Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 722 That's a Steamed Bun

Chapter 722 That's a Steamed Bun
It was finally time to go back from get off work. Xia Zhi returned Xiaoxi to Tachibana Aya, and he went back to the staff room to change clothes. When Xia Zhi came out, he found Tachibana Aya looking at him with his mouth bulging.

"what happened?"

"I just gave Xiao Xi a bath before I went out at noon. Didn't you ask me to wash it again?" Tachibana Aya raised Xiao Xi. Although Xiao Xi was originally black, Xia Zhi could still faintly see it. The mottled color patches on Xiao Xi's body are not Xiao Xi's color.

Hmm... I guess I got it from playing with Xia Zhi just now.I was busy playing with Xiao Xi and forgot about this matter.

Xiaoxi meowed, and stretched her little head towards her paw, as if she wanted to lick it, but Tachibana stopped her: "I'll give you a bath first when I get back."

"Well, kitten, it's normal to be noisy. Don't blame him too much." Xia Zhi tried to remove himself from this matter, but Tachibana Aya's IQ was not that low. So Xia Zhi failed.

"I want compensation!"

"Compensation? What compensation?"

"Hmm...I want to eat dumplings!"

Natsuki looked at Tachibana Aya in confusion, not quite sure where Tachibana Aya's idea came from.Nothing related to dumplings has happened recently, and the topic of dumplings was not mentioned at all in the conversation just now.

But Tachibana quickly exposed her purpose: "I want to eat gold and laugh!"

"That's a steamed bun." It turns out that the culprit is here: "Why did you suddenly think of this? Also, animation is animation, don't confuse animation with reality. How can I possibly make this thing? You have to find it. Lihua."

"That's right." Li Huacai nodded after thinking carefully, "Then I have to find a way to get Li Hua to make me dumplings."

"Those are steamed buns." Xia Zhi emphasized again, Tachibana Aya puffed her lips: "They are all the same!"

That's totally different.But there would be no results if he continued to argue with Tachibana Aya, so Natsuki chose to give up.

"Since everything is fine, let's go." Xia Zhi helped Li Huacai turn around, then pushed her towards the outside of the store.Tachibana Aya showed off her strong conversational skills as always, or one-sided conversational skills. She walked all the way from the coffee shop to the door of her house, her mouth never stopped, and Natsuki was still thinking that she might not feel She is thirsty, but Tachibana Aya's state is indeed relatively normal for her.

If she stops talking one day, then Xia Zhicai really needs to worry that she is going to cause trouble.

"That's it. Be sure to wait for me at the gate of your school at noon tomorrow! Or rather, I'll wait for you."

Natsuki nodded and stood ready to watch Tachibana Aya enter the apartment building before leaving. This was also his long-standing habit. Since he had sent her home, he took a long time to confirm that she had actually entered the building.Tachibana Aya obviously had no doubts about this situation. She turned around and walked towards the apartment.

However, what Xia Zhi didn't expect was that Tachibana Aya turned around at the speed of light as soon as she took two steps. She took two steps in tandem and instantly closed the distance between Xia Zhi and kissed Xia Zhi on the face. Immediately afterwards, Tachibana Aya, who had just completed the above action, turned around again at the speed of light, and then quickly ran away with two and a half steps. All this happened in just one and a half seconds. When Natsuki reacted, Tachibana Aya had already run to the door of the apartment.

Natsuki watched Tachibana Aya run downstairs in a panic. As a result, she stumbled because she moved too fast when going up the stairs. He involuntarily stretched out his hand towards her, as if he wanted to give her a hand.However, Tachibana Aya quickly adjusted her figure, ran downstairs of the apartment building, and quickly ran in.

Xia Zhi stood there stunned for almost half a minute, then scratched his hair: "What is this?"

Then he continued to walk back to the apartment with doubts and a little less obvious shyness.Of course, it was not so obvious just for Xia Zhi's own feelings. When Xia Zhi appeared in front of Xia Meng, the sister who had no expression at first was suddenly stunned: "What is your expression? It looks like It’s like you know that you just picked up 100 million and you’re going to pay it back soon, but you’re still happy about the fact that you picked up 100 million. Did Tachibana-san do something to you?”

"...This example is a little bit not that easy to understand." If Xia Zhi hadn't been sure that Mengmeng wouldn't watch Bizarre Adventure, he might have blurted out "What a wonderful metaphor": "Speaking of Mengmeng, why do you think Watachi Hanasai Is it related?"

Although it was indeed related, Xia Zhi, who just wanted to divert the topic, didn't want Xia Meng to know.

"The only one who can come back with you at such a late hour is Sister Tachibana. With her character and your current expression, it would be strange if nothing happened." Xia Meng hugged his arms, Shaking his head: "You still need to exercise more."

Although he didn't know what exercise specifically meant, Xia Zhi subconsciously felt that it might not be a good thing, at least in his own opinion, so Xia Zhi pretended not to care and ignored the topic.

"Anyway, there is nothing to do now. Mengmeng should come and see if there is anything that needs to be packed. We will move directly there tomorrow afternoon. Although there are no big things that need to be taken away, there are still a lot of small things. "." When Xia Zhi said this, his eyes were looking at the doll mountain. Although Xiaoyao and Xia Meng had selected a lot of them before, they had no chance to come and get them.The store manager's car may be used when moving out tomorrow. I can just use the car to carry the gifts for Xiaoyao.

There are other things such as cups, dishes, chopsticks and kitchen utensils. These were not provided when renting the apartment, but were bought by Xia Zhi himself after that. Because they are still usable, they also need to be taken away.Coupled with some other things, it is a little time-consuming and labor-intensive to confirm what needs to be moved.If we rely solely on tomorrow afternoon, we can still make it in time, but time is a little tight.

Yes, but there is no need to be so tiring.

Xia Meng also nodded: "You can indeed think about what you need to move first. If there are a lot of things, just be prepared in advance and call the moving company to help. I remember there is such a company in Japan, right? ?”

"Although I haven't screamed, it does happen."

"That's enough, let's see what needs to be left behind and what needs to be taken away."

(End of this chapter)

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