Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 699 Hey, oh, oh, oh

Chapter 699 Hey, oh, oh, oh
After dinner, Shiraishi Rika and Yamamoto Ryoko were ready to leave. Because they were traveling together, Shiraishi Rika didn't seem to want Xia Zhi to come and see her off, but she dragged her away a little forcefully. She still wanted to stay. He wanted to play with Tachibana Ayai for a while and took her out of the apartment directly.Xia Zhi just walked to the entrance door to say goodbye. After Shiraishi Lihua turned around and said "see you tomorrow" and closed the door, Xia Zhi returned to the living room.

Xia Meng quickly checked the questions that Xia Zhi had done, ticked off a few mistakes, and then sat there waiting for Xia Zhi to correct them, but it seemed that she had no intention of continuing to write questions for Xia Zhi.

"I'm a little tired and don't want to write anymore." She said this and then sat down next to Xia Zhi. The two of them squeezed together and huddled inside the kotatsu table.

Xia Meng didn't want to ask the question anymore, so Xia Zhi felt that she had nothing to do. Baishi Lihua and Xia Meng washed all the kitchen utensils and tableware before leaving, and Xia Zhi felt a little bored.

"Just take a look at it for yourself in the next few days. These simple things should be no problem for you. It just depends on how well you can take the test. To be honest, the questions I have to ask are too simple. On the contrary, it will make you feel distressed.”

Xia Meng continued to be inappropriate, but Xia Zhi felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

"What about Mengmeng's standards..." Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still asked this question that made him feel a little uneasy.Xia Meng just glanced at him briefly, and then said: "Just try your best to take the exam, and I will make the decision when the time comes."

In other words - don't think about how to meet the standards, first try your best to achieve the best results.

Xia Zhi sighed inwardly and could only suppress his uneasiness.Although Xia Meng and Shiraishi Lihua's help has given Xia Zhi a great help, Xia Zhi is still a little unsure about whether he can fulfill his sister's request.The only thing we can do is to cover up the water with the help of soldiers... What if we really get a perfect score?
Xia Zhi began to daydream, and suddenly turned around and took a look. The single sofa was already filled with various dolls, the ones Xia Meng had caught when she went out to play with Shiraishi Lihua and the others. , piled up in a mess, Shiraishi Rika said she took them home and had no place to put them, Tachibana Aya said the same thing.Natsuki wasn't sure about Rika Shiraishi, but it was true for Tachibana Aya. Ryoko Yamamoto took away one of her favorite dolls and kept the rest.

All the puppets were piled up in the apartment.Xia Zhi didn't have any place to put them, so he simply put them all on the sofa.Then we have to find a way to put them all away.

Xia Meng took out another book that Xia Zhi was already somewhat familiar with and started reading it. Of course, this familiarity did not mean that Xia Zhi was familiar with the content. The only thing he was familiar with was the cover of the book.Xia Zhi just sat next to him quietly, without any thoughts.

He just stayed beside Xia Meng in such a boring way until it was almost time to go to bed. Xia Zhi came to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients for the next morning, and then hurriedly went to bed. To be honest, Xia Zhi didn't know that he was now I want to do something, but I feel like I won’t be interested if I don’t get it done.

However, time is such a magical thing. The more you care about it, the more it will develop in the opposite direction to what you think. Xia Zhi wanted to make time pass slower because of some worries, but the final exam Just like that, when Xia Zhi woke up in confusion, he found that there was actually an exam today.

Xia Zhi looked at the alarm clock on his phone with a confused look on his face. He had just slid it to turn off the alarm clock. It seemed to say that he was going to take an exam today... It wasn't until he came to the classroom and sat down that Xia Zhi realized that something was wrong. Incredible.

He was going to be tortured today... After realizing the truth, Xia Zhi felt himself suddenly trembling. This was too strange.

"Xia Zhijun? You came so early today." Xia Zhi heard Shiraishi Lihua's voice and raised his head to look at her: "Hmm, eh? Lihua, are you here too?"

Shiraishi Rika nodded: "Yes. Because we are just taking final exams."

As soon as he said this, Xia Zhi became faintly worried again. Shiraishi Lihua, who was good at observation, seemed to have noticed Xia Zhi's worry and smiled softly: "It will be okay, Xia Zhijun, come on."

Xia Zhi responded and sat in his seat quietly waiting for the exam.Although it is said to be a final exam, this test does not seem to be as formal as Xia Zhi thought. Although he has experienced it several times before, Xia Zhi feels that there are still some gaps compared with the country.However, this gap has been slightly filled today because of fear.

Classmates came in one after another in the classroom, and Ryoko Yamamoto also came, but her state was a little different from usual, and she looked a little lifeless.Instead, it was Xia Zhi who noticed her first and said hello to her.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I was wondering if there was a regret medicine in this world, how much would it cost? I think I need to take some now."

"...Are you starting to regret it?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuah!" Ryoko Yamamoto held her head: "Although I feel that nothing will happen to me, things like exams still make people feel a little scared."

"I told you not to review..." Xia Zhi laughed at her, but he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have the right to laugh at her. After all, he was the kind of person who didn't have much confidence after reviewing: "Don't worry too much, it's just the final exam. That’s all.”

"It feels a little weird coming from your mouth."

Yamamoto Ryoko shook her head and patted Xia Zhi on the shoulder: "Let's survive this catastrophe together!"

"You may have some misunderstandings about the final exam..." And to be honest, because of Yamamoto Ryoko's weird relationship, the temptation that Shiraishi Rika had just calmed down began to surge again.

"Xia Zhi~ ah!" A burst of shouting came from outside the classroom, and became closer and closer. It wasn't until Qingfeng walked away and called Xia Zhi inside the classroom that he realized that it was him who was screaming: "You must be me A companion, right!?"

"What weird thing are you saying out of nowhere?"

"You have been reviewing for so long, so you should be very confident, right?"

He didn't say it clearly, but what he wanted to express was already very clear.A look of contempt appeared on Xia Zhi's face: "Didn't you review it before?"

"I just took a quick look at it, but I'm not sure. You must..."

"I'll sit in the front and you sit in the back. You might as well give up."

"Hey woo woo woo!"

There are more and more people saying weird things recently.

(End of this chapter)

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