Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 75 Calm down, Xia Zhi

Chapter 75 Calm down, Xia Zhi
There were a lot of troublesome things, including clearing the dishes, cleaning, and having to deal with the bombardment of information from Tachibana Aya named [Dating Simulation]. In just over an hour, I felt like I was almost exhausted.Xia Zhi did not choose to sit on the sofa, poured herself a glass of cold water, and walked into her bedroom with it.

Put it on the table and Xia Zhi turned on the computer.There is still plenty of time now, so it is a good choice to play games for a while and relax.It's rare to live alone so early, so there's nothing wrong with being unfettered.

Sitting in front of the computer and scanning the library list, Xia Zhi suddenly realized that he didn't have any games he wanted to play.The wizard is still there, Cailiu Siege Notebook can barely be used, the network is blocked, the undead are beaten to ashes, Bayek's magical journey has lost any interest... Suddenly there is nothing to play. Yes.

Xia Zhi was thinking about whether to give Ji Pang something, and the phone on the table vibrated again.Without even thinking about it, it must be Tachibana Aya. When I swiped my phone and saw, it turned out to be her.So she didn't notice the fact that the way she simulated became very strange. This was no longer a beautiful thing like love, this was simply a mysterious combination of unrequited love and yandere.

The phone is vibrating non-stop because Tachibana Aya has a super, super bad habit - she likes to break down every sentence into four or five words or short sentences and send them one by one, which means she has four or five sentences. pieces of information to form a sentence.This is the favorite way of online chatting among young people today. If the wireless network were replaced by text messages, Xia Zhi felt that both of them would be scared to tears by the phone bill.

[I bought it online a few days ago]

【That cute child】

【Finally arrived today】

[I'll take it apart and take a look]


【You can't even think of it】

[Completely different from the reference picture]

【What a loss】

【That is simply an evil god】


【are you still there】

[Reply me]




From the beginning to the end, there are obviously things that can be explained clearly in one sentence, but I have to break them down and force the amount of information to increase to 99%.Not to mention the group chat, in the private chat, the number of unread messages reached more than 50 in just about [-] minutes, which is a little scary, no, it should be a bit scary.

[Please put it together into one sentence. It’s very troublesome to read.And it’s very scary]

Xia Zhi answered her anyway, and five seconds later there was another message from Lihuacai on the phone screen.

[I’m so rude, I actually said that chatting with a pretty girl is scary or something]

It's actually quite scary.And this can be considered an instant reply, right?Are you staring at your phone all the time?The picture is more terrifying, okay?And how boring is it to stare at your phone all the time?
[Why don't you write novels and chat? Is it really okay to fish like this? 】

[I have a good job every day, what does it matter if I touch a fish a little bit]

Xia Zhi was typing on his mobile phone when Li Huacai sent another picture.After Xia Zhi glanced at the picture, his hands stopped unconsciously.

This is a figure from a popular anime, and Xia Zhi also knows it.Although Natsuki is not a very cute type, he is still a very beautiful character in the anime.

Xia Zhi erased all the typed words and pressed them quickly with his fingers.

【Are you serious?Is this simply a figurine of an evil god? 】

Although she is not cute, I feel a little pitiful when I see this child being bullied like this by the manufacturer.This isn't even a demonic modification, it's just a completely evil figure.

Tachibana Aya sent another picture at this time.This is the online reference picture of the figure just now. It looks very delicate and cute. It is completely different from the evil god figure.

[Isn’t this considered fraud? 】

【That’s it!This is too much!And it’s damn expensive. 】

People like Tachibana Aya who spend a lot of money say that it is extremely expensive, so the price must be very high... It would be quite embarrassing for anyone to buy such a thing at a high price, right?

[Take it and return it. 】

[But it is very troublesome to return the goods...]

[Didn’t you say it’s expensive as hell?After spending so much money to buy a figure like this, no matter what, it’s better to return it, right? 】

[Although this is true, returning and refunding is really troublesome.Now think about it, isn't this all their conspiracy? 】

Xia Zhi finally understood.

[Is it really that troublesome? 】

【Um. 】

Shopping online is no different than shopping in real life. All you can see is the reference picture given to you by the seller, and you won’t know what you’ll end up with unless you actually take a look.Although some will provide a refund and return service, but there are also those who use this as a cover and create a super troublesome return process to prevaricate people. The purpose is to make consumers give up refunds and think they are unlucky. In fact, there are many such Consumers who gave up the refund because the refund cost more than buying a Cthulhu figure, could only yell and curse on the Internet...

Are the hearts of today’s adults already so dirty?It's really terrible.

[...Do whatever you want, this round is considered a victory for the dirty adults]

[Well...I will never buy anything sold by this manufacturer again]

Xia Zhi was glad that he couldn't afford something as high-end as a figurine. If he had spent a lot of money to buy an evil god and take it home, Xia Zhi would probably even have the heart to die.This is what happens when people are poor and have short ambitions, there is nothing they can do about it.

Just when he didn't know what to say, Xia Zhi suddenly received a message from the little angel on his cell phone.

[When I got home, my sister pushed me to take a shower. I just finished it now.I have arrived home safely and want to tell my seniors. 】

[Safety at home is better than anything else]

Because the little angel is not a child of some plane like Aya Tachibana, and does not have the hands-on ability of an Aikido master like a high school student (laughs). Nor does she have the confidence and luxury of a wealthy family like Shiraishi Rika, and she still always He is weak and looks easy to bully, which makes people worry uncontrollably.It's better to be home safe now than anything else.

【Xia Zhi, do you have any figures you want?I have so much money now that I have no place to spend it. I can buy one and lend it to you]

[This is not how money is spent, please calm down]

This is Tachibana color.

[My sister is going to take a shower now. She wanted to wait for me to take a shower together, but then I locked her in the room and went now. I hope she won’t be angry]

[Your sister is already a complete pervert, it’s better not to worry about whether she is angry or not and call the police as soon as possible]

Natsuki felt that if he faced Jasmine Amamiya again, he would be unable to bring up any emotions towards his idol.The character image has completely collapsed.Sure enough, the more famous a person is, the darker they look when cut open?Speaking of which, if you talk too much to the little angel, will her sister write you off...

But after all, why did the little angel say this?It should be to appease Xia Zhi's loneliness when he has nothing to do at night, but he can't find a better topic, so he can only talk about Xia Zhi's idols.She is indeed an angel. She had foreseen that Xia Zhi would be bored at night and came here to talk to her. There is no kinder and gentler person in the world than her.

Even if you said she just mentioned Xia Zhi casually, you wouldn't believe it, even to death you wouldn't believe it.

Then there was another message on the chat software, from Shiraishi Lihua's account.

[Good evening, Xia Zhijun, have you gone to bed? 】

Why is today as lively as a holiday...

[Not yet, but I’m so bored that I don’t know what to do, I’m going to sleep in a while]

Click send, and the information is conveyed to the other party's mobile phone through the network.But Xia Zhi's cell phone couldn't stop, and Tachibana Aya sent another message.

【Your apartment also looks too simple, such a lack of fantasy environment is not suitable for a job like light novel creation】

[No need, keep it simple]

Why do you make it sound like you want Xia Zhi to write a light novel?Even if you have free time to play games, you won't achieve much anyway.Isn't saving Egypt more interesting than work?
[My sister has always been like this anyway, I’m used to it, hehehe]

The cute words appeared at the top of the phone screen. Xia Zhigang wanted to switch the interface with a click of his hand, but another message was covered on it, from Shiraishi Lihua.Of course, the conversation interface with Lihua was turned over.

【I see.Didn't we take a photo with Ryoko in the park before?Liangzi asked me to forward it to you. Is it convenient now? 】

It seems that this is indeed the case...

【sorry to bother you】

Xia Zhi sent the typed text.Then he quickly found the session interface bar of Rishi.

[If anything strange happens, remember to call the police.Even if the other person is a sister]

It's equivalent to naming names. Rishi should be able to understand such content, right?I really hope she doesn't feel sad because the sister she adores has turned to a perverted and criminal path.

Then a message popped up on the top of the phone, it was from Tachibana.While Xia Zhi clicked on the conversation and performed the magical three-line operation, he wondered whether he had suddenly become popular, and then shook his head.

"Calm down, Xia Zhi, calm down. Don't take this coincidence as evidence of becoming popular. That kind of unrealistic things only happen in anime or novels. You can't take it seriously. You can't take it seriously. .”

Xia Zhi thanked himself for his self-knowledge while thinking about how to give the other party a suitable reply.Then the third-line operation turned into a fourth-line operation for some reason because of a message that suddenly appeared on another chat software. Xia Zhi opened the other side in confusion, and then he broke out in a cold sweat.

The content is just a picture and a sentence.

The content of the picture is: The photo of Natsuki and Shiraishi Rika taking alone at Sea World to gain the power of Europeans.

The content of the sentence is: Do you want to have a girlfriend after just over half a year?It’s really an interesting life studying abroad.

The sender is my sister.

(End of this chapter)

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