Zhi himself be fascinated by listening to it unconsciously.

"You see, this is a country where cute elements are everywhere. Even cities like Chiba have shops like maid cafes. Therefore, it is said that most young people in the Heisei era are otakus. This sentence does not actually mean no problem."

Tachibana Sai said raising a finger.

"I believe you, you idiot."

Although Xia Zhi believed Tachibana Aya's words, after all, he really couldn't find anything to refute Tachibana Aya's fallacy, but it is obviously not advisable to make random guesses about a group, or even a nation, based on partial phenomena.Xia Zhi felt that he had to refute her even for the sake of the beauty and peace of this world.

Noticing that the light around him suddenly became brighter, Xia Zhi looked up and unknowingly walked downstairs to Tachibana Aya's apartment.The conversation ended just in time.

"Okay. You can go back." Xia Zhi waved to her and was about to part ways and walk towards her apartment, but Tachibana Aya stopped her.

"Wait a minute. Do you want to come up and play for a while?" Tachibana Aya sent out an inappropriate invitation.

"No, it's already very late now. Besides, there's nothing interesting in your place, right?"

"Hmm..." Tachibana Aya pondered for two seconds: "Shall I show you something nice?"

Xia Zhi always felt that she had other intentions and shook his head decisively: "I won't go."

"Hey, this is the first time in your life that Tachibana-sama invites someone to play at home and you are rejected. Are you stupid?" Tachibana Aya curled her lips and said, "If you don't want to go, don't go. I also want to show you my treasure. Here’s the recipe.”


"What did you say?" Xia Zhi picked out his ears in disbelief: "Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly just now. What did you say you treasured?"

"Recipe! You heard it right." Aya Tachibana looked at Xia Zhi with a mysterious face: "The last time you came to my house, after I showed you the notebook, I felt that it was a bit too crowded to put everything in the box. If I can’t fit it in, I might have to buy another box, it’s too big. So I thought about putting it somewhere else, and when I was rummaging through things, I found my family’s ancestral recipe.”

"Recipe? Or is it passed down from ancestors? It's not something you imagined when you were writing a food novel, right?" Xia Zhi looked disbelieving: "It's impossible to make dishes that can shine in the real world. thing."

"I'm so good, how could I lie to you? This cookbook was written by my mother before, but she told me that many of the previous dishes were written by her mother. If it is passed down like this, wouldn't it be passed down from ancestors?"

Xia Zhi touched his chin: "There seems to be no problem."

"Right?" Tachibana Aya raised her eyebrows: "This is a genuine copy, and my mother copied another one. If I hadn't gone through the box, I would have almost forgotten this thing. This is Don’t you want to see the Tachibana family’s secret treasure?”

Originally, Xia Zhi was not very interested. After all, recipes sometimes become very simple once you understand the principles.But Tachibana Aya used words like "secret treasure". It was naturally impossible for Xia Zhi not to be interested.Even the most low-level treasure hunter will definitely be yearning for the legendary treasure. Natsuki really wants to see what the ancestral recipes of the Tachibana Aya family look like.

However, I still have to go back quickly.But, it doesn’t seem like it would take much time to just take a quick look?

Xia Zhimin nodded reluctantly.

"I want to see it. If you want to see it, please beg me. Your refusal just now made Tachibana-sama very sad. If you beg me, I might show it to you." Aya Tachibana smirked with her hands on her waist.

Xia Zhi couldn't bear the grievance, turned around and left, and was immediately pulled by Tachibana Aya.

"In normal circumstances, shouldn't you beg me and then I will show you reluctantly? Why turn around and leave!"

"You're already reluctant. It doesn't seem right for me to beg you again." Xia Zhi glanced at her and said, "Don't stop me from going home."

"Ahhhh! Damn it! Can I beg you to look at it?"

Although she was begging for help in a helpless tone, her actions had no such meaning at all.Xia Zhi felt a huge force controlling him to keep retreating, but he couldn't even resist.Tachibana Aya this was more of an order than a request.

Xia Zhi always felt that she had some conspiracy and couldn't help but hesitate.But his body didn't allow him to hesitate, so he was escorted all the way to the elevator by Tachibana Aya, and then he was let go.Xia Zhi couldn't go back even if he wanted to.

"Just watch for a while. Mengmeng is still at home waiting for me to come back."

"It'll be fine soon, it won't take long."

Xia Zhi became more and more suspicious of Li Huacai's purpose of letting him come up to see the ancestral recipes.

After stepping out of the elevator, Tachibana Aya took out the key and walked to the door to open the door. Natsuki followed her.When she opened the door, the light in the room shone out. Didn't she turn off the lights when she left?It's such a waste, I must talk to her about it.

"Didn't you turn off the lights when you left? Isn't it a waste of electricity?"

Faced with Xia Zhi's accusation, Tachibana Aya didn't care very much: "I turned it off. This should be the light that Xiaoxi turned on."


"Next time you use such an obvious lie to deal with me, I will really beat you up."

"I'm not lying to you." Tachibana puffed her lips, turned around and looked around, and finally found it on Xiaoxi's bed: "Xiaoxi."

Tachibana Aya shouted, and Xiaoxi, who was still sleeping, moved her ears and raised her head.After seeing Tachibana Aya, she meowed softly as a response.After it tilted its head slightly, the whole person, no, the whole cat stood up and ran towards the door quickly.

Tachibana Aya knelt down and opened her hands to welcome Xiaoxi's hug, but Xiaoxi slipped under Tachibana Aya's arm and ran to Xia Zhi's feet, rubbing against her gently while meowing continuously.

Tachibana Aya's already bulging mouth became even more bulging. Xia Zhi saw it and couldn't hold it back. He stretched out his hand and poked her, causing the air to escape from her bulging mouth.


Tachibana Aya looked at Xia Zhi, Xia Zhi blinked, lowered his head and bent down to hug Xiao Xi: "Okay, hurry in."

(End of this chapter)

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