Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 718 Speaking of this

Chapter 718 Speaking of this
Should you be happy?Xia Zhi started to think.

Indeed, it is indeed a joyful thing if someone likes you, because this at least proves that you have the advantages of being loved by others, but Xia Zhi also feels distressed by this.Sometimes, things that make people happy can in turn make people feel a little distressed. Xia Zhi felt that this was pain and happiness at the same time.

"Then... what does Rishi want to do?" Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still asked the question. If he didn't ask it, his actions would be meaningless: "To be honest, I didn't want to be with him at first. Who am I dating? This is what my family asked me to do, and I think this is normal... But after I got here, many things were different from what I expected. I know that a large part of the reason for this is me It was caused by my own attitude, but by the time I found out it was a little too late. I might... not be as trustworthy as you think, Rishi."

Rishi shook her head again: "That's not the case, but I just said that I shouldn't have done that. Should I say it was because I was too impulsive at the time, or maybe I was influenced by reading some comics... Anyway, at that time I did that, but I actually regretted it a little bit afterwards.”

"Finally, do you regret it..." Xia Zhi blinked, feeling complicated.

"It's not that Xia Zhi-senpai is not good, it's just that I think we should have considered it more carefully at that time. The fact that I like Xia Zhi-senpai will not change, but my liking may not be the same as what Xia Zhi-senpai thinks. I like it, it’s a little different.”

"What does it mean?"

"Well...that is to say, rather than liking me like a lover, I actually like Natsuki-senpai more like my friend, but in a closer way." Rise gestured with her hands, trying to use Detailed movements and language were used to describe a vague concept, but Xia Zhi couldn't understand it at all, but he could still understand a few words.

"But, in this case, it is necessary to give the first kiss directly to..." Xia Zhi didn't finish, and Rise's face turned red: "That's why I said it was a little impulsive. Although I don't hate seniors, seniors already have I am my girlfriend, I should pay more attention to my actions."

Is that really all there is to it?Xia Zhi thought about this question with some contradictions, but he didn't read anything more from Li Shi's expression.

"That's it..." Xia Zhi's mood became even more strange. He was a little disappointed, but also a little lucky, and felt a little complicated.

"So, senior Xia Zhi must not let senior Shiraishi know about this matter. It will be very tragic." Rishi said to Xia Zhi solemnly. Xia Zhi scratched his head. There was no way he could "Reika already knows about this," should she tell Rise?In that case, Elisha's character would likely have become shy and guilty.

Moreover, what happened will not change in any way, and Xia Zhi will not deliberately forget what has happened.What's more, this kind of thing can't be forgotten just because you want to.

"Speaking of this, Lihua asked me to say hello to you and said that I would go over to her next time and treat you to something delicious."

"Yeah! I won't be polite to Shiraishi-senpai's cooking!" Rishi nodded heavily: "Natsuchi-senpai, please say hello to Shiraishi-senpai and me when you go back."

"This is not a problem." Xia Zhi thought for a while, "In other words, in a few days, my sister and I, Lihua and her friend, and one of my friends will go out together. Let's play, do you want Lishi to come together?"

"No need. And does Senior Xia Zhi actually have a younger sister?"

"Well, she is a girl as cute as Rise, and she is also the sister I am proud of."

The topic gradually changed. Xia Zhi and Rise chatted together in this classroom for a long time. It wasn't until the school bell rang that Xia Zhi realized that it was almost time for class.

"It's already this time. Let's go, we have classes later."

Rise also stood up, but while she was urging Xia Zhi to go back to the classroom, she didn't look like she was in a hurry.

"I had lunch in the classroom, and I simply cleaned up before going to the classroom. The classroom is not far anyway, so Natsuki-senpai should go first."

So Xia Zhi left the music classroom at Rishi's request and walked towards his classroom first.As soon as he reached the door of the classroom, Xia Zhi saw Teacher Yingting who happened to be walking to the door of the classroom, and couldn't help but stepped forward to say hello: "Mr. Yingting."

"It's Xia Zhi, did you come here just after dinner?"

"No, no, just a little something." Xia Zhi shook his head.

"Did you encounter any trouble?"

"No, life is so smooth that it makes people feel a little bored. Don't worry, Teacher Sakuraba." Xia Zhi made a joke, but he only dared to joke with Teacher Sakuraba like this. He is a very gentle and approachable person. The teacher doesn't care about such trivial matters.

"That's good, but it's better not to make your life too boring." Teacher Sakuraba smiled, and then looked at Xia Zhi as if he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Xia Zhi, you are going to finish the semester this time It seems that you did very well in the exam. It seems that everything else except English is A, you are studying very hard, right?"

"Everything else is A... Have the final exam results been tallied up?"

"It will be sent to you tomorrow morning. If you show it to your parents, they will be happy, right? You can go out and have fun during the summer vacation."

"Yes." Xia Zhi nodded, and Teacher Sakuraba keenly captured something: "Xia Zhi, you have to thank me properly, for example, take her to the amusement park or something."

Xia Zhi almost forgot that among the crowd who encouraged her to fall in love, Mrs. Sakuraba was also an outstanding existence. Shiraishi Lihua and Yamamoto Ryoko went to eat with him every day, Shiraishi Lihua's grades were so good, Xia Zhi's With such a big improvement in grades this time, you can know what happened with a little bit of brain manipulation, so Teacher Yingting will know her situation, Xia Zhi is actually not very surprised.

Teacher Sakuraba's statement was almost like naming him. Natsuki smiled as if he was stupid, and then slipped into the classroom.Xia Zhi seemed to have seen Teacher Sakuraba snickering, but she no longer saw the snickering expression after she walked into the classroom.

He is indeed a professional teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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