nursery rhymes

Chapter 36 Explained

Chapter 36 Explained
Yao Xin clasped his fingers, and the silver-white handcuffs on his wrists hit the small table, making a thumping sound.

She sniffed and raised her head, looking at Zhuge Yang with tearful eyes. "Shang Lili, how is her condition?"

Zhuge Yang paused while holding the rotating pink headband with his fingertips, glanced at Yao Xin, and put down the headband.

"You haven't finished explaining your own question yet. I'll talk about Shang Lili's question later."

Yao Xin's eyes darkened and he lowered his head again.

Zhuge Yang turned his head to look at the dense records on Xiao Liang's laptop, thought for a moment, and then asked: "Since Shang Lili promised to help you hide it and advised you not to kill anyone again, why did you attack Zhou Shunfang? It's because we caught him Shang Lili, don’t you want her to take the blame for you?”

Yao Xin was still clasping his fingers, as if his thumbs were going to be broken.She bit her lower lip before answering softly: "After I found out that you were the person investigating this case, I told Shang Lili. I told her that I wanted to surrender."

After all Yao Xin's experiences over the years, he felt extremely regretful after meeting Zhuge Yang.She regrets that she listened to her parents and not only gave up her dream of becoming a police officer, but also married her husband Cao Gang.What she regretted even more was that when she met Zhuge Yang ten years later, one became a policeman and the other became a murderer.

Although she really didn't want Zhuge Yang to know that she was a murderer, the torment in her heart became even stronger.She even thought that it would be fine if it fell into Zhuge Yang's hands.

But Shang Lili told her that there was a way to get the best of both worlds.

Shang Lili had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a long time ago and had been hiding it.Now as the murder investigation progresses, someone must plead guilty, face trial and be shot.Shang Lili felt that as a terminal cancer patient, she was more suitable to be a murderer.

Yao Xin was persuaded by Shang Lili's words, "Just let me do something for you before I die."

She told Shang Lili more details of the crime and the fact that Cao Gang was frozen in the freezer.

Shang Lili asked her to find an opportunity to throw the contents of the freezer into the sea to feed the fish, and took the blood-stained flower pot-soled shoes back to the nail salon.

When Shang Lili grabbed Yao Xin's other two mobile phones, saying that she wanted to familiarize herself with the account contents, she accidentally discovered that Yao Xin was still using the account "Hard-working Sunflower" to contact others.Between the words, it seemed like he was about to commit another crime.

Yao Xin didn't wait for Shang Lili to question, and took the initiative to admit that she really wanted to kill this middle-aged woman named Zhou Shunfang.

She found a video of Zhou Shunfang abusing the elderly for Shang Lili. In the video, the short Zhou Shunfang was standing beside the bed.Holding a bowl in her left hand, she slapped the wrinkled face of a skinny old lady who was half leaning against the head of the bed with the palm of her right hand.

The person who posted the video is Zhou Shunfang’s son.

While chatting, Zhou Shunfang's son looked very lonely when faced with Yao Xin's guidance.He said something to attract Yao Xin's attention.

He said: "I knew it would be useless even if I told my cousin who is a policeman. You adults all talk about looking after the overall situation and losing face and reputation."

Yao Xin and Shang Lili said, I must kill this Zhou Shunfang.

She rummaged down and clicked on another video for Shang Lili.The video showed a half-finished test paper. As the camera shook, a young voice said, "I can't do this question."

Shang Lili didn't know why.

Yao Xin paused the video and pointed his fingertips on the left side of the test paper. There were three words written on the name there: Zhuge Li.

His surname is Zhuge, his cousin is a policeman and lives in Beidaihe.All the information showed that the old man who was slapped was Zhuge Yang's grandmother.

"Lili, you said you wanted to do one more thing for me, but I also want to do one more thing for Zhuge Yang. His grandma is still alive, but she has to suffer this kind of abuse. My grandma was so kind to me when she was alive. , Zhuge Yang’s grandma must be very good to him, I can’t just watch and ignore him.”

But Shang Lili snatched her phone angrily. "Yao Xin, you are not God, you are not a savior, and you are not a policeman. I will take care of your previous sins. If you continue to be a fool, no one will care about you in the future."

After that, Shang Lili stated that she wanted to cut off her relationship with Yao Xin and never entered the supermarket again.Friends on WeChat also deleted each other.

Neither of them knew which day the incident would come to light.

Until, Zhuge Yang found the short video account that contacted the victim and asked Yao Xin and Shang Lili.

In order to confirm the fact that she was the murderer, Shang Lili followed Zhuge Yang and attacked the police.

Yao Xin happened to go to Shang Lili to discuss it because Zhuge Yang asked about the short video account during the day, and bumped into Shang Lili coming back carrying a baseball bat.After questioning, I learned that Shang Lili actually attacked Zhuge Yang.

The interrogation room was filled with sobs.

Yao Xin had broken the back of his right thumb, and red blood oozed out.

"She gave me a bunch of gold jewelry and asked me to sell them for money. She originally saved them for medical treatment, but she gave them to me as if she was planning to pay for her funeral."

"She also gave me a key to the nail salon and said that if she was caught, she would let me sell the valuable items inside."

"I was sitting in the warehouse that night, and the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I became. I wanted to go to her again and tell her that I didn't want her to take the blame for me. I found a man in her house, and I guessed that she wanted to create an alibi. .So I called the police and reported her."

"You all know what happened next. After learning about Lili's illness, I thought, I can't wait any longer. According to some scene information posted on Zhuge Li's short video account, I know where Zhou Shunfang lives. Where the community is, I also know the location of the market where Zhou Shunfang buys vegetables. But I didn’t expect that there would be police following me.”

Zhuge Yang and Xiao Liang looked at each other and neither explained anything.

If Yin Zihe and the others hadn't gone to Zhou Shunfang's community to pick up the car, Zhou Shunfang might have died.

Zhuge Yang cast his gaze on the notebook, where some questions that needed to be asked were written.

"According to what you said, the flowerpot-soled shoes originally belonged to Shang Lili. They were taken into the supermarket by Cao Ying to play with, so they were not returned. After you committed the crime, Shang Lili took the evidence back to the nail salon to take the blame for you?"

"Yes, Shang Lili has a set of ancient costumes, and the shoes were bought to match the costumes."

"How did you lose the blue thread on the flower pot sole shoes?" Zhuge Yang's eyes were fixed on the top of Yao Xin's hair, holding the edge of the notebook with both hands.

Yao Xin pondered for a while before replying: "I don't remember either. It seems that it was thrown away at the dam."

Zhuge Yang tightened his fingertips, and the page of the notebook was wrinkled and raised. "What did you do at the embankment? Do you know that a police officer from the police station died of cerebral infarction at the embankment runway? Did you see the deceased police officer on the day the thread was lost?"

Yao Xin seemed to suddenly remember something, and suddenly raised his head to look into Zhuge Yang's eyes.

At that moment, the paper held by Zhuge Yang made a tearing sound.

Yao Xin said with some uneasiness: "I only heard later that someone fell ill and died at the track. But that day, I was going."

"What are you going to do? You met my master, what happened between you? Does my master's death have anything to do with you?" Zhuge Yang stood up abruptly, and the horizontal lined paper under his hand had been torn obliquely. The split, wrinkled mass was held in his hand.

Yao Xin realized something, raised his handcuffed hands and moved them wildly. "No, no, I didn't know that was your master. No, we didn't."

Yao Xin spoke intermittently, and was so anxious that he wanted to stand up, but found that he was restrained in the chair, so he sat down again and collected his words.

She did see Wang Chen on the runway that day, but she didn't know that Wang Chen had an accident after she left.

In the early morning of that day, Yao Xin went to the dike in the dark, trying to find a suitable place to bury his son in the refrigerator.In order to hide her figure, she put on Cao Gang's clothes before his death and wore flowerpot-soled shoes over children's shoes to increase her height.

When we reached the embankment, we lost our footing and fell unconscious.When she woke up, it was almost dawn, but she found herself entangled in a rotten fishing net. As she struggled to free herself, she was seen from a distance by Wang Chen on the track.

When she saw Wang Chen running towards her, she realized that she had seen Wang Chen at the door of the police station. Some people called him Captain Chen.When she found out that the other person was a police officer, she quickly broke away and ran away.

It was only later that I found out that Wang Chen had passed away.

Knowing that Wang Chen's identity is not only a policeman, but also Zhuge Yang's master, Yao Xin was afraid that Zhuge Yang might misunderstand, so he quickly explained clearly.

Zhuge Yang sat down with a sullen expression, realizing that his performance was too intense.The tone was a little unnatural: "Whether what you said is true or false, we will naturally verify it. Next, let's talk about the relationship between you and Shang Lili."

(End of this chapter)

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