Chapter 21
According to Shang Lili’s account, on the evening of April 2020, 4, she went to West Beach Road to meet Feng Yaozhong.On the day of the meeting, she brought two bottles of Fenjiu.One bottle was filled with half a bottle of alcohol.

She said that when she asked Feng Yaozhong to come to Beidaihe to meet him, her original intention was to get him drunk, then strip him naked and throw him on display on the roadside to embarrass him.But he never thought that Feng Yaozhong would die of alcohol poisoning.

As for why Feng Yaozhong was treated in this way, Shang Lili said that she had a miscarriage, so when she saw other people's children, she would think of the child who did not survive in her belly.

When she was browsing short videos, she accidentally came across the video posted by Yang Meiling of a child being blocked in the bathroom, pouring hot water on it and being beaten with a belt. She hated the father who abused the child.

Other people's children have such a good life. Not only are they lucky enough to be born into this world, but they also grow up safely and healthily.On the contrary, the parents do not know how to cherish and protect them, and they abuse and scold them.She felt sorry for the abused child and felt ashamed of Yang Meiling, a cowardly mother.

She approached Yang Meiling, tricked her into telling him the story, and got the information about Feng Yaozhong.She used a dancing video to get closer to Feng Yaozhong.She asked Feng Yaozhong to come to Beidaihe to meet, and Feng Yaozhong excitedly agreed.

After discovering that Feng Yaozhong had died of alcohol poisoning, she was so frightened that she took away the wine bottles and roses at the scene.The more I thought about it when I got home, the more uneasy I became, always feeling that I would be found out.

Then she thought of the boy who went missing last month.She took her flowerpot-soled shoes and went to the supermarket next door to buy red printing ink and children's shoes.

"You said that the printing ink and children's shoes were purchased at Xinxin Xiangrong Supermarket?" Zhuge Yang poked the cap of the carbon pen in his hand.

He also went to the supermarket twice and did not see the shelves selling children's shoes.The shelves with various stationery are under the stairs.

Shang Lili nodded, the cigarette in her hand had long been extinguished.She took apart the cotton from the cigarette holder and played with it bit by bit. "Yes, I bought it from the supermarket. You can check it."

"We will investigate whatever needs to be investigated, so let's continue."

Shang Lili blew away the cotton in her palms in one breath, staring at the fluttering cotton wool. "With the experience of the first time, the second time will be much easier."

She pulled the corners of her mouth into a sad smile.

"You must have investigated me and know that I came to QHD with a man. Later, that man dumped me. He didn't want to take responsibility for the child in my belly, so he asked me to abort it. I didn't want to abort the child. I wanted to give birth to her, so I begged him hard, and I said that I would raise it myself. But what he said, he actually said that it was his seed, and if he didn’t let me keep it, I wouldn’t let him keep it.”

"I contacted Hezhi because I saw the video of her sister being domestically abused. Heya was beaten until she had a miscarriage. Our feelings should be the same."

"They are cowardly, but I am not afraid. One person is killed, two people are killed, I am killing harm for the people, and I have done nothing wrong." Shang Lili grabbed the table with a ferocious expression, leaned forward, her eyes were red Staring at Zhuge Yang and Xiao Liang.

In many cases, don't try to reason with a madman, let alone expect to wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.Zhuge Yang's eyes flickered and he didn't try to correct anything.

After asking what should be asked, the next step is to verify the authenticity of Shang Lili's words.

She said that the flowerpot-soled shoes were bought on Taobao, and her shopping records were easy to check.As for the disguise in men's clothing in the garage video, Shang Lili has been thrown into the trash can and has long since been lost and cannot be verified.

The result of Shang Lili's interrogation was much smoother than Zhuge Yang expected.

She not only explained the process and motive of killing the two victims, but also proactively admitted the fact of assaulting the police.Everything is basically consistent.

When Zhuge Yang found out about her store and wanted to see her short video account, she knew that she couldn't hide it anymore, so she wanted to kill Zhuge Yang.

The last statement she made was: "I didn't expect that your head was still strong and your life was still strong, but you didn't die."

Shang Lili was temporarily taken back to the detention center, and Zhuge Yang also supplemented and handed over the report in his hand.

The evidence and testimony all matched up, and everything should have been settled.But Zhuge Yang always felt empty in his heart, as if something was missing.

A hand was placed on the shoulder, and Xiao Liang's face with wrinkles at the corners of his eyes came close to his face. "Hey, what are you thinking about? There was a party last night to celebrate the solution of the case, but you were absent. You can't run away tonight."

Zhuge Yang pulled his hand down, raised the notebook in his hand and patted Xiao Liang's chest. "There are still some details that need to be finalized, and the case has not been closed yet."

Xiao Liang rubbed his chest muscles and let out an exaggerated sigh. "Don't be sad. The thing you care about most has just been solved."

Zhuge Yang held the notebook tightly with his fingertips.

When he asked Shang Lili how she lost the thread on her flower pot-soled shoes, Shang Lili replied with a puzzled face: "I don't know how I lost it. If I knew, I would definitely pick it up. If it fell, If you picked it up at the scene, it would become evidence."

When Zhuge Yang asked her again, had she seen the policeman who died of cerebral infarction on Xitantan Road?Shang Lili even raised her eyebrows and asked, "What kind of policeman has a brain attack?"

Just as Xiao Liang whispered to him, Shang Lili had confessed to murder and assaulting the police. If she had really done something to the deceased Wang Chen, there was no need to deny it.

Zhuge Yang had always felt that there was something fishy about his master's death, but now he realized that he might have been overthinking it.

Perhaps the master just accidentally picked up the blue thread and never met Shang Lili.

"Hey, are we going to get together tonight?" Xiao Liang asked.

Xiao Jiang also came over and suggested, "How about we go eat Malatang tonight?"

Zhuge Yang looked at Xiao Jiang and nodded in agreement. "good."

Before everyone could cheer, they heard Zhuge Yang add: "I'll finish checking what needs to be checked later. The chain of evidence is spot on. You can also get together in advance. Xiao Jiang, you and I go out for a while."

It was already lunch time, and the others thought Zhuge Yang was taking Xiao Jiang out to open a small stove, so they didn't say anything.

Zhuge Yang and Xiao Jiang had a simple bowl of fried noodles for lunch and went to Xinxin Xiangrong Supermarket to supplement their evidence.

When the two of them arrived at the door, Yao Xin was wiping the shelves with a rag.

She turned around and saw the person at the door, and stopped wiping.

"Sorry to bother you again." Zhuge Yang walked in first.

Seeing Yao Xin stunned, Zhuge Yang grabbed Xiao Jiang's arm and introduced Xiao Jiang: "Xiao Jiang, this supermarket owner is called Yao Xin, and he is my high school classmate." Xiao Jiang opened his mouth in surprise. "Wow, it's true. Then your fate is not shallow."

Hearing these words, Zhuge Yang and Yao Xin both had different changes.Yao Xin threw the rag in his hand into the basin and lowered his head silently.Zhuge Yang looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say next.

Xiao Jiang didn't seem to notice anything was wrong in the atmosphere, and continued: "I have very few classmates in high school that I have contact with now. I don't know where they are scattered to the southeast, northwest, and northwest. They say that we passed each other thousands of times in the past life. Only in exchange for a look back in this life. Being able to become classmates is a great fate, and it is a miracle that we can meet each other in a different place after graduation. Zhuge, didn't you invite your old classmates to dinner?"

Zhuge Yang then answered: "Ah, I'm about to invite you."

Yao Xin squatted down to wash the rag, his tone was calm and gentle. "You are here today probably because of the case."

Zhuge Yang pursed his lips and asked about business. "I'm here to ask you for confirmation. Shang Lili has already confessed the facts of the crime. She said she bought children's shoes and red printing ink from your store on the night of April 4st. Do you have any impression of this matter?"

Yao Xin picked up the light green plastic basin on the ground, but Zhuge Yang didn't see her expression.I only heard her gentle voice after pondering for a moment: "I have no impression."

Xiao Jiang also said seriously: "This information is very important to us, please think about it carefully."

Yao Xin carried the basin out of the store, placed the basin on the roadside, wrung out the rag, and poured the water in the basin into the sewer.When she came back, the basin in her hand was placed under the cashier, and the rag was spread out on the marble counter.

Her chest rose and fell slightly. "I really don't remember what you asked just now. Shang Lili often buys things from me, and every time she buys a bunch of big and small bags. I don't remember when she bought anything."

"Shang Lili is not married and has no children. Don't you find it strange that she buys children's shoes from you? Do you have no impression at all?" Xiao Jiang asked again.

Yao Xin sat on the stool at the counter, thought for a while and said: "Shang Lili does not have children, and I have never deliberately remembered her shopping. Every time she comes, she takes the shopping basket and stuffs everything into the basket. I Take out the calculator one by one, focusing on the calculator."

Zhuge Yang and Xiao Jiang looked at the stack of dark green shopping baskets on the right side of the door at the same time.

When he turned around again, Zhuge Yang stared at the black screen of the checkout machine in the cashier. "What's wrong with the checkout machine? Is it broken?"

Yao Xin put his hand on top of the checkout machine screen without looking at the two of them. "This thing keeps breaking, and I'm not used to it. It costs money to find someone to repair it, so it's been left here as a display."

"Do you still have that style of children's shoes in stock in your store?"

Yao Xin raised his head and glanced at Zhuge Yang, nodded and said: "There should be some. Since the online commotion about the children's shoes, I have received them all in the warehouse. Please wait a moment, I will go look for them."

Yao Xin went into the warehouse to look for inventory, and Zhuge Yang wanted to take the opportunity to explain his relationship with Yao Xin to Xiao Jiang.As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted again.

"Xiao Jiang, in fact, Yao Xin and I"

"Hey? Where's the lady boss?"

Two boys who looked like students came through the door. They both wore glasses and were tall and thin.

The one who spoke was a boy wearing a black hooded sweatshirt.The two of them glanced at Zhuge Yang, and the boy in the black sweater asked. "Hello, have you seen the proprietress of this store?"

Zhuge Yang Nunu pointed his chin towards the warehouse. "Went to the warehouse to look for something."

"Oh, thank you." After the boy thanked him, he stood at the door of the supermarket with another boy wearing a white sportswear pocket.

The two chatted quietly.

The boy in black said, "How about we come back later?"

The boy in white replied: "Wait a moment, don't be in a hurry."

The boy in black turned his head and carefully glanced in the direction of the warehouse, then moved closer and said, "Hey, why haven't you seen the child in the proprietress's arms recently?"

"Maybe he's sleeping upstairs."

"That little milk baby is quite fun, and his face is so easy to pinch."

"Isn't your girlfriend's face easy to pinch?"

"Fuck, do I dare to squeeze? Last time, you hugged me around the waist and almost scratched my face." The boy in black finished his words and was patted heavily on the shoulder.The last sound is all trembling.

Zhuge Yang put his hand on the boy's shoulder, his tone was cold and his expression was serious. "You just said that she has a nursing child?"

The boy in black seemed to be frightened and nodded dully. "Yes, there is."

But the boy in white looked Zhuge Yang up and down and asked proactively: "Who are you and why do you ask this?"

Zhuge Yang didn't answer, just stared at the pupils under the glasses of the boy in black. "You are students from the school opposite. Do you often come to this supermarket to buy things?"

The boy in black still nodded. "Yes, the boss lady has our WeChat account, so we can get credit here. I'm here to pay back the money today."

The boy in white pulled the boy in black's arm, shook his head at him, and signaled him not to say anything more.

Zhuge Yang wanted to ask other questions, so the two boys avoided and rushed into the shop vigilantly.

Yao Xin had already walked out of the warehouse with a cardboard box in his arms and placed it next to the cashier.Xiaojiang knelt down and looked through the various children's shoes inside.

Two boys stood in front of the counter, and each took out a red hundred-dollar bill, saying they wanted to write off the account.Yao Xin took out a soft leather notebook from the counter drawer and rummaged through it.

Xiao Jiang came to Zhuge Yang carrying a pair of children's shoes. "I found the same type of shoes. Look, they have a bear pattern on the soles." Xiao Jiang held up the shoes and shook them.

(End of this chapter)

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