Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 821 Go Dreaming

Chapter 821 Go Dreaming

Tachibana Aya pulled Natsuchi out of the room and successfully found Menmeng who went back to her room to find Ryoko Yamamoto. The look of someone walking out of the room with his mouth covered and yawning was indeed quite contagious to sleepiness. When Chiichi saw Yamamoto Ryoko's face, which was obviously not yet awake, she became sleepy.Sure enough, sleepiness, like a cold, can also be contagious.

"What time is it now?" Ryoko Yamamoto asked as a greeting, and Tachibana Aya quickly raised her hand as if rushing to answer: "It's time to eat!"

"I know that...forget it, let's go downstairs to eat first. If I had known, I would have gone to bed earlier...I still feel like I haven't had enough sleep."

"What if you've had enough sleep now and can't sleep at night?"

"...That's right." Ryoko Yamamoto nodded, agreeing with Xia Zhi's statement: "Then I'd better hold on a little longer."

The four of them walked towards the elevator together, and the player Ryoko Yamamoto who was leading the way was still awake and did not realize that he had led too far. Xia Zhi helplessly stopped them: "Here."

"Although it's fun, it will really bother you when you come here for the first time." Ryoko Yamamoto found an excuse for her behavior.

Taking the elevator to the first floor, Ryoko Yamamoto did not lead the wrong way this time. They quickly arrived at the restaurant, while Rika Shiraishi had already made all the preparations and was sitting at the table waiting for a few people. people.When he saw Tachibana Aya, he waved towards her, and feeling the call of food, Tachibana Aya left the team in an instant, ran to the table and sat down.

Xia Zhi slowly walked to the side of the table and looked at the slightly too sumptuous meal: "With so much, can you really finish it?"

"Yes!" Aya Tachibana assured loudly, and Rika Shiraishi shrugged.

Now that the biggest foodie has made such a guarantee, Xia Zhi feels that he doesn't need to worry anymore.

When Xia Zhi asked the question, Xia Meng and Yamamoto Ryoko had already found their own positions to continue working.Xia Zhi looked around the table and found that he was only left with the seat between Baishi Lihua and Li Huacai.Xia Zhi felt that this should not be a coincidence, but other than that, there was no better place, so he walked over honestly and sat down.

"Although the preparation was a little hasty, these are all dishes made carefully by me, as Tachibana-san can testify."

"Yeah, yeah, everything is delicious."

"Does that mean you've already eaten everything secretly..."

"..." Tachibana Aya blinked: "I've always wanted to tell you, but I forget about it every now and then. Xia Zhi, is your perspective on the problem too unique?"

"Really?" Xia Zhi didn't think so.

"Okay, okay, flirting, can you please go to the room by yourself after dinner? I haven't even started eating and I'm almost full." Ryoko Yamamoto waved her hand to show that she didn't want to accept your trick, and picked up the food. Chopsticks, hands clasped together: "Since you're not hungry, I'll start first!"

Yamamoto Ryoko snatched a piece of meat that tasted delicious quickly from the plate on the table, but Natsuki wasn't sure what kind of food it was.

Seeing someone competing for food with her, Tachibana Aya immediately clapped her hands symbolically, said "I'm starting" and then joined in the fight, while Shiraishi Rika gently closed the door as before. With his own hand, he softly said "I'm going to start", and even when eating, he didn't seem to be in a hurry.Xia Zhi and Xia Meng naturally did not have this habit, so they picked up their chopsticks directly.

Xia Zhi is looking for his prey. Although the meat and vegetables on the table are about half and half, if it is a dish made by Shiraishi Reika, Xia Zhi feels that he does not need to think so much and just choose based on his feeling. But this It also takes time to rely on feeling.The considerate and considerate Shiraishi Lihua helped Xia Zhi make a choice.

"Come on, Xia Zhijun." Shiraishi Lihua put a ball-shaped food that should be a meatball into Xia Zhi's bowl: "This is stuffed with minced crayfish mixed with other spices. I made this skin It’s relatively thin, so if you think it’s too big, just use chopsticks to cut it off. Although the crayfish paste inside is also delicious, I recommend eating it with the skin.”

"Oh, thank you." Xia Zhi cut off the ball with chopsticks just as Shiraishi Reika said. The thick filling inside was immediately exposed. Xia Zhi smelled the delicious smell: "It seems delicious. Looks like."

Xia Zhi was about to have a taste when the other side stretched out a pair of chopsticks and placed a small fried potato that Xia Zhi was very familiar with in his bowl.Sitting on the other side of her was naturally Tachibana Aya, who loved this simple dish: "This is a fried potato made by Xiao Lihua herself. It is very delicious. Try it."


Generally speaking, when the chef is at the same table, will someone treat the food cooked by the chef as the same as their own and share it with others?But after thinking about it carefully, Xia Zhi is actually almost used to the operation method of tachibanasai, and it is not particularly awkward.

Xia Zhi was about to press the little potato into the bowl to prevent it from falling out of the bowl due to its round body, when Xia Zhi saw a pair of chopsticks taking something away from his bowl.It was the other half of the crayfish meatball that Xia Zhi pinched off. Xia Zhi followed it and looked at the owner of the pair of chopsticks. Tachibana Aya didn't care about Xia Zhi's gaze at all and put the other half of the small meatball into her mouth. He chewed it and showed a puzzled expression.

Xia Zhi was obviously more confused than she was: "What are you doing? As for these little balls, aren't there a lot more on the table?"

"Ah...because Xiaolihua gave it to you, so I was wondering if it would taste better."

Can this be submitted to the Human Confused Behavior Award?

"So, what's the result?" Xia Zhi asked her, and Tachibana Aya blinked: "Because it's only half, so I can't taste it. Please give me the other half."

"You can just dream." Xia Zhi took the other half into his mouth in front of her.

Tachibana Aya pouted: "I know how to bully girls."

"You actually have the guts to complain first?" Xia Zhi glared at her: "You just snatched something from my bowl and I haven't taught you a lesson yet. It's very impolite to do this. Please be more careful next time. "

Xia Zhi looked at Shiraishi Lihua and found that she was lowering her head slightly and turning her face to the other side to prevent Xia Zhi from seeing her expression.But Xia Zhi could still tell from her reddish cheeks that she was probably shy now.

"Sure enough," Tachibana Aya chewed the meatballs she had just picked out from the plate: "Lihua's one is more delicious."

? ? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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