Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 743 Lihua, you have changed

Chapter 743 Lihua, you have changed

"It's your turn, Natsuki." Ryoko Yamamoto urged Natsuki to put in his points. Natsuki glanced at his sister next to him who had just run smoothly to the finish line, praying that he could have the same luck as her, and picked up the The dice were then thrown...failed.

As for why Xia Zhi is so fragrant, it is better not to delve too deeply into this issue.

Tachibana picked up the dice and now it was time for three normal people to fight against each other.

"Lihua should be busy in the kitchen now, right?" Xia Zhi guessed.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Lihua is making lunch alone, and we are playing here. It feels a little bad."

"I thought you were going to say something?" Ryoko Yamamoto picked up the dice that Tachibana Aya had just thrown: "I don't think you need to worry about this problem. For Lihua, cooking is equivalent to an entertainment activity, so it will It will make her happier. Anyway, if she comes to play with us, she will be watching us play in two or three times."

"That's true...although it's true, it feels quite miserable when I stand up. Of course, I'm talking about us." Xia Zhi blinked.

"It's true." Tachibana Aya crossed her arms and said, "Although Xiaolihua is very lucky, Mengmeng is not bad either. Besides Xiaolihua, isn't Mengmeng the fastest? "

"Well, I'm used to it."

"As for Lihua, she should be humming and cooking at the same time. It just so happens that it's not time to eat yet, and there's probably no one in the kitchen." Ryoko Yamamoto also held her chin and said, "Don't worry about it anyway. She, if you are worried, just give up quickly and go to the kitchen to have a look."

"That won't work," Xia Zhi shook his head: "I will definitely be the next one to leave the base. Don't even think about taking this opportunity to let me leave."

Xia Zhi rolled the dice again and failed.

"Look at you." Ryoko Yamamoto said with a sigh.

"I just feel like I couldn't help much in the past, and I always felt a little obedient when I got here..." Xia Zhi frowned: "I always feel like there is a deep misunderstanding spreading here."

"Are you thinking too much? Ah, it's my turn."

Ryoko Yamamoto took the dice from Tachibana again: "Don't worry about it, if Lihua needs help, she won't be polite to you now. She will be very happy if you can eat more at noon .”

"I can also help, in the matter of eating." Li Huacai raised her hand to speak, and Xia Zhi gave her a look: "You eat a lot and don't exercise, so don't cry when you really get fat."

"I won't get fat." Tachibana Aya smiled proudly.

"It's really enviable." Ryoko Yamamoto cast an envious look at Tachibana.

"Don't be envious, hurry up, whoever wins first can go to the kitchen and eat secretly!" Tachibana Aya said eagerly, and Yamamoto Ryoko suddenly became interested: "Count me in!"

Xia Zhi felt that the reward for winning was a bit outrageous, but this did not prevent Xia Zhi from wanting to win.

"You can't come to the kitchen to steal food." Xia Zhi was about to throw the dice when the sliding door of the room was opened again. Shiraishi Lihua walked in, holding a plate in her hand. You can guess it without looking.

"Lihua." Ryoko Yamamoto winked at her: "I was just talking about you. Do you want to come and play together?"

"I don't need to. These are just made snacks, not a lot. After all, they use ingredients from the hotel kitchen. If you use too much, you will cause trouble for them." Shiraishi Lihua put the plate with snacks on the table. Tachibana Aya's eyes almost glowed: "I'm not welcome anymore!"

Xia Zhi slapped her hands away: "Wash your hands."

"...Where can I wash my hands here?"

"Isn't it over there?" Xia Zhi pointed to a small cubicle in the room, which should be the private bathroom of this room. After all, Xia Zhi had not seen anything similar in other places.

"Take the evil one." Tachibana Aya stuck out her tongue, stood up and went to wash her hands. Yamamoto Ryoko took this opportunity to secretly extend her hand towards the plate, but was slapped away by Shiraishi Rika: "Go and wash your hands. "

"Reika, you have changed." Ryoko Yamamoto looked at Shiraishi Rika with her mouth bulging, but all she saw was Shiraishi Rika's unwavering eyes, so she stood up obediently and followed Tachibana Aya to wash her hands.Xia Meng also stood up and walked over there.

"It's really a worry-free guy." Xia Zhi sighed, retracted the hand that was also patted by Baishi Lihua, and stood up: "Lihua, is there anything you need to help with?"

"No, lunch is already being prepared. Xia Zhijun, just rest in your room. After lunch is done, we will set off to the park." Shiraishi Lihua smiled: "Xia Zhijun is going to wash his hands too."

"I know I know." Xia Zhi nodded, "If you need help with anything, just call me."

"I will." After watching Xia Zhi follow Xia Meng, Shiraishi Lihua stood up again: "Then I will go back to the kitchen. I will come and call you when lunch is ready."

"Okay." Natsuki responded and walked inside to wash his hands. When he came out again, Shiraishi Rika had already left, and Tachibana Aya and Yamamoto Ryoko were already eating the food that Shiraishi Rika brought. Desserts are served.

"Save some for me." Xia Zhi hurried over. If he had been slower, he would have suspected that the two girls would eat up his share.

"Don't worry, don't worry. But hurry up, the game is not over yet." Yamamoto Ryoko pointed to the dice on the table while eating snacks. In the short period of time when she washed her hands, it was once again her turn. By myself.

Xia Zhi sat down and reached out to take a piece of snack from the plate.

"Speaking of which, did we bring anything like a camera?" Ryoko Yamamoto suddenly thought of this question: "I didn't bring any."

"We didn't bring it with us either." Xia Zhi shook his head: "If you want to take pictures, you can also use your mobile phone, right?"

"It's such a waste to use a mobile phone to take pictures of such a memorable trip."


Xia Zhi didn't quite understand the difference. After all, the photos he took were basically taken with his mobile phone, and he rarely used instruments like cameras.

"I have one." Tachibana raised her hand: "Will Xiao Lihua come over and take a photo together? This is really a nice hotel, and I feel that I will leave a very good photo."

"You actually know how to bring a camera?" Xia Zhi looked at her doubtfully.

"After all, this can be regarded as a collection activity to some extent." Tachibana Aya hugged her hands, showing her wisdom and wisdom.

(End of this chapter)

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