Chiba Salted Fish Legend

As mentioned in Chapter 64, it was an accident!

As mentioned in Chapter 64, it was an accident!

Mutual trust is a very beautiful and ideal relationship between people. In such a relationship, people can do more things and do things better, and mutual trust will also make life more enjoyable. Beautiful, like crystal clear glass.Yes, like glass, beautiful, fragile.

This is not like a bond from blood that cannot be broken away.Glass is a very fragile material. It will be shattered into pieces if it withstands even a slight impact. Even if it is bumped, it will become incomplete and full of cracks.Trust is something as fragile as glass, so if you don't protect this gem made of glass, you will regret it later.

"I was stupid for believing that you would come to save me. It's my fault. But why did you have to fall on my way to escape?"

The character he controlled was seriously injured and was on the verge of death, kneeling and crawling on the ground, leaving a trail of blood. In the direction of his escape, there was a very luxuriously equipped corpse lying there, lying sideways, blocking the entrance to the safe area. Way past.Normally, it would be enough to just jump over, or if you are kind, you can take her body with you to the destination, but now... have you ever seen someone who was seriously injured and kneeling on the ground able to jump up?

"This is an accident! I originally wanted to jump over and give you a hand, but I didn't expect that the damage would be so high if I jumped from here! And if you fall to the ground and die immediately, this game is too unreasonable!"

Tachibana Aya defended.

"Who are you lying to? You came down from the corridor just now, and now we are both in! You obviously want to turn me into a corpse and then pass the level with my props!"

"How could I do something so cruel!? Aren't we friends? Don't you believe me?"

"Ah, from the moment you jumped, we broke off our friendship."

The breakdown of a trust relationship is never a small matter, and this guy has no need for trust at all.

"I told you, it was an accident!"

"This game is an asymmetrical confrontation and decryption escape game. The more props you get, the higher your score will be when you pass the level, and the higher the points you will get. But so far, no one has ever been able to carry more than 90.00% by one person. I passed the level by myself with all the player’s props. Although I haven’t played for a long time, I still know the rules very well.”

"What's wrong, you suddenly said this."

Xia Zhi glanced at her.

"You said, if you cut off the settlement interface and post it on the Internet, don't you know how famous your account will become?"

"Ah, hahahahaha, it seems like I will indeed become famous."

Tachibana Saipi looked away without a smile.

"Then, what can such a famous account be used for?" Xia Zhi's eyes seemed to have seen through everything: "At least, it can be sold for a lot of money, right?"

"You, you, you...who do you think I am! Do I need that little money?"

"Have you forgotten that you already told me that your pocket money is actually very small compared to the money you earn? Besides, do you think you are qualified for someone who buys his own novels and then signs them and sells them? Do you say this?"

"It's noisy, it's so noisy! If I say no, it's no!"

Xia Zhi sighed.

"Is money that important?"

"No, it's not important at all."

Tachibana Aya gave a negative answer quickly and resolutely without expression.

"In the end, if it wasn't because the operator was too black-hearted, I wouldn't be short of pocket money at all."

"Apart from your bottomless pit of money-making mobile games, can't you find some other games to play?"

"There's nothing I can do about it. No matter what game you play, you'll get bored quickly. It's fine when you first start playing it, but after three to five days of playing, it suddenly becomes boring. I'm also very troubled. Nothing can be played for a long time. A little bit of play.”

"What does this have to do with you playing mobile games for money?"

"Isn't this already obvious? Because there is little motivation, isn't it very convenient for a game where most things can be done with krypton gold? Occasionally, new characters or cards will appear, and there will be nice-looking illustrations, right? Then I will have some motivation. But it is still very troublesome to participate in interactions, and to be honest, the feeling of smoking things is a bit too addictive... Then I start playing krypton gold mobile games."

Although Tachibana Aya carefully explained the reason why she plays krypton gold mobile games, for some reason, Xia Zhi felt that the world was not friendly to poor people.Can money really do whatever it wants?At least in terms of playing krypton gold mobile games, I am afraid that I can really do whatever I want.

So angry, but keep smiling.

"Can't you find some hobbies that don't cost anything?"

"Is there any interest in this world that really doesn't cost money?"

Tachibana retorted.

"If you like reading, you need to buy books. If you like running, you need to buy good shoes and clothes. If you like playing games, you need to buy games or make money. If you think about it carefully, there is no interest in this world that does not require money. So-called interest Ah, it’s something that requires spending a lot of money outside of survival. The difference is just the amount of money spent.”

"Although I think you are just quibbling, I can't refute it... Can't you find something that costs less? Money mobile games, or Africans like you, are not compatible."

"Who do you think is African?" Tachibana Aya glared at Natsuki: "I'm just, just unlucky. I'm not an African."

"You are called an African in China."

Xia Zhi slapped her to death on the beach.

"You must have dreams as a human being!"

"I have long given up on dreams."

Xia Zhi sneered, swiped his phone, exchanged the points he had just settled for a treasure box, and then opened it skillfully...

"Ah! It's so dazzling! You beast, what did you hit!"

Tachibana Aya threw the phone aside, stretched out her hands and grabbed Xia Zhi's collar, almost grabbing it.

"...Meria's high-end costume, the highest level of rarity. When I first played, I thought this thing was synthesized by someone else using software..."

Xia Zhi said to himself.

"Isn't this unscientific? My title designation is obviously Uncle Black..."

"Ah! Damn!"

Aya Tachibana let go of Natsuki, picked up her phone, and quickly slid to the treasure chest redemption interface.I originally wanted to save it and smoke it all at once later, but now I no longer care about such a thing.Exchange two treasure chests and open them!

"This is impossible!"

Then came the African wail.

Tachibana Aya's eyes moved to the unusually conspicuous recharge button in the lower right corner...

"Hey! Do you still want to spend money on a game that you already find boring? Be sensible."

"It's so noisy! How can someone like you understand my pain!"

"Then don't spend money on such insignificant things! You've obviously given up on this game, right?"

Natsuki reached out and pulled Tachibana Aya's cell phone out of her master's hand. Tachibana Aya looked at Natsuki with a confused look on her face.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? No krypton is allowed. Why waste money on a place like this?"

"Wow, it's obviously my mobile phone and my money."

"One more word and I'll uninstall your game."

It's okay to take money and not treat it as money.It’s not like you’re really a young lady from a rich family. If you spend so much money, what if you fall into some kind of financial difficulty in the future?It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.Although with his status as a son of the human plane, he should not be in a situation where he is short of money, but he is not afraid of ten thousand in everything, just afraid of the unexpected.

"You're bullying me! I'm a high-level Aikido player!"

"If you dare to do something, I will call the police."

"I'm a girl! The police will believe me!"

"I am a Chinese international student, this is my apartment, and you are a high-level Aikido player. Who do you think the police will believe?"

"...Are you my mother? Even my mother never took care of me like this."

"Don't try to fool around in this way, and I have seen these two sentence patterns countless times, can you change to a new one."

Tachibana Aya sat on the bed and looked at Xia Zhi with an aggrieved face, and Xia Zhi responded forcefully on the chair.

"Such a tough guy won't be liked by girls."

"Anyway, I'm not planning to find a girlfriend or anything. If I don't like it, I won't like it."

Please, you are weak.jpg
Tachibana Aya frowned and stretched out her hand to Natsuki.Xia Zhi looked at her warily.

"What are you doing?"

"Give me back my phone! Isn't it okay if I don't spend money anymore?"

Xia Zhi returned the phone to her dubiously.

"Really, it's very impolite to reach out and grab a girl's things."

Out of position, Xia Zhi seemed to have gone a bit too far, so he apologized honestly.

"Sorry. That was a little too much."

"It's good to know that you're wrong. You know, even my mother never cared about me like this."

"Say it once is enough."

"Humph." He snorted cutely: "You have to take responsibility."

Xia Zhi's face turned dark when he heard this.

“Isn’t it too expensive to pay for a cell phone cigarette?”

"It's not big at all. If you don't let me earn money, then you will take the responsibility to make me happy."

Xia Zhi was relieved that the responsibility was different from what he expected, but the corresponding responsibility was actually not much better.It is not an easy thing to make the children of the plane happy.

There is a sentence that is very suitable for Tachibana color - 3 minutes of heat.She may become extremely interested in something because of the first impression, but it is more likely that her enthusiasm will fade away quickly after experiencing it for a period of time, because people are not enthusiastic about simple things, or things that are difficult and unreasonable. Very high.For Tachibana Aya, the child of the plane, things that are too simple do not arouse her interest. Judging from her preference to use MONEY POWER to solve problems, she should not like things that are too difficult.

So what does she like?Xia Zhi is also unknown.

"Anyway, go back and sleep."

I don't know when, the respect necessary to face the son of the plane has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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