Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 760 Leave it to me

Chapter 760 Leave it to me
Because of Shiraishi Rika, Natsuki was a little unable to sleep.Although he used his mobile phone to ask where the bedding and other items were placed, Xia Zhi didn't feel sleepy after laying them all flat on the ground.I couldn't sit still for a while, so I decided to go outside for a walk after sitting in the room for a while. Just outside the room was a courtyard, which was where the five of us took photos together.

While changing his shoes, Xia Zhi heard slight footsteps approaching.It won't happen again, right?Xia Zhi looked at the door in front of him in confusion. Sure enough, it confirmed Xia Zhi's idea after a few seconds.But this time it was Xia Meng who came, and she was still holding her mobile phone in her hand, and the screen of her mobile phone was also on.

"Where are you going?" Xia Meng looked at Xia Zhi who was sitting in front of the door changing shoes.

"Thinking of the wind blowing outside, seeing the scenery and so on, after all, I'm leaving tomorrow morning." Xia Zhi looked at her suspiciously: "You are Mengmeng, why are you here? Shouldn't you rest?"

"It's only what time, how can I sleep." Xia Meng handed the phone to Xia Zhi: "Mom is looking for you."

Xia Zhi took the phone and took a look. It looked like her mother was on the phone. It seemed like it was a video call: "Hello? Mom."

"How have you been during this time? Although it's spring now, it seems to be quite cold. You don't have a cold, right?"

"No, don't worry, it's starting to get warmer now." Xia Zhi replied, and then looked at Xia Meng: "Come in and sit down first."

"I heard Mengmeng say that you seem to be doing well this time. Are you among the top in your class?"

As soon as he said this, Xia Zhike was about to put his hands on his hips and get up: "That's not the top few in our class, I've already reached the top [-] in our grade."

"Yes. It seems that you still worked hard there." Mom's voice sounded very happy. Parents are sometimes so simple. Although they are a bit one-sided, good grades are enough to represent a lot to them Something happened.

"Mengmeng helped me a lot." In this matter, Xia Meng must have a name.

"I know, I know...but now I have something to discuss with you." Mom's expression suddenly became serious, and Xia Zhi instinctively felt something was wrong: "What's wrong?"

"It's still the situation I mentioned before. I didn't plan to tell you anymore, but suddenly there are so many things to do. Your dad and I may become very busy in the next know me What do you mean?"


"I think you don't understand. Mengmeng, please explain it to him in detail."

Xia Zhi looked at Xia Meng, and Xia Meng said expressionlessly: "Basically, my parents' work content suddenly became very, very large, and it couldn't be solved in a short time. The work is linked one after another. , if you choose to participate from the beginning, it will be very difficult to withdraw in the mid-term, because parents are the most familiar with their work, and it is impossible for both partners to let them withdraw at this time, and it is necessary to find a replacement. The cost is too high, so they may have to keep busy until it's all over."

"Basically that's it." Mom's voice came over again: "However, your dad and I should have a change in position afterwards. I discussed it with your dad and asked Mengmeng again. I think we should stick to it. It’s better to come down.”

"Yeah, work is also very important." Xia Zhi nodded.Since they have asked Mengmeng, there should be no problem with their choice.

"But this creates a problem... Your dad and I may not have much free time in the next long period of time, and we may even have less time to go home. This matter has involved various provinces and cities across the country. It’s the same type of unit. Your dad and I may have to travel to more places than we have in our entire lives combined, and we may not have time to stay at home to take care of your sister.” Mom sighed in front of the screen: “We don’t have many relatives in our family. It’s suitable to take care of Mengmeng, and Mengmeng probably won’t go there even if she lives alone.”

Xia Meng nodded on the spot.

"But your dad and I can't take Mengmeng with us on a business trip. It would be too tiring, and your dad and I don't worry about letting Mengmeng stay home alone. It just so happens that you have been living there alone for so long, so you deserve it I have gained experience, so..." Mom paused and said, "I want to ask you if you are willing to come back and take care of your sister."

"I..." Xia Zhi was a little at a loss, and suddenly saw Xia Meng standing in front of him and shook his head. Of course Xia Zhi understood what Xia Meng meant, but Xia Zhi hesitated.

Like his parents, if Xia Meng is left to live alone, even if she is Xia Meng, Xia Zhi will still not be able to let go.

"No need." Probably because Xia Zhi hesitated, Xia Meng took up the topic directly: "He has a good life here, and his grades are relatively stable. If he keeps going, he should be able to get into a good university. Now Let him go back home and study there, he may not be able to adapt, and it would be too troublesome to spend time correcting, and there is no time to take care of me. In fact, it is the same."

Mom sighed: "If I had known better, I wouldn't have taken this job."

I'll be in trouble if you don't take it.Xia Meng quietly rolled his eyes.

"But..." Xia Zhi looked at Xia Meng with a worried look. Xia Meng rolled her eyes at Xia Zhi for the second time: "Are you stupid?"


Xia Zhi still didn't react, so Xia Meng took the phone away from Xia Zhi's hand.

"I won't go back." Xia Meng said: "I can just live here. I have brought everything I need to bring, so don't worry about me."

? ? ? ? ?

"Huh? It seems like a good idea. What about you, Xia Zhi, what do you think?"

Due to both emotion and reason, it was impossible for Xia Zhi to have a second answer: "Of course, no problem."

"But Mengmeng, you have to come back here and report to university."

"I'll just give them a call. Just make something and show them. I'm doing research here. There should be no problem. Even if there is, it's just a matter of flying back and forth for a day or two. It's over. Anyway, if you want to go, there is a direct plane, which is very convenient. I can also supervise his studies here, and don't let him have any puppy love moths here, so you can rest assured."

Xia Zhi's eyes twitched.My sister has learned bad things. She will lie to her parents.

"Xia Zhi, do you think this is okay?" In her mother's voice, even after the changes in electronic equipment, Xia Zhi could still hear that she was completely satisfied with this plan.Xia Zhi really didn't think of any other way.

Although he always felt as if he had been thoroughly arranged, Xia Zhi still nodded: "No problem, leave it to me."

Xia Meng showed a satisfied smile.

 At this event, some book friends asked us to add more updates based on the ticket. I thought about it and decided to make one.

  They said 160 five votes and one change (the total number of votes at the time), I think this is not in line with the author's style of my conscience, it will make my conscience be condemned, so I cut it in half with a big knife, and put it together again, and it became One update with 75 votes.

  The update rules are the same as before, one update per day will be added when there are enough votes.

  It does not affect the reward and update (meaning that there is no reward so there is no update).

  Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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