Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 500 It seems to be the truth

Chapter 500 It seems to be the truth

Xia Zhi had nothing to do, and finally remembered that he still had to study such a thing, so he went back to the room and took out his laptop at the risk of waking Xia Meng.The flash drive and schoolbag were put together in the living room, so Xia Zhi didn't need to look for them anymore.

Xia Zhi was sitting on the sofa with his computer in his arms. This always reminded him of how he had just gotten his first mobile phone when he was a child. As a result, he hid under the quilt and played games every night, and was finally caught by his mother during the ward round one day. Something about giving him a good beating.

Studying secretly... you shouldn't be scolded, right?

However, except for Xia Meng who was already asleep, probably no one could wake up and scold himself.

So, in this quiet night, Xia Zhi recalled the time when he stayed up late reading to prepare for exams.It really makes those who hear it sad and those who see it cry.

However, it is worth mentioning that Xia Zhi was very surprised by the electronic notes Shiraishi Rika gave to Xia Zhi. The notes Shiraishi Rika mentioned contained all the contents of the first and second grades of high school, including the subjects learned so far. Easy to understand.Not to mention dealing with a final exam, even if he graduates from high school and prepares to take the college entrance examination, such notes can be regarded as priceless treasures to Xia Zhi.

Even though Shiraishi Rika has always kept her notes like this, it can be regarded as her brainchild. If she doesn't work hard, it would be a bit too sorry.

If you receive help from others somewhere, then use the part of yourself that was helped to show your success. This is the greatest respect for the person who helped you, at least that's what Xia Zhi thinks.

A certain fish was full of enthusiasm and confidence in learning, so he calmed down and prepared to study.With this glance, he had been watching for several hours without realizing it. If it weren't for the sound of Xia Meng opening the bedroom door that caught Xia Zhi's attention, Xia Zhi might not have known how long he would have been watching.

"Mengmeng, why are you up?" Xia Zhi asked her.

"Do you know what time it is?" Xia Meng did not answer Xia Zhi's question, but chose to ask another question, and then walked to the kitchen.I got my cup from the kitchen counter and went to the refrigerator.

After listening to Xia Meng's words, Xia Zhi looked at the lower right corner of his computer screen and saw that the time was already past one in the morning.

"I actually watched it for so long..." Even Xia Zhi himself was shocked.

"What are you looking at? You're so fascinated." Xia Meng's voice came from behind: "...You shouldn't have the guts to look at that kind of thing in front of me."

"What?" Xia Zhi looked back at Xia Meng who was drinking water in confusion.Xia Meng snorted softly: "So are you studying? This is really the first time in a long time that I have seen you reading so seriously except two days before the final exam."

Xia Meng seemed to have seen the contents of Xia Zhi's laptop.

"Because people always have to do something to reflect their own value, and I chose to study." Xia Zhi pretended to be cowardly, and Xia Meng chuckled disdainfully.

"Don't I know what kind of person you are? Tell me, who gave this to you? You are not good at doing such detailed things." Xia Meng crossed his arms and thought: "First of all, it shouldn't be the one named Tachibana Aya Although she seems to be a very smart girl, she should not be prepared to have such detailed things. She has memorized all the knowledge in her mind. Another person with a similar personality seems to be named Yamamoto Ryoko ? Although I don’t know what her grades are, I shouldn’t be able to take such detailed notes. So, who is the girl named Shiraishi Lihua? That’s right. After all, you are classmates and have a good relationship. I need to borrow it. Of course it’s best to turn to her for study notes.”

Xia Zhi was stunned on the spot.He didn't say anything yet, so he guessed everything.

"Things related to you are really easy to guess. No matter how many years or how many times, it has not changed much." Xia Zhi seemed to see Xia Meng smile softly: "Studying is a good thing, but it is still challenging. The first time is better. If you are reading after [-] o'clock, let alone the effect, just being in a sluggish state the next day is not a good thing. If you want to read, it is better to read during the day."

"That seems to be the case." Xia Zhi nodded.

"With such a large amount of text, divide it into several files and put it on your mobile phone to read slowly. Take it out and read it when you have nothing to do... No, you can't read such a systematic thing like this. You should just read it on the computer when you come back. It's better to watch." Xia Meng suddenly changed his mind: "The time for getting off work is at eight o'clock in the evening. If you have some time, then start at nine o'clock and watch two hours a day. It's almost enough. What's in the second year of high school? Where do you want to go? If you don’t understand anything, I’ll just tell you directly.”

Xia Zhi felt that he was being ridiculed, but the person who was ridiculing probably didn't notice it, so he let it go.After all, I couldn't resist, I couldn't hit him, I couldn't scold him, I could only endure it.

"Okay, that's it. If you think about it slowly, you don't know how long it will take. A regular schedule is also a necessary condition for promoting brain growth. Now, turn off the computer and wash your face. Go to sleep." Xia Meng said while holding the cup, staring at Xia Zhi closely.Of course Xia Zhi agreed, and he agreed readily. After all, it was already very late now, and if he continued reading, it might really affect class the next day.

After turning off the electronic switch, Xia Zhi placed the laptop on the kotatsu table and walked to the bathroom.After briefly washing up, I came to the bedroom.Xia Meng had already sat on the bed without turning on the light, but Xia Zhi had no idea of ​​changing clothes in the bedroom so openly.Taking the clothes he usually wore to sleep, Xia Zhi returned to the living room to change clothes.

Probably hallucinating, Xia Zhi heard a "bang" sound and looked around suspiciously, but there was nothing else.As for Xia Meng, that was impossible, she was already lying on the bed and asleep.

After changing clothes in the living room, Xia Zhi came to the bedroom and nestled into the quilt on the floor.The lights in the living room were also turned off, but I didn't forget anything.The room was quiet, and Xia Zhi quickly relaxed.

"Well, good night, Mengmeng."


Hearing Xia Meng's answer, Xia Zhi closed his eyes.I thought I was quite self-disciplined, but I didn't expect that there would be times when I would lose track of time while reading a book.I don't know if I have reached the pinnacle of my life.

However, I have to say thank you to Shiraishi Rika tomorrow.

 Add more.Don't ask me why it's so late, because I really didn't save the manuscript.

  Let go of those who haven’t saved the manuscript.
(End of this chapter)

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