Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 98 Just like a girl1

Chapter 98 Just like a girl
Unsurprisingly, the photo was also passed to Ryoko Yamamoto. She and Lihua Shiraishi were sitting together, chatting with the girls sitting opposite.Today's young people, even when they are talking with someone they like, will unconsciously take out their mobile phones to take a look. Ryoko Yamamoto has this bad habit.

When talking about happy things, several people laughed, and Ryoko Yamamoto habitually took out her mobile phone.Seeing Ryoko Yamamoto taking out her mobile phone again, Shiraishi Lihua sighed psychologically.Although I have told her many times, she still hasn't got rid of this bad habit in the end, and I can only hope that she will pay attention to it in the future.

Ryoko Yamamoto smiled while checking the messages on her phone, and suddenly found a group with an explosion of messages. She checked to see which of the plans that had been the foundation of the group had been completely ruined. Girls other than Rika Shiraishi We were all in the group, so I clicked on it and took a look. Everyone’s descriptions were surprisingly consistent, such as [so cute], [so beautiful], [why didn’t I notice this usually], etc. Ryoko Yamamoto guessed that Someone uploaded a beautiful picture or something, scroll up.

Then Ryoko Yamamoto's smile stiffened - she guessed right, it was indeed a very beautiful picture, although the protagonist in the picture was a boy.

Sensing something unusual in Yamamoto Ryoko's smile, Shiraishi Rika came over.

"what happened?"

Ryoko Yamamoto was frightened, and before she could react to hide her phone, Shiraishi Lihua's gaze was fixed on the picture on her phone.


You must know that although the existence of this group is not a secret to the girls in the class, these girls refer to the girls except Shiraishi Rika.If Li Hua knew that all the girls in the class had set up a group chat without telling her, it would be a real pill.In all fairness, you are the only one who doesn't know something that the whole class knows, how would you feel?Anyway, Ryoko Yamamoto felt like a pill.

The two girls opposite her noticed her dangerous situation, and they were also sweating coldly, looking for a suitable excuse in their hearts.The relationship between girls is very strange. They may become good friends because of a topic, or they may get into trouble because of some trivial things, and this is not a trivial matter.

"This is, Xia Zhijun?"

Shiraishi Rika asked doubtfully.

"Ah, ah? That should be it!"

Ryoko Yamamoto replied hesitantly.

Shiraishi Lihua looked at the photo, slightly lost in thought.It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"Just like a girl."

"Yeah, yeah, she looks like a girl."

"Yeah, I usually don't see Xia Zhi being so beautiful."

The friend sitting opposite helped to cover up. Ryoko Yamamoto cast a grateful look, and then tried to find an opportunity to put away the phone.But this opportunity was not something she could control by herself.

"Is Xia Zhijun sleeping? This photo... is on the train? Why do you have this photo?"

Shiraishi Rika raised her own question, and her friends came forward to explain: "This was passed down from the boys. Because it really looks like a girl, so it spread."

"Really?...But this should be an invasion of privacy, right? Have you ever obtained Xia Zhijun's consent?"

As expected of the eldest lady of the Shiraishi family, she looks at things differently from ordinary people.

"Don't worry, this photo will only be in our class and will not be spread. Everyone still knows the seriousness."


"Lihua, don't you think it would be a waste if you delete this photo?"

"Hmm... It seems to be a little bit. But if you don't delete it, Xia Zhijun will be angry."

Why do you want to help Xia Zhi think about it even after being dumped!Shouldn't normal people be particularly happy doing things together?
They can only say this in their hearts, and they will not say it in death.

"It doesn't matter, only we know about it, there won't be any bad effects."

Ryoko Yamamoto said haha.

"Wait... this is Wu-chan, this is Yue-chan, this is Hanako-chan, this is Sunset-chan..."

Every time Shiraishi Rika revealed the true identity of one of them, Yamamoto Ryoko and the other three would break into a cold sweat.By the time the last person was mentioned, the three of them were already sweating like rain.

"...Aren't all the girls in the class except me here?"

Shiraishi Lihua raised her head with a complicated expression and looked at the three of them.

"Am I... disliked by everyone?"

I thought I could have a good relationship with everyone, but it turned out that there was one Xia Zhi who was an outlier; I thought my first love would be a good person, but it turned out that I just had unrequited love; I thought I had a good relationship with other people in the class, but it turned out that My own wishful thinking... Is there anything more tragic than this?

Shiraishi Lihua felt extremely aggrieved, and there were tears in her eyes.

"If... If you hate me, please say it directly, okay? I hate this, I hate that I am the only one who is kept in the dark, I hate that I am the only one who doesn't know anything."

The three of them were immediately anxious, and Yamamoto Ryoko wanted to slap herself.The girls in this class have a very good relationship. Although they all have their own small circles, most of these relationships do not distinguish between each other, and no one will reject a certain person. It is a class with a good atmosphere.But on the basis that everyone has a good relationship, Ryoko Yamamoto, as a close friend, is actually more anxious, because she knows very well that Lihua Shiraishi is such a serious person, and sometimes she can't tell if it's a joke or the truth.

Now that she has seen this situation, she will probably take it seriously.Ryoko Yamamoto was most worried about this, so she hurriedly explained.

"Lihua, it's not what you think! None of us hate you."

"Yes. None of us will hate Lihua."

"This is really just a misunderstanding."

The three explained in a hurry.But Shiraishi Lihua still felt aggrieved.

"So why leave me out alone?"

This is already to the extent that all the girls in the class are rejected, and I don't even believe it if I say I am not sad.If you are indifferent in the face of accusations, it is just that there are not enough people who accuse you. If you really experience the accusation, no one will feel better.Being hated by the whole class is the same in nature. Only the sadness of being excluded hurts the individual just like school bullying.

All three of them knew the origin of this group, so it was not suitable to confess, but if they did not give a suitable reason, it would cause huge rifts in their relationship, which none of them wanted to see. to the result.

While the other two were hesitating whether to tell Lihua the truth, Ryoko Yamamoto was quick to think and gave a reason.

"This is because we originally wanted to surprise you."


Shiraishi Lihua was confused.

"Yeah. Lihua, you haven't been in a good mood these past two days, so we wanted to give you a surprise during the school trip... Unexpectedly, it was exposed just after the school trip started."

Ryoko Yamamoto had a look of regret on her face, and the other two people were amazed by her exquisite acting skills.Then the two of them followed up with expressions of pity and helplessness.

"Yeah...we have already found some delicious restaurants."

"There are some places that are suitable for dates, and there are also some places that can make you feel better."

"Why is this don't have to do this specially for me?"

Shiraishi Lihua was a little flattered.If it was Ryoko alone, maybe Lihua would accept it readily, or two more people would do.But this number has risen to all the girls in the class, and the battle is astonishingly large.

"What are you talking about. We all like Li Hua."

"That's it."

The three of them talked to each other, and Shiraishi Lihua became shy.

"Really, there's no need for this."

The three of them were embarrassed when they saw the main character. The panic at the beginning gradually turned into teasing, and the scene suddenly turned into tears. It was like they were possessed by opera spirits, and they directed a great show on the spot.

Sorry, Lihua!Please forgive me!

Ryoko Yamamoto prayed with her hands folded in her heart, and the world can learn from it. This is more devout than when she was visiting the shrine.I hope that the 800 million gods will randomly select one or two to save her.

Unable to withstand the increasingly sensational teasing words of the three, Shiraishi Reika changed the subject.

"Guan, I need to tell everyone about that photo!"

She took Yamamoto Ryoko's mobile phone and wrote a message.

[Don’t worry, it won’t spread.The boys have already said it. 】

[By the way, do you want to tell Xia Zhi?I don’t know what his reaction was when he saw this photo. 】

[Hearing what you said, I’m a little bit excited. 】

【Me too. 】

[Save it, if Xia Zhi knew about it, he wouldn’t even keep this photo, right? 】

【……makes sense.Then hide it from him for now. 】

[Anyway, after our school is divided into subjects, we don’t need to re-classify them. We can just wait until graduation to show him.I believe he will forgive us! 】

[Okay, let’s do it! 】

Shiraishi Lihua looked at everyone chatting helplessly.If you stop it with words at this time, although you are doing yourself a favor, firstly, no one will be too happy, and secondly, there is no way to ensure that the photos will be deleted, and the result will not change much.After thinking about it, Shiraishi Rika decided not to care. Anyway, the photo was sent from a boy, and if it was not worn, Xia Zhi would forgive us, right?

Shiraishi Lihua thought to herself, and suddenly she had the idea of ​​collecting photos.

"Um, Ryoko. Can you also send me a copy of this photo?"

"It's okay..." But doesn't Xia Zhi already have a girlfriend?Lihua, what are you thinking?

Ryoko Yamamoto didn't say the following words, because what he said was a little bit ignorant.Moreover, as long as you don't violate your own principles, what's wrong with giving a little support to what your friends want to do?It’s just a photo anyway.

Shiraishi Rika got Xia Zhi’s photo and saved it on her phone.From then on, a beautiful girl lived in another beautiful girl's mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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