Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 782: Can you close your eyes for a moment?

Chapter 782: Can you close your eyes for a moment?

Xia Zhi looked at the two piles of shells and fell into deep thought. Tachibana Aya kindly reminded Xia Zhi.

"You can just say I won."

"You're living in a dream."

Xia Zhi squatted down and looked around at the shells, because they were all quite small. Even if it was just a small hill, there were quite a lot of shells in it, and Tachibana Aya's side was equally troublesome. Although one of her many conspiracies has been exposed by Xia Zhi, Xia Zhi discovered that she had done more than this. There were many shells in Tachibana Aya's pile that may have been stepped on and broken by others. There seemed to be a lot of shells that she had broken off and put inside. Anyway, there were quite a few incomplete shells.

It looks like a lot when densely packed, but in fact the piled volume looks similar to Shiraishi Rika's.

On Baishi Lihua's side, perhaps because of her personality, Xia Zhi didn't see any broken shells. At most, there were gaps due to bumps. It's not a big problem. It fits Baishi Lihua seriously character.

However, this is difficult to do... Because of the light, Xia Zhi can't see very clearly. Just by glancing up, he feels that the number is a bit too much. It may take a long time to count them down.After all, there seems to be no need for me to count. There is no need to decide the winner when both Shiraishi Rika and Tachibana Aya are there, or it is just the two of them.Although he didn't know why they suddenly started competing to pick up shells so seriously, Xia Zhi felt that if it was such an important matter, it shouldn't be decided by him on such a casual occasion.

A tie would be better, right?Xia Zhi held her chin and thought about her words.

"The shells on Lihua's side are more complete, and the ones on Tachibana's side are more abundant. From what I see, a tie is more appropriate."

"This is really... a cunning statement." Shiraishi Lihua blinked, but couldn't help but smile on her face.

"You really know how to do business, Xia Zhi. At this time, honestly, wouldn't it be nice if I win? This way, I won't have to suffer." Li Huacai folded his hands, with a malicious expression on his face.

Xia Zhi faintly felt that something was wrong: "You, what do you want to do?"

But neither Shiraishi Rika nor Tachibana Aya cared about him. The two of them looked at each other: "He said it was a tie."

"Yes. It's as expected." Shiraishi Lihua nodded.

Xia Zhi thought it would be better to take advantage of this opportunity and sneak away quickly, but as soon as he moved, the two girls each put a hand on Xia Zhi's left and right shoulders, pressing him down to prevent him from moving.It's a bit funny to say, but Xia Zhi doesn't have the slightest ability to resist these two people.

"Where do you want to go? Let's discuss the reward."

"Reward? What reward? Why haven't I heard of it?" Xia Zhi pretended to be stupid.

"Of course it's the reward for the game just now. As the winning side, it's natural that the winning side will ask for a reward, right?"

"The most important thing is that Xia Zhijun cannot escape."

"But isn't this a tie? Where is the winner?"

"A tie doesn't mean who loses, but it means that two people are tied. In other words... neither Xiao Lihua nor I lost, and I am tied with her. In addition, this game only There are two of us, so doesn't a tie mean tied for first place?"

"What kind of nonsense is this..."

Xia Zhi wanted to refute her, but he was being held down by two girls. Judging from their strength, they were probably not prepared to listen to his excuse.

"You've always been so cunning. I guessed that you would use such cunning words when I was talking about the competition. This is your punishment." Tachibana Aya chuckled: "Little Lihua too I agree, after all, we can’t go on like this.”

"Although I'm a little scared, Sister Tachibana is right. We can't go on like this anymore, Natsuki-kun." Shiraishi Rika looked at Natsuki with serious eyes.

"What's going on? Throw me into the sea?" Xia Zhi said with cold sweat on his forehead the answer that could make him breathe a sigh of relief.But this is just the best answer that Xia Zhi can think of. Normally, anyone can know what the two of them are talking about. Xia Zhi feels a little distressed by this.

"When he is about to die, he always talks about cheating. He is truly my favorite person."

"I also think it's cute that Xia Zhijun still pretends to be stupid even though he knows what will happen."

They both came closer, their two lovely and beautiful faces so close, Xia Zhi shed more cold sweat in these few minutes than he had in the whole year till now.

"Your face is very red, are you imagining something that can make others envious?" Li Huacai blinked her eyes.

Being hit, Xia Zhi felt that his face might turn redder.

"However, even those enviable things must be prioritized. Can Xia Zhijun make a choice?" Bai Shilihua's soft words echoed in her ears.

Xia Zhi's beating heart suddenly became much calmer.

Just as Shiraishi Rika said, he still hasn't been able to make a choice.If he could make a choice, things would not be like this, and at the same time, he would not be the Xia Zhi he is now.

Mengmeng was often scolded by Mengmeng for being too indecisive in the past. After living alone for a while, she thought she had changed. She would do what she had to do when it was time to do it. She thought she had become more decisive, but in the end, Still nothing has changed.

"Now is not the time to be in a daze."

"I won't let Xia Zhijun choose this time, so can you close your eyes for a moment?"

This seems to be Xia Zhi's only choice now.Xia Zhi took a deep breath, but even the air he breathed had a certain fresh fragrance, Xia Zhi closed his eyes.

Don't shake, don't shake, don't shake, don't shake, don't shake...

Xia Zhi has been reciting these words silently in his heart, but he has never felt anything... unusual.

After struggling internally, Xia Zhi opened his eyes with some confusion. However, the moment he opened his eyes, what Xia Zhi saw was a very familiar thing.


The moment this idea appeared, both sides of his cheeks were in close contact with the girl's lips at the same time. At the same time, the digital camera pointed at him by Tachibana Aya also burst out with a burst of flash at the right time, and he took continuous pictures. Flash, Xia Zhi’s eyes were dazzled.

 Don't ask, you just overslept...

(End of this chapter)

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