Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 703: Just like Xia Zhijun

Chapter 703: Just like Xia Zhijun

As the end of the exam bell rang, Xia Zhi stopped writing and sighed.In the end, I still couldn't finish the portrait of Xiao Xi. Although Xia Zhi's painting skills were like shit, he could at least create an outline, right?Although it took Xia Zhi half an hour just to draw such an outline.

What?You said this is an art exam?Of course not, Xia Zhi had already finished writing his test paper half an hour ago, and now he just felt a little bored and was just scribbling on the scratch paper.If he didn't do this, Xia Zhi would honestly feel a little bored, because he was taking an exam, but after writing the test questions in advance and not being able to hand in the papers in advance, this free time would be particularly boring.

Fortunately, this boring time has finally passed. Xia Zhi waited for Teacher Sasaki to take away his test papers and then stretched himself. If he did this before the end of the exam, he would be beaten, let alone the other side. The relatively sane girls sitting there, but Qingfeng at the back of the classroom who was yelling for Teacher Sasaki to give him more time and then Teacher Sasaki took away the test paper mercilessly, he is very likely. At this time, evil comes out of fear.

Xia Zhi packed up his things. Now is the beginning of his vacation. After that, he only needs to wait until the results come down to know how the results are.Xia Zhi wasn't too worried about failing, because if he could still fail, Xia Zhi thought it might be a good idea to go back on his own.However, Xia Meng's standards do make Xia Zhi a little worried, but now that all the test papers have been handed in, there is no use worrying anymore, just wait to be judged.

Today I have to go to the store manager’s house for dinner. I told Mengmeng yesterday, but Xia Zhi thinks it’s better to buy some more gifts. Although Mengmeng said to use the pile of cloth on the sofa that she grabbed from the claw machine. I casually took two of them and freed up some space, but Xia Zhi didn't do it in the end.

He took a photo of the puppet mountain and said that when he arrived at the store manager's house, he would show the photo to Xiaoyao and let her choose. After all, putting so many puppets in the apartment would be a bit obstructive. Although Basically, Tachibana Aya didn't know how to win it back, but if it was given to Xiaoyao, she shouldn't care, right?
Just talk to her a little bit.Natsuki composed a text message for Aya Tachibana, then put her phone back into her pocket, picked up her school bag, and was about to say hello to Shiraishi Rika and leave, but she just picked up her school bag and Shiraishi Rika unexpectedly He had already walked to Xia Zhi's table with his backpack.

Xia Zhi stared at her own eyes and looked at Shiraishi Lihua in disbelief.He, Xia Zhi, actually lost the race to pack his things and go home after class. Xia Zhi felt discouraged and even lost hope in life.superior
"How did Xia Zhijun do in the exam?" Shiraishi Rika asked, and Xia Zhi nodded towards her: "It feels okay actually, but I don't know how many points I can get. I hope Teacher Sasaki can be merciful."

"It seems that Sasaki-sensei is not the one who corrected the test papers. She is only responsible for invigilating the exams."

Xia Zhi scratched his head: "It's almost the same. Anyway, since the test papers have been handed in, there's nothing else to do. I'll just take a break these two days and wait for the results to come out."

"That's right. Do you want to go have something to celebrate together?" Shiraishi Reika suggested, but Xia Zhi laughed: "I celebrate every day. There are probably few people in the world who can cook better than Lihua’s cooking is delicious.”

"Hee. As long as Xia Zhijun likes it." Shiraishi Rika secretly laughed. Recently, this level of ridicule or praise can no longer make Shiraishi Rika shy. Although it is a bit regretful, she is also growing up slowly.

"Come over and have dinner together in two days," Xia Zhi invited Shiraishi Lihua: "Maybe that will be the last meal in that apartment."

Baishi Lihua frowned, looking a little unhappy: "You can't say that kind of depressing words! You can definitely pass! Mengmeng is not a bad boy who makes things difficult for others... If Xia Zhijun doesn't succeed, I will go there in person. Please."

"It shouldn't have to come to that point. I'm not ready to give up so easily." Xia Zhi scratched his hair: "In short, it's not clear what the situation is now. I will explain it carefully when the day comes. .”

"You absolutely can't just run away secretly." Shiraishi Lihua warned again, and Xia Zhi smiled at her: "I know."

"Reika! Reika!" Ryoko Yamamoto, who was still dawdling in her position, waved to Shiraishi Reika: "Come here, I have something to discuss with you! Natsuki, don't come over!"

Faced with Yamamoto Ryoko's obvious ostracism, Natsuki shrugged and didn't particularly care.After saying goodbye to Rika Shiraishi and Ryoko Yamamoto, Natsuki slipped out of the classroom.Today was another day when he was not able to go out of school for the first time, Xia Zhi deeply felt the fact that he was old, and couldn't help but sigh.

Maybe it was because I was so relaxed after taking the exam that I even thought about weird things.

Since there was no need to think about dinner, Xia Zhi walked quickly from school to the apartment.Xia Zhi felt his pocket vibrate for a while, and when he took it out, he saw it was a reply from Tachibana Aya.

There is a bunch of random weird words written on it. After selectively blocking these contents, the effective information left behind is very short.


After getting Tachibana Aya's consent, the matter was settled.But when he thought that he hadn't seen Xiaoyao for several days, and that this was probably the first time Mengmeng met the store manager and his family, Xia Zhi felt that he should actually put some thought into preparing a gift for his sister. After all, It was her first time visiting someone else's house, so she couldn't lose her etiquette.

So, when passing by the boutique, Xia Zhi chose a yellow-skinned mouse pendant based on his own memory and feeling. Its expression was normal and it didn't have any tendency to become an evil spirit.

Xiaoyao should like it, right?After all, liking cute things is one of the more obvious characteristics of a girl like Xiaoyao.

Xia Zhi returned to the apartment, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw a slightly dark living room with no light, and the curtains seemed to be drawn.It seems that Mengmeng should be sleeping, Xia Zhi quietly closed the door.

 Alas, youth is over and I am an old man now.

(End of this chapter)

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