Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 738 You are going retrograde again! ?

Chapter 738 You are going retrograde again! ?
"I'm going to drive, don't forget to take that with you!" Tachibana Aya ran away in a hurry after saying this.

She didn't bring anything with her when she ran over. Both her car and her luggage should still be there. Although she looked a little tired after running over to eat and then back to drive, she patted herself. chest said: "Who do you think you are talking to? Is my No. 3 marathon runner a joke to you?"

Xia Zhi had nothing to say, so he told her to "run slower" and left with her.

As for "that" she said at the door, Xia Zhideng didn't expect that Tachibana Aya would even want to take it with her when traveling, so she put the Ludo chess that had been put back into the box into her suitcase.Because there weren't a lot of clothes to bring, the space in the suitcase was quite large. Even if he put the box in, the box still felt a little empty, which gave Xia Zhi the illusion that he didn't have any luggage.

"Let's go down after a 2-minute break." Xia Zhi looked at Xia Meng: "I'll check the windows again. After all, I'll be out for a long time, so it's better to be careful."

Xia Meng nodded: "Then let's go down first. As for Sister Tachibana, it won't take long to reach her home." Xia Meng stood up from the kotatsu table and walked to the other side as a habit, because She didn't wear shoes, and when she stepped out of the kotatsu table mat, it was all covered with ceramic tiles. Xia Meng stepped on it, then quickly frowned and took her feet back, looking at the slippers placed next to her.

"Why don't you ask someone to come over and replace the tiles with tatami mats in the next few days? I don't really like wearing slippers." Xia Meng said something sexual, but Xia Zhi knew that if he didn't stop her, she would probably do it. This sounds outrageous.

"That's it. Mengmeng, please don't get into the habit of not wearing slippers. Although it has just been cleaned, it's not okay if you catch a cold."

"I know." Xia Meng nodded and walked to his bedroom in slippers. Shiraishi Lihua and Yamamoto Ryoko also stood up: "There shouldn't be anything missing, right? I'll take Xia Zhijun's luggage as well." .”

"No need, it's not a very heavy thing. Let's go down together later and take a look around again."

Xia Zhi went around the apartment and checked the doors, windows, power supply, etc. Finally, he came to his bedroom, made sure that the windows were closed and the power was unplugged. Then he walked out and found that Xia Meng and the other three had put on their shoes and were ready to go downstairs. .Compared with myself, these girls seemed to be more interested in this trip.

"Xia Zhi, you are too slow." Yamamoto Ryoko complained.

"We went down so quickly and Tachibana hasn't arrived yet." Xia Zhi shook his head, then looked around: "Mengmeng, do you know where the electric switch is?"

"It should be the small box embedded in the wall at the entrance." Xia Meng pointed to an obvious iron cabinet above the shoe cabinet. Baishi Lihua opened it and took a look: "It's right here, do you want to pull it down? "

"Be careful." Xia Zhi carried the suitcase to the door: "I'll do it."

"There won't be any danger." Shiraishi Lihua pulled down the switch, and the room turned dark with a click. Xia Zhi blinked. Fortunately, it was daytime, and the light coming from outside the door could still be seen. Allow yourself to see clearly where your shoes are.

Baishi Lihua stretched out her hand. Xia Zhi understood what she meant and handed her the suitcase in her hand. Baishi Lihua also lifted it slightly, as if she had no use at all: "Look, It’s not heavy. Let’s go to the elevator first.”

Then Shiraishi Rika took Xia Zhi's suitcase and slipped away.

Xia Zhi was not prepared to just let her flee the scene with the stolen money, so he quickly put on his shoes and walked out of the door. After closing the door, he also used the key to lock it, because he didn't know how many days he would have to go. I have just arrived, and I don’t know what kind of people my neighbors are. Although I can’t speculate on others with malicious intent, it is still indispensable to be on guard against others.

He walked towards the elevator, and there were three girls waiting for him.Although this elevator is not particularly large, it can accommodate four people and four suitcases that are not too large. There is still a lot of space for people to stand, so it does not seem crowded.

She went all the way down to the first floor and walked out of the apartment. Sure enough, she didn't see Tachibana Aya or her car. Sure enough, even if she were Tachibana Aya, she couldn't ignore the physical distance and return to her apartment as quickly as opening any door. apartment.So, on the roadside in front of this apartment, four people stood here with their luggage beside them, waiting for Tachibana Aya to arrive.

Directly in front of this apartment is a road with many vehicles. Although it is still morning, because it is spring break, there are still many people on the road wearing school uniforms or casual clothes, but they can still be seen. Creatures that appeared to be students were moving around, and they all looked at Xia Zhi more or less with a look full of resentment and murderous intent that was about to turn into reality. Xia Zhi was on pins and needles.But the three girls didn't think so.

They were still discussing what their next plan would be.Xia Zhi felt that he didn't need to go out of his way to understand, he could just follow along and play.

Later, a black car in the distance that could attract others' attention came slowly. Although Xia Zhi couldn't remember what the car was called, he still remembered that it was quite handsome. modeling.And it lived up to expectations, grabbing the attention of passers-by and running all the way, finally stopping in front of Xia Zhi.

Tachibana rolled down the car window and put one hand on the edge of the window. Hanging on her forehead were sunglasses that Xia Zhi knew she wouldn't wear. They were probably just a simple decoration: "This lovely lady..."

Xia Zhi felt that this scene seemed familiar...

"Are you going backwards again!?"

"This is a temporary parking spot!" Tachibana Aya immediately retracted her hand and blocked her head, blocking Xia Zhi's attack route.

"Okay, okay, put your luggage quickly and get ready to go." Shiraishi Rika came over to help Tachibana Aya, who looked at Shiraishi Rika gratefully and then opened the trunk of the car.

Tachibana Aya's luggage was already placed inside.But thanks to the fact that the suitcases of everyone present were not big, the luggage could fit inside.

Then, under the gaze of many people, Xia Zhi opened the passenger door and got in.

The murderous gazes coming from all around became more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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