Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 755 Can I come in?

Chapter 755 Can I come in?
"Then, what are you doing here?" Xia Zhi sat facing Tachibana Aya, keeping a slight distance so that Tachibana Aya's ideas would not be realized in an instant.Of course, these are just some examples. If Tachibana Aya had prepared a little, Xia Zhi still wouldn't have the ability to resist.

"I'm here to find you." Tachibana Aya blinked: "Why don't you believe it?"

"I believe you when you come to me. What else happens next?"

"Well, basically I just came here to get the box, talk for a while, and then go back. It seems like I haven't talked like this for a long time..."

"It seems so."

After Mengmeng came here, although it was still the same during the day, there was actually not much time to be alone together like this at night.When I was in the store, I still had my own things to do, so I didn't have much time, and I didn't have any thoughts of chatting with her all the time.

After all, the topics for Tachibana Aya are endless.

"Then, is there anything you want to talk about? It's not ten o'clock yet, it's actually good to have a little conversation to pass the time." Xia Zhi looked at her: "You have to drive again tomorrow, go out to play, and still sleep. Are you really okay with it being so late?”

"Of course I have no problem. Tachibana-sama's energy is endless." She put her hands on her hips for a while, and then put her hands down: "But just in case, I think it's better for you to let me sleep for a while, otherwise It would be a shame if only you were happy and I fell asleep."

Xia Zhigang opened his mouth to let her go to sleep, but suddenly felt that Tachibana Aya and what he was thinking seemed to be different.

"Have you been itchy since you haven't been spanked for so long?"

"Against the use of violence!" Tachibana Aya shook her arm: "But you can't beat me."

Tachibana Aya, this naughty kid, has been talking more and more irritatingly these days.

Xia Zhi decided to give her some face and was too lazy to teach her a lesson.

"It's time to go back. I just told Mengmeng that I'm just here to get the box, but I think someone knows what I'm here for." Tachibana Aya stood up fumblingly: "Then I'll go first gone back."

After she finished speaking, she walked next to Xia Zhi. Xia Zhi made some defensive movements, and then saw Tachibana Aya squatting down: "Before you go back...hehehehe."

"...Can you stop laughing like that? It's so scary."

"By the way, you don't want me to take the initiative this time, right?" Tachibana Aya closed her eyes.

Xia Zhiren was stunned. He didn't know what to do.However, Natsuchi didn't move, and Tachibana Aya didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.Xia Zhi thought for a while and sighed.

"Are you ready?" Xia Zhi asked her.

"Of course!" Tachibana Aya answered quickly, looking forward to the next...

"Crack!" "Oops!"

Li Huacai held her forehead and stepped back a little, her cheeks puffed up again: "What are you doing?"

"I'll teach you a lesson. Go back to bed quickly." Xia Zhi retracted his hand.

To be honest, Tachibana Aya's forehead was a bit hard. After flicking her forehead with a little force, Natsuki felt her fingers hurt a little.In order to prevent Tachibana Aya from noticing and saying "Hahahahaha, you deserve it", Natsuki hid his hand and pressed it secretly.

"Really, so dishonest." Tachibana Aya put down her hand and grabbed Xia Zhi's shoulder. Xia Zhi's expression changed: "You are still here."

"What you said makes me a little sad. A beautiful girl's kiss is very precious, okay? Even for me, it takes time to muster the courage. But..." Tachibana Aya came closer and kissed Natsuki's face. After kissing for a while, he quickly pulled back: "That's okay. This is what's called a good night kiss. It's okay to show off to others."

"Who would! Go back to bed and remember to take your box with you."

"I'm really going back this time." Tachibana Aya blinked: "Good night."

Then walked out of the room.

"Really..." Xia Zhi shook his head, but he didn't say anything about it and couldn't say anything.

The room became quiet again. Xia Zhi stood up and walked towards the bathroom in the room, bringing all the toiletries.After taking some time to wash up, Xia Zhi felt that there was nothing else to do. He was about to lie down on the bed and play with his phone for a while, when he suddenly realized that there was no bed in this room...

"I remember Manager Imaizumi said that I could change beds or something... Let's forget it. It's too much trouble for others to change beds after just one day off."

Xia Zhi searched left and right for a while, but couldn't find a place to store the bedding, and scratched his head in confusion.

Could it be said that if you sleep in this room, you can just lie down on the tatami mat?Because it is very warm, there is no need to cover yourself with a quilt.This is too weird. It was said to be equivalent to the experience of a presidential suite... Since I didn't pay any money, is it just a formal presidential suite?It's so real.

Xia Zhi walked towards the door of the room. Since it was only about 09:30, there should be someone at the front desk, so it might be a good idea to ask someone.

Just as my hand was leaning on the door, the door opened by itself.Xia Zhi was wondering if the door was equipped with some kind of automatic sensing system, and then he saw Shiraishi Reika's hand on the door.After blinking at each other, Shiraishi Lihua said hello first: "Good evening, Xia Zhijun."

"Lihua, good evening." They just parted ways, and a few minutes later they said good evening again, which still felt a little weird.

"Did you forget something?" Xia Zhi asked, Bai Shi Lihua shook her head, then raised her head to look at Xia Zhi: "Can you come in?"

"Ah, come in." Xia Zhi stepped aside. For some reason, he felt that this situation seemed familiar...

This feeling became stronger and stronger when Xia Zhi watched Shiraishi Lihua facing him and closing the door with his hands behind his back.I couldn't help but step back a little, running my brain and thinking about appropriate topics.

"Oh, by the way, Lihua, do you know where the bedding is? I can't find it." Xia Zhi turned around and looked around the room, and suddenly felt a poke in his waist.

"Xia Zhijun..." Shiraishi Lihua's voice also came over at this time. Xia Zhi turned around and saw Shiraishi Lihua lowering her head slightly, as if she had something to say.

(End of this chapter)

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