Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 61 is such a perverted statement.

Chapter 61 is such a perverted speech.

From the time the customer left until the store closed at eight o'clock in the evening, there was still no customer.

"My head hurts..."

"Who asked you to drink the half-full glass of cold water in one gulp?"

When they walked out of the store, the air that was more stuffy than in the coffee shop almost forced the two of them back. Xia Zhi poured her a glass of cold water at Li Huacai's strong request, and she smashed the ice cubes with chopsticks and then The consequences of drinking a large glass of water in one gulp can be imagined.

"But it's so cool."

"What a perverted statement."

"It's so noisy. If you had a drink you'd be like me."

"That's why I didn't drink that drink."

Compared to Tachibana Aya, Natsuki, who is alone in a foreign country, pays more attention to her health. After all, she is abroad and living alone. If she gets sick, it will be very troublesome and may happen again. Xia Zhi did not dare to be careless about a big problem that threatened his life, and he could not be careless.

"You're so weak, compared to other Chinese people I've seen."

"Speak as if you have seen many Chinese people."

"In Chiba, there are quite a few. Especially in a place like Hachimangu Shrine."

"Oh... Pilgrims. But pilgrims should be just ordinary people. How could they be so powerful?"

"On the Internet, on the Internet. Things like jumping into puddles in the winter, blowing out alcohol lamps with your mouth, riding a bicycle across a single-plank bridge, etc. Isn't this super powerful? You are already a superman."

"Shut up! Don't watch this kind of video in the future!" Xia Zhi glared at her, his face was slightly red, and his expression turned black.

"Why? Even though it's stupid as hell, it's still interesting. There aren't many people like this in Japan."

"Because they're all cold."


Tachibana Aya was speechless, while Natsuki felt desperate.How can we not despair when this disgrace has been thrown abroad?

"Is there any advantage in doing this?"

"Benefits? Of course there are. There is the possibility of becoming an Internet celebrity."

"……and then?"


"That's it? Fake, right?"

"that's it."

"You Chinese seem to have more leisure than us..."

"They are not idle, they are crazy about wanting to reach the top in one step."

Natsuki composed the words while Tachibana Aya walked quietly aside.

"It's a very simple thing. Look, if I say on the Internet that I know the real identity of Zhu Yueliang, what do you think will happen?"

"It should cause a big commotion."

Her tone was very flat, as if she was stating a fact, but it did have a great possibility.Tachibana is not the only one pursuing an interesting life, but she stands out among the group.Zhu Yueliang's identity has always been a mystery. If a person suddenly appears on the Internet and knows Zhu Yueliang's true identity, then this person's attention will rise rapidly within a period of time. Recently, people will be interested in gossip The above is a sad fact.

"In China, fame is a very important thing. Just like big stars, they have a lot of fame and high popularity, so they have commercial value, such as making commercials, acting as endorsements, making movies, TV dramas and so on. , making money easily.”

"Well, that's understandable. The recent news is all about celebrities buying cars and houses, etc. Even the more popular games have some weird people to promote them. It's not interesting."

"The news that big celebrities can make a lot of money casually makes people jealous, right? The same is true for the people I just mentioned. They want to gain fame by becoming popular on the Internet. As long as they can meet the standards, they will Some companies will come and ask them to help with publicity and so on, so that they can easily get money. Pretty smart idea, right?"

"I can't deny it. After all, this is how my savings came from."

"They are much worse than you."

Xia Zhi retorted.

"Your money is earned by yourself. The time and energy you spend, the books you read, the information you look up, the plots you conceive, which one of these does not require hard work? Is there anything that is not your own? How about saying If people like you never get ahead, then Japan is the real pill.”

"...Thank you for the compliment."

"You guys are different. You have talent and you work hard, so it's normal for you to get something in return. Do you know how many times I've seen what you just said?"

"Huh? Are there many?" Tachibana asked curiously.

"In the video, the funny plots are all deliberately arranged, but I have seen no less than ten people repeating this specially arranged plot without changing it at all. They don't change at all. They want to make money but don't want to use their brains , I’m not a particularly beautiful or handsome person, can you understand how I feel?”

"'s a bit disgusting to be honest."

Tachibana Aya's face showed obvious disgust.It seems natural for her to be disgusted with such things as she believes in the life creed of "He who does not work shall not eat".The relationship between superiors and subordinates in Japanese society is very serious. Work has been linked to money from the beginning, and allowing students to work part-time is to allow them to better accept this concept.The most commonly used sentence pattern is for superiors to scold subordinates for not being enterprising and not working hard, but even the most commonly used sentence patterns can arouse their sense of shame. It is conceivable that the concept of "He who does not work shall not eat" is very popular in Japan. The most important thing in people's hearts.

They have also thought about getting something for nothing, but at least they will think about getting something for nothing.Although such people are not as good as those who are down-to-earth and work hard, they are much better than those who have nothing and are still thinking about reaching the sky.

"What about you, Xia Zhi? Have you ever thought about becoming a star?"

"It might have happened before, but it definitely doesn't happen now. I look very ordinary, not handsome, not very good at studies, not very interesting, and have absolutely no potential to become a star."

Xia Zhi spoke very plainly, without any emotional ups and downs, presumably he had thought it through very clearly.Tachibana was a little dissatisfied.

"It's not as bad as you said, right?"

"Huh? What did you say?"


She changed the subject.

"Do you want me to take care of you?"

She was joking.

"That was a real help."

Xia Zhi also responded with a joke.

I was chatting casually, and I didn't know when I had reached the convenience store.

"Wait for me a moment."

Xia Zhi still needs to buy ingredients for cooking tomorrow.

"Let's go together."

The two of them walked into the convenience store together. The clerk kept smiling and said welcome.

Choosing ingredients is actually not difficult. Using limited ingredients to make more dishes is the essence of Chinese cuisine.But when there is a woman next to me who has questions to ask for some reason, the time will be extended indefinitely.

When Xia Zhi came out of the convenience store, he felt that his mouth was almost dry.

"Honestly, I haven't eaten Chinese food yet. Xia Zhi, can you treat me to a meal? Just a Manchu-Han banquet."

"I can count the number of meals I can cook on one hand, and you still want me to cook a Man-Han Banquet? Why don't you just dream about it?"

"At this time, shouldn't I be so happy that I forget about it and agree first, then lie in bed alone at night with a sad face?"

"Is this some funny TV show?"

"I'm a beautiful girl so it's no problem."

"The problem is big."

A person cannot stand without trust. Integrity is one of the most important things for a person. It is an irresponsible behavior to casually agree to other people's requests. If it can be completed, it will be fine. If it cannot be completed, it will be a disaster for both parties. It is also a disaster for a person's integrity.Xia Zhi will not make promises easily.

"Wow, how stingy."

"Whatever you say."

Xia Zhi took two steps and Tachibana Aya followed.

"Well, if you don't casually agree to other people's requests, you can barely pass the test."

"I can't understand what you're saying."

"It's okay if you don't understand. Let's go."

"Don't push me..."

After walking to the convenience store, it was very close to Tachibana Aya's apartment. Within a few minutes, he had already reached the enviable high-end apartment building.Observing this apartment building carefully, because the surrounding houses are almost all two- and three-story single-family buildings, this gorgeous building stands out like a crowd.

"Then I'm leaving." Natsuki said goodbye to Tachibana Aya.

"Huh? I remember I told you that I would go to your house to play tonight, right?"

"...So you are serious?"

Xia Zhi was a little embarrassed.Natsuki doesn't object to others coming into her apartment to play, and the last time Shiraishi Rika and Yamamoto Ryoko suddenly (I guess) came to her apartment to play, it wasn't a big problem. Even for a character like Tachibana Aya, there should be no big problem. No problem.The problem is time.

"It's past eight o'clock now, it's very late. It's not safe to go back so late."

"Huh? Didn't I tell you that I was going to sleep at your house for one night?" The expression and tone were exactly the same as before.

"I'm sure you didn't say that."


Tachibana Aya slapped her mouth.

"Have you forgotten that I am a high-level Aikido player? There is no danger."

"One code is another code, these are two different things. When something really happens, it will be too late to say anything. It is better not to take this risk if it is not necessary."

"Xia Zhi, you look like a worried old man."

She glanced at Xia Zhi dissatisfied.

"Do you think there are any shameful things in your home? For example, pornographic books or something like that."

"There's no such thing."

Regardless of whether there is or not, this kind of thing must not be admitted. It is related to an impression issue that may last a lifetime.

"You actually said it so firmly, are you really an adolescent boy?"

"...What a disgusting statement."

Adolescent boys focus on more than just that, and this prejudice is too deep.As far as Xia Zhi is concerned, Paper Man's wife is more important.

"Really. Let's go. I'll be back later."

The great force from his shoulder made Xia Zhi turn around involuntarily and continue walking along the road.

"Hey, don't push me. Be gentle, it hurts a little..."

(End of this chapter)

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