Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 787 What I Know

Chapter 787 What I Know
"How could it be!" Shiraishi Rika retorted a little anxiously. She was sitting next to Xia Zhi a little reservedly. After hearing what she just said, she grabbed Xia Zhi's arm and held it very tightly. The kind that don’t want to let go.

"But, as a matter of fact, the possibility of any connection between you and me, Lihua, is really very small, isn't it?" Xia Zhi was not in a hurry, but he didn't really want to see Shiraishi Lihua's expression of tears: "An ordinary child in an ordinary family and the eldest daughter in a rich family. Such scripts only appear in novels or TV series. In reality, I have never imagined that something similar would happen."

"This is a country with a completely different culture from ours. It seems that there are quite a few people who have been lovers since junior high school, right? In our country, if teachers and parents knew about such a thing, it wouldn't be a big deal. It can be done with just a few words of training. And my family has always told me not to fall in love early, and that we should wait until after college. And I had no idea about finding a Japanese girlfriend, so I never thought about it. I would imagine similar things. To be honest, I was a little troubled when I was targeted by you, Lihua. Many times, you would use some outrageous reasons to talk to me, such as asking me some questions that I knew at a glance. Yes, if I hadn’t seen you with my own eyes as a peaceful and gentle person, I would have thought that you wanted to punish me because you were unhappy with me, a foreign high school student.”

"I..." Shiraishi Lihua bit her lip: "I won't do that kind of thing. Absolutely not!"

"I know. After a while, after knowing that Lihua just wanted to have a good relationship with her classmates, I figured out that if I continue to maintain this inconsistent attitude, I will only become more different, and that The lovable eldest lady would also become unhappy because of this, so I thought that as long as I could smoothly integrate into the same atmosphere as those around me, it would be fine. This was my initial thought, but someone wanted to make trouble for me. Xia Zhi pouted: "Because Lihua has always had that attitude, she probably misunderstood Liangzi, so she has been trying to make something happen. She has hinted many times that I can have a closer relationship with Lihua. Let me take the initiative, or find ways to let me stay with you Lihua, say that the food you cook is delicious, and then let me try it, and then ask me to exchange the food, or teach you some things at home. Things over there. Then, it gradually became what it is now. There seems to be some misunderstanding between us."

"It's not like that! It's not like that!" Shiraishi Lihua grabbed Xia Zhi's arm harder and harder, shaking her head quickly, with a worried and sad expression on her face, and some crystal things scattered as she shook. In the air: "Although it was indeed like this at the beginning, but, but... to Xia Zhijun... I..."

"Well, I know." Xia Zhi bent his hand that was held by Shiraishi Lihua, patted the back of her hand on his shoulder, and comforted her a little: "Although it is all misunderstandings and coincidences, but, I also know Lihua's intentions for what it gradually transforms."

Rika Shiraishi sobbed softly.

Although it is also uncomfortable, if you stop here, nothing will be solved.Xia Zhian resisted her attempts to appease Shiraishi Reika and turned to look at the unusually silent Tachibana Aya, who had been staring quietly at the sea.

"It's really not like your character. Cai, although it's a bit awkward, can I call you that?"

"...As you like." She said with a hint of anger in her voice, and Tachibana Aya was still looking at the sea with nothing but darkness, as if it represented her mood.

"I remember it was one afternoon, just after school, and I walked out of school quickly. My habit of moving a little hastily because of nervousness didn't seem to change. I was the same as usual that day. , walked out of school and was about to go to work in the store. I walked that street often, so I was very familiar with it. There was a bookstore there. When I had nothing to do, I would buy a novel and read it. Ryoko had one I recommended novels, saying that those novels were written by a particularly mysterious novelist. I still retained some of the habits I had developed from reading books in the past, and planned to buy them all and read them all, and use these novels to practice my Japanese skills. Just relax..."

Tachibana Aya seemed to know that Xia Zhi was talking about something related to her, and moved her ears, but still did not turn around.Xia Zhi smiled silently and continued.

"Those books were really ridiculously expensive. It cost me about a month of savings to buy a set. Fortunately, I could eat in a store without spending any money, so I could barely survive. But I think the expense is still worth it. Although I only read a few every day, reading that book makes me feel very happy. I am often amused by the content in the book. It almost became my life at that time. The biggest spiritual support for a barren spiritual life. I have always been curious about who can write such a good novel, but I can't find any information about that person on the Internet."

Natsuki saw Tachibana Aya move her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but she held it back.

"That afternoon, I saw a person. She was wearing a particularly suspicious black coat, wrapping herself tightly. She was wearing such thick clothes even though it was a hot weather. I felt at that time that she was definitely not a good person, so I just stayed away a little and hurried back to the store." Of course Xia Zhi's memory was not like this, but the part he had hidden... let's forget it, it was just an unimportant matter.

"Later, I saw that person in front of the bookstore again. She was holding something in her hand. It looked like she had just been robbed from the bookstore. You said, when I meet such a suspicious person, I will do it for Just to be on the safe side, take a photo as evidence and tell your friends to be careful, there shouldn’t be any problem, right?”

"You are suspicious!" Tachibana Aya couldn't help it anymore and glared at Natsuki fiercely, with a faintly proud expression on her face: "Tachibana-sama's book is so well written, is there a problem with selling it more expensively!?"

Bai Shi Lihua next to her didn't know when she stopped sobbing. She looked at Li Huacai suddenly, and realized that the person Xia Zhi mentioned just now was Li Huacai.

(End of this chapter)

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