Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 729 What are you talking about!

Chapter 729 What are you talking about!

A group of five people walked a little distance and arrived under the new apartment building.This apartment is not the same type as the one Xia Zhi lived in before. The old apartment was only two floors high and the style was very old. Even the apartment can be seen to have the influence of the Japanese style of that year.

But this apartment, which is newly built in recent years, does not have such a feeling. Japan, which has been deeply influenced by foreign culture and modernization, has gradually and deliberately downplayed this style, except for some more classic buildings, such as Most places such as shrines have been transformed into Western styles.Old-fashioned Japanese-style houses should be more common in the countryside of Japan now.

And this new apartment is also a similar style apartment. It looks more modern, neat and concise, but it does not allow Xia Zhi to feel the culture of the place where it is located. Such an apartment is not to mention placed in Japan. Even if it is placed in the United States or China, it will not be inconsistent. It feels like it can blend in with the surrounding steel jungle scenery.If this is a change brought about by modernization, the advantages and disadvantages it brings should be considered a matter of opinion.

At least Xia Zhi still likes the old apartment with an older style. Although it is a bit too old, at least it still has the unique atmosphere of this country.

I don't know if it's because Xia Zhi grew up watching Fatty Lan, but Xia Zhi is particularly interested in things like tatami.It is a pity that there are not many apartments with tatami mats, at least the apartment in front of me should not have any.

"This apartment looks a little crude." Tachibana held the box and made a judgment based on her own feelings.

"Isn't this apartment pretty good? It looks pretty neat and clean. Although there are more floors, there should be facilities like elevators, right? In comparison, the previous apartment should be a little more crude, right?" Shiraishi Rika Some doubts.

"Don't compare the ordinary one with the one you live in." Xia Zhi shrugged: "The levels are already different."

"That's it," Tachibana Aya looked up at the apartment: "It always feels like something is missing, which makes people feel very subtle."

"I seem to have the same feeling." The first person to speak up was Ryoko Yamamoto: "Should I say it's too modern, or too simple? This building doesn't seem to have its own style. Look. It looks a little too ordinary.”

"Yes! That's what I want to say!"

"Thankfully you are a very popular light novel writer, and you actually let others say what you want to say first." Xia Zhi shook his head.

"But if you put it this way, it is true that this apartment is a bit ordinary." Even Shiraishi Lihua nodded.

Xia Zhi took out a hand and scratched his head: "Your requirements are too high. I think it's already very good. It's just an apartment. This is more normal, isn't it? I chose this apartment after careful consideration."

Xia Meng looked at Xia Zhi and snorted softly: "This is what I chose."

Shiraishi Rika and Tachibana Aya suddenly froze.

"But I am the one who makes the final decision, right? I think this apartment is very good, but your requirements are too high." Xia Zhi shook his head and walked towards the apartment: "Let's go, let's take a look inside the apartment first How about it, maybe it’s much better than imagined?”

"When you said this, didn't you also think that this apartment was not that good?" Ryoko Yamamoto poked Xia Zhi with her elbow and whispered to Xia Zhi with a smirk on her face.

Xia Zhi glared at her: "You are the only one who talks too much."

Xia Zhi took the lead and walked into the apartment: "Which floor is the apartment room on?"

"The sixth floor, the innermost room." Xia Meng said, and took out a key from his pocket: "That's the corner room in this apartment."

"Wow... the sixth floor..." Xia Zhi looked up and said, "If there wasn't an elevator, I really wouldn't want to live on such a high floor."

"What are you talking about!" Baishi Lihua's voice came over. This was the first time Xia Zhi heard Baishi Lihua's excited voice: "Isn't the sixth floor very good? It's ventilated and has a good view."

"Yes, yes!" Tachibana Aya immediately joined in the conversation: "And it's the dream-like room in the innermost room! Is there anyone as dissatisfied as you!?"

Being attacked by a group of people in an instant, Xia Zhi was a little confused: "But if you want to go downstairs, isn't that the most troublesome position? Going up and downstairs is so tiring..."

"Do you think the elevator is a decoration!?"

"Young people should exercise more!"

The fierce attacks of the two girls, Rika Shiraishi and Aya Tachibana, finally left Natsuki speechless. He blinked his eyes and glanced at him. He was not looking at him. Instead, he lowered his head as if thinking. Xia Meng was thinking about something... and finally admitted it.

"Anyway," Ryoko Yamamoto blinked: "Let's go up first. To be honest, this box is a little heavy and I can hardly hold it."

"Yes. Let's go up and take a look first." Xia Meng also nodded.

"Yeah, let's go." Bai Shi Lihua nodded quickly.

"I also feel that my hands are a little tired." This is what Tachibana Aya said.

Xia Zhi felt that they suddenly became too much...

Ryoko Yamamoto was no different from before, except for Natsuki blinking her eyes. What she wanted to express was clear at a glance: "Remember to thank me afterwards."

When you walk into the apartment building, you can tell at a glance what the structure of the building is. The door is in the middle. When you walk in, you can see the elevator and the passages to both sides. Next to the elevator are the stairs. You can see it at a glance. You can tell that each floor of this building looks like this.

Fortunately, there are two elevators, and both of them are good. Otherwise, Xia Zhi felt that he could really go for a run with Wuhe, otherwise it would be a problem to even go upstairs after this.

The corridor is quite clean, as is the elevator. There are no small advertisements or similar things. Although the apartment where Xia Zhi lived before did not have any, it was because the apartment was too old and no one lived there. to something like this.But managing such a large apartment is not at the same level as before...

At least, Xia Zhi now has some confidence in the property of this apartment.All that's left is to try to adapt to this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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