nursery rhymes

Chapter 27 The first acquaintance

Chapter 27 The first acquaintance

The time in the rescue room is almost racing against the clock, but the people waiting outside the rescue room always feel that the time is endless.

People from the bureau were taking care of Yao Xin, and figures coming and going were wandering in front of Zhuge Yang.Xiao Liang asked him what was going on, and Xiao Jiang advised him to go back to the bureau to report the progress of the case.

The director made two calls in a row, urging him to go back.Yin Zihe also called to tell him that his aunt's physical condition was fine, except that her scalp was broken and she had a slight concussion, and her waist flashed and she couldn't move.

Looking at the red light still on the white iron door, Zhuge Yang's thoughts rushed back to ten years ago.

In the summer of 2009, in the classroom of Grade [-] and Grade [-] at Huiyuan High School.

Zhuge Yang walked in carrying the dark blue schoolbag his mother bought for him, and looked around at a few classmates who were chatting enthusiastically and making friends.He found a corner and sat in the third row near the corridor wall.

More and more students entered the class, and a boy sat down next to his seat.His name is Gao Shen, and he is his best buddy in his three years of high school life.Tall and thin, with protruding cheekbones, she glanced at him with narrow red phoenix eyes and asked him slightly domineeringly: "What's your name?"

Zhuge Yang didn't want to talk at first.He was upset that his parents had sent him to such a far away place.Considering that the other party took the initiative to talk to him, it would be rude for him not to answer, and Liang Zi might have ended.

Zhuge Yang looked up at him. "My name is Zhuge."

At the door of the classroom, a female classmate wearing a pink short-sleeved shirt came in, holding the off-white schoolbag strap on her chest with both hands, her ponytail swaying.She probably didn't expect that there would be so many classmates in the classroom, and that many people's eyes would be on her.

She lowered her head, loosened her schoolbag strap with her fingers, walked to the window hand and foot, and sat down in the third row by the window.

"Hey, what do you call Zhuge? Zhuge Kongming." Gao Shen pushed his arm.

Zhuge Yang came to his senses.

It turned out that the first time Gao Yi saw her was like this.

After the test, Yao Xin sat in the first row by the window, while Zhuge Yang sat in the fifth row behind her.

Their head teacher with curly hair holding a bamboo stick said: Seats are arranged according to grades, if you want to sit in the front, you have to use your own strength to get it.

Yao Xin became the Chinese class representative with the honor of ranking first in the class in Chinese.

She is very serious when listening to lectures in class, but she doesn't like to raise her hand to answer questions.Only when the teacher called on her name would she stand up timidly and answer nervously.

Yao Xin will not take the initiative to answer questions, nor will he take the initiative to make friends and chat.During recess, she would lie by the window, looking at the people running downstairs and smiling.

Yao Xin's deskmate was a lively and active girl named Wang Yiran. He dragged her several times and asked her to go downstairs to play shuttlecock.Yao Xin always smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, I can't kick shuttlecock. You can go and play."

Wang Yiran dragged her hard and pouted coquettishly: "Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't know how. I'll teach you. Let's go."

Yao Xin was dragged down the stairs and had no choice but to follow him.

Zhuge Yang lay down at the window to see her.In the crowd forming a circle, Yao Xin was like a stick with branches cut off, dull and stiff.

After failing to catch the shuttlecock many times, Yao Xin waved his hands and exited the circle, trotted upstairs and returned to the classroom to sit down.

Zhuge Yang looked at the girl sitting in the seat with a blushing and nervous face, and wanted to step forward and tell her: Don't be afraid that you can't blend in, don't be afraid of holding others back, be more confident, you can do it.

Yao Xin leaned on the window sill again, stars were shining in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

Her happiness is so simple.

If the first year of high school is the adaptation stage for fish to enter the pond, the second year of high school is the self-satisfied stage for fish to jump on the water and play.

When I was a sophomore in high school, I always felt that the senior year of high school was still far away, and the college entrance examination was still far away.

"Hey, Zhuge, let's go play ball." Gao Shen stood at the door of Class [-], Grade [-], greeting him with a basketball in his arms.

Zhuge Yang's seat was moved to the seventh row, almost at the bottom of the class. "Here we come." He looked at Yao Xin, who was in the first row opposite the desk. She lowered her head and was writing something down in her notebook.

A palm suddenly pressed on Yao Xin's desk, and her writing movement stopped.

Zhuge Yang knew who the owner of that hand was. It was Ma Ming, the demon king from class two and three of the high school next door.

Ma Ming was tall and strong, and looked terrifying.He showed a fake smile and said to Yao Xin: "Sister, I heard that you are the first in class two and you are really good at studying. Come and make friends."

Yao Xin squeezed the carbon pen tightly and did not hold Ma Ming's extended hand.

Ma Ming didn't feel embarrassed, and took his hand back, still smiling. "We will be friends from now on. Sister, I will lend you some living expenses and I will pay you back next week. If anyone bullies you in the future, just go to me and he will help you."

Yao Xin just sat blankly, neither speaking nor moving.

"Look, don't be afraid. I don't borrow much. Fifty, twenty, or ten yuan will do."

"Not even ten yuan. Five yuan, five yuan will do."

Yao Xin lowered his head, still stiff.

With a snap, Ma Ming's palm slapped on the table, and Yao Xin's notebook jumped high.

"One piece, there's always one piece."

Yao Xin trembled all over, and the carbon pen in his hand fell on his lap, then slipped and hit the concrete floor.

Zhuge Yang couldn't stand it any longer, so he walked over and stretched out his hand to pluck Ma Ming's collar.Ma Ming was half a head taller than him, and he only caught the white school uniform on his chest.

He dragged the person into the corridor and threw him against the wall.Pointing at Ma Ming's nose, he warned: "Don't come to our second class and show off your power and bully others."

Ma Ming smoothed out the wrinkled short sleeves of his school uniform, stared bull-eyed, and punched Zhuge Yang in the face. "I just bullied you, why?"

In that one, the two of them were wrestling in the corridor.You kick me, I'll punch you.

Zhuge Yang's school uniform pants were pulled open, and Ma Ming didn't lose anything, and his eyes were blue.

The two were forced to stand in the corridor for one class, facing each other, and stared at each other for 45 minutes.

Yao Xin took the initiative to make friends with him on the court.

Almost every day after dinner, I played a game of basketball to stretch my muscles. That night, the sky was filled with orange-red flaming clouds.He pulled up his short sleeves to wipe the sweat from his forehead, walked to the cement flower bed where his coat was placed, and found a bottle of mineral water on it.

Yao Xin sat at the corner of the flower bed and peeked over here.

He walked over with the water and looked down at her.

"thanks, thanks."

He was grateful for the bottle of water, and she was grateful for the fight.

"I saw it all. It was Ma Ming who made the first move. When the teacher punished you, why didn't you tell the truth?"

"say what?"

"Say Ma Ming came to our class to ask for money. He made the first move." Yao Xin blinked at him innocently.

"Only the kindergarten kid complained." Zhuge Yang glanced at her, raised his neck and drank half a bottle of water.

(End of this chapter)

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