Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 830 It’s not in the way anyway

Chapter 830 It’s not in the way anyway

The five of us came to a nearby shopping mall together. I have to say that the location of the hotel this time is more considerate for people who want to visit the shopping mall. In other words, it is precisely because there are so many hotels and residential buildings nearby that it is so good. A large shopping mall is located nearby, and it's only a ten-minute walk from the hotel.It just so happens that Tateyama City is along the seaside, so it is not difficult to find a swimsuit store. I just found a suitable store in Xia Zhi.

The hard part is at the back.

Although they only bought a set of swimsuits for one person, even a eldest lady like Shiraishi Rika or a young rich woman like Tachibana Aya still did not give up the habit of shopping around. Originally, it was nothing. Accompanying these girls After going shopping so many times, Xia Zhi has already gotten used to it. What's more, this is indeed a way to save money, have fun, and buy affordable shopping, but it's just for boys who are not that interested. It's just a bit more painful, but it's not a problem.

The problem is... In addition to accompanying them to buy things and helping them pick up things, Xia Zhi has become an important evaluation target of the four girls.Although Yamamoto Ryoko only chose to join because of fun, the three girls, Shiraishi Rika, Tachibana Aya, and Natsume Meng, obviously regarded Natsuki's evaluation as one of the important criteria for their selection.

But Xia Zhi doesn't know anything about swimsuits, let alone swimsuits worn by girls. He can only constantly use words such as "very good-looking", "very cute", "very suitable" and "everyone is just a clothes hanger". Useless evaluations, and occasionally being criticized by Ryoko Yamamoto for repeating evaluation words too many times, and then being disliked by the remaining three girls.Xia Zhi felt that it was quite difficult for him.

However, when he stood in front of the women's swimsuit store, waiting for the four girls, he would be watched by passers-by. Xia Zhi originally couldn't resist the pressure and wanted to go somewhere farther away from the door. Go and stay, but you will soon be pulled in by Tachibana Aya, who is wearing a swimsuit and has a busty figure. She stands tremblingly next to the store clerk, begging others not to think of her as a pervert who wants to peek at others wearing swimsuits.

As for the shop assistant... the way she looked at Xia Zhi had gradually turned from surprise and welcome to huge doubts. Her eyes that seemed to be able to see through a person's essence seemed to be saying, "Is this a rich second generation?" Young Master, there are so many girls coming with him."Xia Zhi finally found something more unacceptable than shopping for hours.

The blessing of the eyes is indispensable. Although Xia Zhi did not look too attentively based on his position as a member of the opposite sex, and only left "very suitable for you" and similar comments, one glance is still a look, and it should be kept in the mind. The lingering image will not disappear, but from this aspect, there should be no dissatisfaction with the situation.Of course, it would be nice to stop being so conspicuous.

Fortunately and unfortunately, this session finally ended about two hours later, close to nine o'clock in the evening.The girls holding bags of clothes looked happy.

Shiraishi Rika and Natsume bought slightly cute swimsuits, Tachibana Aya bought a sexy style that made Shiraishi Rika jealous, and Yamamoto Ryoko chose a more convenient suits everyone's characteristics.

On the way back, Tachibana Aya held her chin and thought.

"Say, we even bought swimsuits, do you want to go to the beach?"

"It's not yet time to play at the beach without catching a cold." Shiraishi Lihua shook her head: "We can go to the beach again during the summer vacation. Anyway, it won't be long before we get there."

"Summer vacation..." Tachibana Aya shook her head: "During the summer vacation, I should be in college."

"You obviously have to report to the university as soon as the winter vacation is over, right?"

"Ah, it's not a problem anyway. Tachibana-sama can finish all the courses for this semester in a short period of time, and then you can play like before." Aya Tachibana put a hand on her waist: "All the university courses are I chose it myself, and I’m still thinking about whether I should choose less this semester, and I can wait for you to take classes together next year.”

"Although I choose the courses myself, can I choose courses across grades?" Xia Zhi looked at her doubtfully.

"It should be possible. Anyway, as long as you can earn enough credits before graduation, you can successfully graduate from university. It's pretty simple, right?"

"Don't say it so easily..." Xia Zhi couldn't complain, because if it was Tachibana Aya, she might be able to do this. Not only her, Shiraishi Rika can also do the same thing, not to mention Xia Meng. After all, she is no longer in the planning stage, but an active criminal, one who is not even ready to study hard in college.

Only Ryoko Yamamoto was present as his companion.But Ryoko has also said that she doesn't really want to go to college, so whether Natsuki has a companion is another matter. Even if she wants to go to college, she won't go to Chiba University for a while.Nothing is permanent.

"Where's Rika-chan? Are you planning to continue studying after college? For example, a monk or a doctorate." Tachibana Aya looked at Shiraishi Rika.

"Maybe, but not necessarily. I haven't thought about these things carefully." Shiraishi Rika showed a slightly distressed look: "Although it is good to continue studying, I don't really need a degree certificate. In fact, I Apart from cooking and managing a company, I know almost nothing about other things, and the things I can do in the future are likely to be very limited. The degree certificate does not mean much to me. My parents' attitude towards me is that if I can get it, I will take the exam by the way. It doesn’t matter if I fail the exam. Anyway, all I need to do is inherit the family business and continue to develop it. It’s a relatively simple thing.”

"No, no, no, no matter how you think about it, it's a difficult thing, right?" Ryoko Yamamoto waved his hands and complained, "Sure enough, you people have serious problems with common sense."

"It's always good to learn more. Having enough knowledge and broadening your horizons can sometimes bring different ideas to solve problems." Xia Meng said this: "Science and technology are the primary productive forces. With the corresponding Only with technology can there be corresponding room for improvement.”

This really seems like something a dream would say.

"That's it..." Shiraishi Lihua thought carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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