nursery rhymes

Chapter 2 Double pressure

Chapter 2 Double pressure
A murder seven days ago left them exhausted after a busy week of investigating clues.

On April 2020, 4, a body was found beside the grass on West Beach Road in Beidaihe. The five fingers of the deceased's right hand were chopped off, there were deep strangulation marks on his neck, and several small red footprints remained at the scene.

The victim's cell phone played a nursery rhyme in a loop: "You shoot one, I shoot one, and the oriole lands on the west side of the gate. You shoot two, and I shoot two, and the magpie lands outside the gate. You shoot three, and I shoot three, and the eagle falls on the west side of the gate. Fly to Mount Emei. You shoot four, I shoot four, and the four students write big characters. You shoot five, and I shoot five, and five guys fight tigers. You shoot six, and I shoot six, six bowls of steamed buns and six bowls of meat."

After forensic identification, it was concluded that the alcohol content in the victim's body was as high as 62%, and it should be that the liquor he drank before his death was adulterated with alcohol.The cause of death was not the strangulation marks on the neck, but alcohol poisoning.

The strangulation marks on the neck and the severed fingers occurred two hours after the victim's death.The bloody footprints printed on the children's shoes at the scene were not the blood of the deceased, but red ink.

It can be inferred that the suspect returned to the crime scene for the second time to arrange it.

Later, the murderer took advantage of the missing children at the beach to guide netizens to connect the missing cases with the murders and spread rumors.

Netizens soon uncovered detailed information about the two-and-a-half-year-old boy who disappeared from the seaside seven days before the murder.

At that time, the boy's mother was digging clams at the beach with her child. After the child disappeared, only a pair of children's shoes were left on the beach.The children's shoes worn by the missing child were size 25, and the bear pattern on the soles was the same as the bloody footprints at the murder scene.

One of the short video bloggers said that the day of the murder on April 4 was the seventh day since the boy disappeared.The child must have fallen into the sea and drowned. He died in an unknown manner. He was so resentful that he came back to take revenge.That's why they went ashore to kill people on the first seven days.

As for the evidence that the victim was strangled, it is further explained that the power of ghosts cannot be compared with ordinary people.

The police investigated and banned the blogger who spread the rumors, but more similar accounts began to use this method to gain traffic.

Some brave video bloggers came to Beidaihe and went to the beach late at night to live broadcast, saying they wanted to stay with netizens and witness the miracle.What makes people speechless is that there are thousands of people watching this live broadcast room.

The pressure of solving the case and the pressure of public opinion stretched their tired nerves to the extreme.

The red light came on, Zhuge Yang stepped on the brakes, and the police car stopped smoothly.

On the sidewalk, men, women, and children walked leisurely across the road. Some looked down at their mobile phones, while others chatted with each other in excitement.Walking at the end was a picture of a young mother pulling a kindergarten child who was jumping up and down with a small schoolbag on his back.

The child smiles brightly, and the mother's face is full of doting, just like the quiet time.

Zhuge Yang turned his head and looked at his master, who was leaning on the passenger seat with his eyes closed and resting, his brows furrowed, and he sighed silently.

When the light turned green, Zhuge Yang turned right and turned into Lianfeng Road.When I passed the gate of the Technical College, I unconsciously glanced at the bright and clean teaching building.

He still remembered that when he was a student in Weichang County High School, he made an appointment with his classmates to apply for the police academy together.

In reality, there are not so many heroic figures. What's more, they are unable to eat at midnight, sorting out cases until midnight, and the number of times they go home in a month can be counted on five fingers.

Turning the steering wheel right again, the police car drove into the courtyard of the Public Security Bureau and parked smoothly in the parking space.

Zhuge Yang did not turn off the engine immediately. The master had not closed his eyes for seven days in a row, so he should just let him close his eyes for a while.

If the murder case seven days ago was so troublesome, then the second similar murder case discovered this morning was to provide them with a chain of evidence.

The more things the murderer does, the more flaws he reveals.However, the pressure of solving the case of two additional lives has increased exponentially.

There were two thuds, and someone knocked on the passenger window of the car from outside.

Zhuge Yang stared over and saw Xiao Liang bent over, with a square face leaning against the window.At the same time, captain Wang Chen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, frowned and looked out the window with squinted eyes.

Zhuge Yang turned off the police car, opened the door and got out, pointing at Xiao Liang's face.

After seeing the master push open the door and get out of the car, he immediately put away his fingers.Xiao Liang looked solemnly and said to Wang Chen, who had just got out of the car and was still rubbing his eyes: "Team Chen, the cleaning lady who first discovered the murder scene was frightened. Our people took turns to comfort her, and she didn't say a word I can’t even tell.”

"Didn't it mean that she was scratched by a car when she ran out, and she was not sent to the hospital for examination?"

Zhuge Yang followed the two of them, took out a small notebook from his trouser pocket, and searched through the clues left at the scene in his mind.

"I didn't mean to bring it back first to make a record. She looked like she was mentally shocked. The scratch she received from the car should be fine."

"Send her to the hospital first, and take the time to record the notes."

After Wang Chen and Xiao Liang finished explaining, they turned around and said to Zhuge Yang, "Go and contact the family of the deceased."

"Good master."

Zhuge Yang returned to his seat. The half-eaten xiaolongbao on the table was already cold.He sat on a chair and stared at the dense water droplets condensed from the water vapor in the plastic bag, thinking about the bloody pool of blood at the scene this morning.

The deceased had his throat cut and bled to death. Did the murderer just stand aside and watch him when he was struggling before death?

Judging from the cross section of the neck, the murderer should be about the same height as the victim, between 172cm and 175cm.

The carotid artery was cut and blood spurted out, and some of it would be stained on the murderer's body and face.Even the white walls of the corridor were splattered with blood. How did the murderer leave the scene quietly with blood stains?

There were also footprints. There were five bloody footprints in total. Two were printed side by side next to the deceased, and the other three were prints going outward.During the on-site investigation, only the footprints of the deceased entering the corridor and the unclear dusty small footprints of the bear-patterned shoes were discovered.

How could a man of about 175cm who took advantage of the victim's surprise and slit his throat wear children's shoes size 25?

"Zhuge, please give the victim the phone number of Mingyang's family."

Zhuge Yang was lost in thought when Xiao Jiang pressed a yellow sticky note on his desktop.

The tabletop trembled slightly, and the water droplets in the plastic bag of the xiaolongbao gathered together, drawing a transparent arc, like the curved corridor.

"Thank you."

"Shall I microwave the buns for you?" Xiao Jiang leaned on the edge of the table, his chubby little face covered with collagen.

Zhuge Yang pushed half a drawer of buns to the black hollow pen holder on the corner of the table, held a sticky note in his left hand, and picked up the phone handle with his right hand. "I can't eat it. When the case is solved, you can treat me to a spicy meal."

A series of mobile phone numbers were pressed one by one, and a beeping waiting tone came from the phone.

Xiao Jiang pursed his lips, and there were two shallow dimples on his cheeks. "good."

When the call was answered, Zhuge Yang sat upright and said neatly: "Hello, we are the Beidaihe District Public Security Bureau. Are you a family member of Fu Mingyang?"

"I am." A young female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's like this. Fu Mingyang was killed in the underground garage of a hotel here in Beidaihe. You need to come over as soon as possible to cooperate with us to verify some information."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for half a minute before a calm voice came: "Okay."

Zhuge Yang put down the phone and frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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