nursery rhymes

Chapter 18 Search

Chapter 18 Search
No matter what she said, Shang Lili insisted that she had no illegal transactions, nor had she followed or attacked Zhuge Yang.

Obtained a confession from the man who was arrested at the police station together. Every time Shang Lili asked him to go to the nail salon, although there was no cash transaction, she needed to bring gold jewelry.

In the past, gold jewelry worn by men included bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and rings.In RMB equivalent, it is at least tens of thousands of yuan.

The man also confessed that he was not the only one who brought jewelry to the nail salon.

Shang Lili was detained administratively for ten days and fined 5000 yuan.

During this period, Zhuge Yang kept looking for conclusive evidence that Shang Lili attacked him.

On the third day of Shang Lili's stay in the detention center, a photo printed from a surveillance camera was shown in front of her.

Zhuge Yang pointed to the person wearing a sun hat and holding a baseball bat in the photo and asked her, "Is this person you?"

There was no modification on Shang Lili's face at the moment. Although she didn't look as gorgeous as she did after makeup, she still had clear features and delicate features.

She sniffed and said dullly, "It's me, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Shang Lili still had no intention of telling the truth, Zhuge Yang touched the back of his head, which was still aching.

"We have found two female customers who were doing manicures in your store that night. They said that you were anxious to close the store and drove them away without paying."

"Then you came out of the nail salon with a baseball bat in your arms and followed me to the door of the police station. Then you picked up a small yellow car and chased me to West Beach Road."

"The injury to the back of my head was probably caused by that baseball bat."

Shang Lili glanced around with twinkling eyes, but her tone of denial was still there. "Comrade police, is it illegal for me to go out with a baseball bat? You said I attacked you. Do you have any evidence?"

Zhuge Yang didn't want to talk nonsense to her and accepted the photo. "The evidence will be there soon. I have applied for a search warrant. In your nail salon, there must be the baseball bat that attacked me and the nine nail polishes that were removed before I could throw them away, right?"

Shang Lili twisted her body uneasily and sat up straight, staring at Zhuge Yang with anxiety and anger in her eyes.

Seeing Shang Lili finally react, Zhuge Yang was even more sure of his guess.So he struck while the iron was hot and said, "Maybe we can find other clues about the nursery rhyme murder case, don't you think?" He turned around and left without hesitation.

"Stop, why are you searching my house? You don't even have a search warrant, so stop."

Behind him, there was Shang Lili's scream.

While waiting for the search warrant to be approved, Xiao Jiang also investigated Shang Lili's situation clearly.

When Shang Lili came to Beidaihe five years ago, she and her boyfriend came to work.Later, the two broke up. Shang Lili asked the man for 4 yuan to open a nail salon on the grounds of compensation such as abortion fees.

In the past five years, she has dated many boyfriends and attracted many male customers.Shang Lili's life can be described as chaotic.

Xiao Jiang took a sip of chrysanthemum tea and continued: "Shang Lili's transactions were very hidden. She used jewelry instead of cash. There was no criminal record before. This time, the owner of the supermarket next to Liren's nail salon called the police."

The carbon pen spinning on Zhuge Yang's finger fell to the table with a clatter.

He raised his head abruptly and reconfirmed: "Who did you just say called the police?"

Xiao Jiang raised his eyebrows and replied: "Supermarket proprietress, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Zhuge Yang had already lowered his head and didn't hear the second half of Xiao Jiang's words at all.He picked up the carbon pen in his hand, held it in both hands, and fell into deep thought.

Only when the warm palm touched his forehead did Zhuge Yang come back to his senses.

Xiao Jiang looked down at him with concern and took back his hand. "Is your head okay? Why do you feel that something is not right with you today?" Her hand had just held the glass of chrysanthemum tea, and it was heating it, so she could not feel the actual temperature of Zhuge Yang's forehead.Zhuge Yang turned his gaze to Xiao Jiang's ankle and asked her, "Is your leg okay?"

Xiaojiang stepped on the spot a few times and smiled a little playfully. "It's okay. My physical fitness is so good. I'm very good at it." He said and raised his chin.

Zhuge Yang felt that he was dazzled by that smile, and his heart palpitated.

At this moment, he wanted to tell everything about his past.He wanted to tell Xiao Jiang that the proprietress of Xinxin Supermarket was his first love.He wanted to tell Xiao Jiang about his past with Yao Xin. There were many things he wanted to say.

Zhuge Yang opened his mouth, and from the corner of his eye he saw Xiao Liang walking over excitedly, and his words changed. "As long as everything is fine, prepare yourself and come to life."

Xiao Liang brought back the search warrant.In the afternoon of that day, a group of five people came to Liren Nail Salon to search and collect evidence.

There are three rooms inside the nail salon, warehouse, bedroom and bathroom.

Zhuge Yang and Yin Zihe entered the bedroom to check, Xiao Liang was in the warehouse, Brother Zhou went to the bathroom, and Xiao Jiang stayed at the front desk to check the shelves and trash cans.

The first thing you notice about Shang Lili's bedroom is that it is messy, which is exactly the same as her life.

Various shoes are piled scatteredly beside the bedroom door, including high heels, sneakers, and canvas shoes.Most of the canvas shoes are white shoes, and the stains on them remain intact on the shoes.

The white dressing table was messy with bottles and jars of cosmetics, and there were five or six white medicine bottles mixed in.The countertop had not been wiped for an unknown amount of time, and there was a layer of powdery substance scattered on it.

The off-white quilt on the bed was balled up, and the cloud-shaped carpet beside the bed was barely visible in white.

The curtains were half open, and a pot of pothos on the windowsill was exposed with withered and yellow leaves. Not a drop of dried water could be seen in the transparent glass flowerpot.

"Captain Yang, have we entered a pig's nest?" Yin Zihe put on disposable rubber gloves and clapped his hands in surprise.

Immediately, Brother Zhou's exclamation came from the bathroom.It must be a big occasion to have Brother Zhou speak out for him.Yin Zihe flashed out of the bedroom and went straight to the bathroom.

Zhuge Yang put on his gloves and picked up a white medicine bottle on the dressing table.The label on the medicine bottle was deliberately scratched off, and it couldn't be seen that it was for treatment.He looked at the remaining bottles of medicine one by one and found that they all had no labels.

Opening the drawer of the dresser, there were cotton pads, cotton swabs, and jewelry boxes stuffed inside.Zhuge Yang randomly opened a red jewelry box, which contained a pair of flower-shaped gold earrings.

He returned the things to their original places and began to look for the evidence he was looking for.

A white wardrobe with two doors is inlaid on the wall between the window sill and the bed.Zhuge Yang walked over slowly, carefully avoiding the scattered shoes on the ground.

Opening the door of one closet, it was filled with spring clothes.Winter down jackets and warm pants are neatly stacked under the wardrobe.

This should be regarded as the cleanest and tidy place in Shang Lili's house.Zhuge Yang didn't mess up his clothes, he simply rummaged a few times and closed the cabinet door again.

When he opened the second closet door, Yin Zihe ran in with a grin on his face.

"Captain Yang, this woman Shang Lili is really perverted. She hung a set of ancient costumes in the bathroom, right where she saw it as soon as she entered the door. Not to mention that Brother Zhou was shocked just now. Even if I was prepared to see it, he still gave me a correction. My heart was pounding. Damn, that guy, I thought someone was hanging in the bathroom."

Zhuge Yang stared at the corner of the closet near the window, and his ears suddenly blocked out all sounds.

The inside of this wardrobe door is actually more like a small storage cabinet.There was not only a folding mosquito net inside, but also two rolls of toilet paper that had been opened and used.Next to the toilet paper are four or five packs of pink-packaged Sophie sanitary napkins, and next to the sanitary napkins are a pair of dark blue embroidered shoes.Embroidered shoes are not flat-soled, but have flowerpot bottoms.The bottom of the flower pot, which should have been white, was fixed with iron nails on a pair of military green children's shoes.

The toes of the flowerpot-soled shoes point outward, one is decorated with blue thread tassels on the front, and the other is bare with nothing at all.

(End of this chapter)

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