Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 766 I wrote it!

Chapter 766 I wrote it!

Sitting in the car, Tachibana Aya played the song Catch the Shrimp in a low voice, but because Natsuki was watching her, she didn't drive too presumptuously and just hummed along with the tune.Despite this, Natsuki could still feel the impact of that magical song on her from Tachibana Aya's unrestrained driving skills.

Thanks to Tachibana Aya, Xia Zhi had no intention of sitting in the passenger seat and sleeping for a while. Sitting in the front, he had to keep an eye on Tachibana Aya and not play any tricks.Fortunately, Tachibana Aya's speed was still within the normal range, and Natsuki could still control it.

"Let's drive around Japan sometime!" Tachibana Aya said without coming, and Natsuki poured cold water on her as usual: "Let's discuss this issue when you have nothing to do."

"I'm free every day now!"

"Don't forget, you are going to register at the university next, and if my guess is correct, your novel... you must have not written a single word since the last submission until now, right?"

"I..." Tachibana Aya began to think deeply: "I wrote it! Didn't you just check it last night?"

"Can you count the writing? Aren't all the thousands of words exactly the same?"

"'s different. If you don't believe it, see for yourself."

Seeing Tachibana Aya's confident look, Natsuki couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.But now there is really no chance for him to check it. Although Tachibana Aya's luggage is not much, it is still placed in the trunk of the car with other people's luggage. If Xia Zhi wants to take it, he will either become Ant-Man or become an ant-man. Become a white ghost.There is no other way.

"I seem to be able to see the sign with the word 'Katsuura' written on it." Ryoko Yamamoto stood by the window and looked outside. There were many vehicles on this road, and it was not particularly warm now, so she did not open the window.

"If you can see that, it proves that we are not far from Katsuura." Shiraishi Rika blinked: "It doesn't seem to have been long before I feel it. Japan is really small in a sense."

"It's also possible that Tachibana's speed is too fast."

"I think it's actually okay. Isn't it possible that some people can travel around the world in ninety days? If you plan well, you might be able to travel around Japan before the end of spring break. It seems that there is enough time." Tachibana Aya nodded.

"Although it is said that we will travel around the world in ninety days, it would be a pity if we only see the more famous places and ignore other scenery when traveling." Ryoko Yamamoto hugged her arms and thought. He started to laugh: "For example, it would be a pity if we went to Kamogawa but only went to Sea World and then went to other places. But that time we made a special trip to Sea World, so it doesn't count."

"Then let's take our time walking around this time. But today we are going to Katsuura." Shiraishi Rika took out the map and looked at it: "Speaking of which, we will be arriving at Katsuura later. Should we go sightseeing directly with our luggage or should we go to the hotel first?”

"Go to the hotel to put your luggage first, because I don't know if I will buy other things after this. Just in case, it's better to put it in the past." Xia Zhi put forward his own suggestion, and Bai Shilihua also agreed. He nodded: "Then let's do it."

Suddenly, a black car whizzed by next to him, very fast, 100% speeding, so fast that Xia Zhi had no time to see the car's license plate clearly.

"Who is this person? Is it okay to drive like this?" Xia Zhi glanced at the direction where the car disappeared: "If you are seriously speeding, revoking your driver's license is not a problem, right?"

Natsuki, who wanted to seek the same opinion, looked at Tachibana Aya next to him, and saw her looking in the direction where the car disappeared. Her eyes were shining, but she almost didn't directly tell Natsuki that she liked it. This is the way to drive.

"I'm warning you, if you dare to drive like that, I'll really beat you up." Xia Zhi felt that it was still necessary to warn Tachibana Aya.

"I won't! I'm a good law-abiding citizen." Tachibana Aya puffed her lips. Although what she said was completely inconsistent with how she looked now, Xia Zhi let her go for the time being.When he turned to look behind him, he saw Shiraishi Rika's confused expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know if it's an illusion...but I really want to see that car somewhere..."

"Cars and people are different. There are so many similar cars in the world. Are you wrong?" Ryoko Yamamoto looked a little dismissive: "That must be the case."

"Is that so?" Shiraishi Lihua said to herself.


"That doesn't seem to be the case..." Xia Zhi no longer knew how many times he had made the corners of his eyes twitch.

As for Ryoko Yamamoto, her jaw hit the ground.

"It's our first time meeting you. Welcome, madam. I am the manager of the hotel. Just call me Imaizumi." Manager Imaizumi is still the same as before, with no expression on her face, but you can feel from her actions that she is indeed very respectful. : "Welcome to Shiraishi Hotel Chain, Katsuura Branch."

"Ima, Manager Imaizumi?" Even Shiraishi Rika was shocked and speechless: "You, you are not in Mohara..."

"No, then my sister." Manager Imaizumi explained seriously, but the five people in this group could not ignore the black car they had just seen parked next to Tachibana Aya's car at the door.

Even Xia Zhi, who doesn't know much about cars, can tell that this car is basically the same car as the seriously speeding car he saw on the road before.That is to say...

"Manager Imaizumi... if you speed seriously, your driver's license will be revoked or even sentenced..." Xia Zhi tried to give advice.

"Please believe me, Natsuchi-kun... Natsuchi-sama, I'm not driving. It's my sister who's in Mobara, and I'm the manager of the Katsuura store." Manager Imaizumi said this without changing her face, and behind her there were people like just now. When we arrived at the Mohara Hotel, the staff were arranged exactly the same, and they all looked like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

Although it is completely impossible for Natsuki to believe that this is Manager Imaizumi's sister, but...but maybe there is some reason why she did this?Natsuki finally patted Shiraishi Rika on the shoulder: "This should be Manager Imaizumi's sister."

Shiraishi Rika looked at Xia Zhi with eyes that seemed to say, "How can you open your eyes and tell lies?", but then she was affected by Xia Zhi's constant blinking at her, and nodded involuntarily.

"That's it... Anyway, let's go in first."

"Then, please follow me." Manager Imaizumi nodded to several people.

 If you have something to do in the afternoon, Jiageng will... save it until tomorrow?
(End of this chapter)

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