Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 709: Being chased by a dog?

Chapter 709: Being chased by a dog?
In the end, Natsuchi was not able to stop Sayuri-sensei's rampage. There were fifteen dishes and two soups in the kitchen, a total of seventeen dishes. When Sayuri-sama called Natsuchi to bring all these dishes to the table outside, Xia Zhicai discovered that the restaurant manager's dining table could not accommodate all seventeen dishes.

"It seems that I accidentally did too much." Sister Sayuri said with a cold expression on her face, but there was no intention of regretting it in her tone. As for why Xia Zhi knew this expression so well, Xia Zhi felt that Xia Meng was the best answer.

They were all just stating the facts and never regretted it.

"What should we do with so many words?" Xia Zhi asked, still holding two plates in his hand and not putting them down.

"Put it in the kitchen first, and then bring it out after the food is finished." Sister Sayuri gave the perfect answer, and Xia Zhi's eyes twitched.

"Even if there are five people, they may not be able to finish eating so much food, right? Not to mention the pot you just brought out, Sister Sayuri... I don't think we can even finish that pot."

"It's okay, you can eat slowly." Sister Sayuri smiled at Xia Zhi. Xia Zhi felt that these words were very familiar, and soon thought of when she used to go out to visit relatives with her parents at home, and the relatives would cook a lot of meals. Just now That sentence is often said.So is this actually a universal way to receive relatives?
Xia Zhi felt that she should start paying attention to her weight.

"Why hasn't Dazhi come back? It's already this time." Sister Sayuri complained, and Xia Zhi complained to the store manager: "There have been a lot of customers in the store recently. Originally, I should be watching at this time. , if the store manager wants to come over, it may take a while. Just wait a little longer, anyway, Mengmeng and I are not hungry yet. "

"Are you still used to it? Over there at the apartment, or at the school."

"Everything is fine, there is no problem. Thanks to Mengmeng this semester, I feel that I can get a good score in the exam. But I may have to move in a few days." Xia Zhi has no intention of showing off, and does not hope that Sister Sayuri will have too much trouble. Too worried: "I moved because the landlord of the apartment I live in now seems to be planning to sell the apartment to live with her daughter, so I have to find a new place to live."

"That's it. Have you found a place to live? Do you want to come stay at our house?" Sister Sayuri invited Xia Zhi: "As for the room, there is also a spare room and a utility room. If you clean it up a little, it can be used as a room. It's for bedroom use. Xiaoyao will probably welcome you to live here."

Xia Zhi smiled and shook his head: "Forget it. If we come to live here, Xiaoyao will probably clamor for me to tell her stories every night. Then the store manager will be jealous and he will deduct my salary."

Sister Sayuri laughed softly, and then straightened her expression: "Just kidding, I think it would be better for you two to come live at our house, so that the house will be more lively, and you don't have to worry about the rent. "

"In fact, there is no need to worry about the rent. My sister is the sister I am proud of. If she says there is a solution, I will believe her. Moreover, with the pressure of rent, I will not become too lazy." Xia Zhi He scratched his head: "Sometimes people still need a little pressure to live more purposefully."

"That's right... Since you want to live outside, you must pay attention to safety. Don't worry too much about the rent. Choose one with a better environment and quality. If you are missing anything, just tell me, or let me know. If you have the ambition to increase your salary a little bit, then the pressure will be less."

"Ha. Let's see what's missing when we move. We'll buy it together then. Salary and stuff are already enough, so don't mention it to the store manager. Just stay in the store like this every day. I haven’t done anything here, but I still take so much money as salary from the store manager. To be honest, I’m quite embarrassed.”

"That's a normal salary level. It's better not to worry too much about it."

"Yeah." Xia Zhi nodded.

"Have you decided which apartment you want to go to? Do you want me to help you keep an eye on it? My classmates seem to have similar jobs, so I can help you ask."

"No, no, Mengmeng has already found it. I think the apartment I'm still living in is actually pretty good. It's close to the school and the store. It doesn't take much time to get here. People like me don't know much about it. I actually like it there when I go out for fun. So when looking for a new apartment, I actually look for it nearby. Mengmeng has already found all the nearby apartments. We have shortlisted them. Maybe we will go there in the next two days to actually take a look. Once we take a look, we should be able to find a suitable apartment to live in.”

"If you have a plan, I won't bother you, but remember, don't be too greedy for small gains. Apartments are actually a commodity. If they are too cheap, they will be uncomfortable to live in, and safety issues are also a headache." Sayuri Sister stared at Xia Zhi. Xia Zhi knew that she was saying, "Don't just move out and find a cheap apartment that makes people feel scared to live in." After all, Sister Sayuri was invited to join her. Xia Zhi came to live there, but Xia Zhi refused because he had already found a place to stay.

One can imagine how Sayuri-san felt when she saw what Natsuki's apartment looked like.

Xia Zhi laughed and tried to skip the topic.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"The store manager should be here, I'll open the door." Xia Zhi said and slipped away. Sister Sayuri looked at her, shook her head, and then laughed softly.

On Xia Zhi's side, when he opened the door, he saw the store manager. He seemed to be out of breath. He had also changed out of his uniform and put on his usual clothes.

"What's wrong? Are you panting like this? Are you being chased by a dog?"

"There are very few stray dogs around here, so you won't be chased by dogs." The store manager shook his head.

"Then you are?"

"I'm afraid that I'll be late when I come back, and you encourage your sister Sayuri to wait for me to have dinner." The store manager looked at Xia Zhi with an expression of "I've seen through the truth": "Even if Sayuri ignores you, she will because I’m worried that Xiaoyao will be hungry and have dinner in advance without waiting for me!”

"Who would! And when did you become so concerned about lunch? Is it someone's influence?"

As soon as Xia Zhi finished asking, a figure appeared in his mind. She was simply the incarnation of dinner.

"It seems you already know." The store manager stood there with a sly smile.

(End of this chapter)

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