Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 825 Don't Talk Nonsense

Chapter 825 Don't Talk Nonsense

After Bai Shi Lihua came over and called Xia Zhi, she told him to go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and then went out of the room. She said that she had to go to wake Li Huacai to get up.After Xia Zhi finished washing, he was not in a hurry to pack his luggage, because he was still not sure whether he would be able to go to the next location today, and it would not be too late to pack after confirming later.

Xia Zhi walked out of his room and saw no one in the corridor. Xia Zhi, a boy, couldn't wait outside the door of a girl's room. He took his mobile phone with him and Xia Zhi decided to get off first. Going upstairs, I checked the messages while waiting for the elevator. There were some messages on my phone, all of which came from my mother's greetings to me, although about half of them wanted to ask about Mengmeng's specific situation.

I thought that Xia Meng always summed up his affairs in a few words. It was difficult for me to explain the specific situation. My mother also had a headache, but Xia Mengque, who had always found this matter quite troublesome, still felt the same way.It is almost guessable that my mother will obtain information about Mengmeng through herself during this period.

Although she has not become fat and white yet, Mengmeng is in good health, so there is no need to worry.We are traveling now, having a good time, and bought gifts for you, remember to send the address later, otherwise no one will take it when you send it home.

Xia Zhi wrote such a text message in reply, walked out of the elevator, and came to the restaurant where there were only two or three people.However, compared with last night, this morning's cafeteria finally allowed Xia Zhi to see other guests besides his own group.

It's just that these few guests seem to be in pairs, and they all look like lovers.Xia Zhi observed it for a while, then quickly withdrew his gaze and found a place to sit down.Shiraishi Rika hasn't finished making breakfast, and Xia Zhi doesn't know where to sit.But you can just sit wherever you choose, and there’s not much fuss about it.

Xia Zhi sat for a while, and the first acquaintance she saw was Manager Imaizumi. She walked out of the elevator, and she didn't know which floor she came down from. Besides, Manager Imaizumi was too elusive, and she might appear in any places, just like Magikarp can also appear in any pond.

Manager Imaizumi came over and said hello to Xia Zhi. Just as Xia Zhi was about to ask her to sit down, she left from the side again. It looked like she was really just saying hello.Manager Imaizumi seems to be very busy today.

The second person to appear was Tachibana Aya, who also came down by the elevator, a few minutes later than Manager Imaizumi. She also changed her clothes. Natsuki looked familiar, and after thinking about it, she remembered that this was her The casual clothes I wore when we went out together were probably a bit thin for Rikkasai.Although the dress was a bit thin, it made her figure outline more clear.


"You are, what's the matter? And don't you feel cold with only so little clothes on?"

"Me? I'm not cold. I just feel more comfortable wearing this. I'm not a fool. Look, I'm wearing other clothes underneath." Tachibana Aya lifted the hem of her clothes in front of Xia Zhi. Chi hurriedly slapped Tachibana Aya's hand that was holding her clothes away before she saw something she shouldn't have seen.

"You still say you're not a fool?"

"I'm not stupid, and I won't be seen by others." Tachibana Aya put down her clothes, patted them a little, and then sat down next to Xia Zhi: "Even if I see it, it's not a big deal. If If you have any bad thoughts about me, please remember to tell me so that I can be mentally prepared first."

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot after you interrupted me." Tachibana Aya stood up again, rubbed her face with her hands, and immediately put on a special simplified version of Hyunran's expression, and started whimpering again. Get up: "Xia Zhi, wuwuwu, save me, wuwuwu."

"Stop whimpering, you're not really crying. What's wrong?"

"Xiao Lihua bullied me last night. It was terrible. I don't want to sleep in the same room as Xiao Lihua. Can I go to your room and sleep with you tonight?"

"That won't work no matter what you think about, right?" Xia Zhi glared at her: "Besides, don't you deserve it? Who asked you to bully Lihua first?"

"How can I bully Xiaolihua? Don't talk nonsense." Tachibana Aya said with her hands on her waist: "I kindly reminded Xiaolihua to go over and say good night to you, otherwise she will say that I ran away tonight. I am For the sake of Xiao Lihua, how can you bully her?"

"Your laughter was so loud that I could hear it in my room, and you said you weren't bullying Li Hua." Xia Zhi obviously didn't believe Li Huacai's nonsense.

"I wasn't bullying. That was when Xiao Lihua came back in a panic and her face was red. I asked her what happened, but she didn't tell me. She sat on the bed and rubbed her calves. I said In a humanitarian spirit, I wanted to show Xiao Lihua, otherwise it would be bad if she left scars. But when I showed it to her, I found that she just hit the chair." Tachibana Aya blinked: "Xiao Lihua is so nervous ,So cute."

"Then why are you laughing? Don't say you weren't laughing, I heard it clearly."

"Well...that's because I suddenly realized that Xiaolihua seemed to have been bumped more than once, and I couldn't help it, so I laughed twice. But Xiaolihua actually locked my throat! Look!" Tachibana Aya pulled away. Looking at his own collar, Xia Zhi turned his head: "Ah, although the traces have disappeared, I believe you have understood what kind of inhuman abuse I suffered."

"Now that it's gone, don't show it to me."

"I mainly want you to see my perfect figure." Tachibana Aya tidied up her collar again.

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?" Xia Zhi's eyes twitched, and when he turned his head, he found Li Huacai's face very close at hand. Xia Zhi was so frightened that he backed up a little: "What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to give you a good morning kiss. After all, it's a girlfriend's obligation."

"Lihua has already given it..."

"Xiao Lihua is Xiao Lihua, and I am me."

"But haven't you already made an agreement? Let Lihua call me this morning."

"That's right. But that's just to wake you up." Tachibana Aya showed a sly expression: "I didn't say I wouldn't fulfill this obligation."

"Oh? So you still have this obligation?"

Tachibana Aya was petrified as if she saw Medusa, and Shiraishi Rika was standing not far away with breakfast.

 There is a power outage at home, so there will be no updates today. (I am exhausted from coding on my mobile phone)

  Tomorrow is 2020, in order to celebrate that I can live another year, I decided to rest tomorrow (fog)
  There are a lot of things in January, and the update should not be normal, and it may happen without warning one day.

  Finally, I will put on a new cover and a new introduction in the early morning. It’s a new year and a new look (laughs)
  I wish you all good health and see you next year!

(End of this chapter)

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