nursery rhymes

Chapter 41 A Letter of Farewell

Chapter 41 A letter of farewell

May 2020, 5, is Mother’s Day.

Zhuge Yang picked up the phone receiver next to the tempered glass and looked at Yao Xin, who was wearing a gray-and-white striped prison uniform.

Yao Xin sat down and also picked up the phone.

"Shang Lili, let's go."

Yao Xin's dry and flaky lips trembled. "You said, she's dead?" The last word left, and her eyes turned red.

Zhuge Yang didn't nod or speak, but just watched her calmly.

Yao Xin cried repressedly and said vaguely: "I still couldn't see her in the end."

"Today is Mother's Day. The old lady is outside with Cao Ying. I can arrange for you to meet."

Yao Xin inside the glass wiped his face randomly twice and quickly shook his head.

"No, it's gone. I don't want Yingying to see me looking like this now, wearing such clothes. It's better to let her keep in her heart the way I used to be."

"It shouldn't be too bad for her to live with her grandma in the future. Yingying is very sensible and well-behaved. Although she sometimes has a bit of a stubborn temper, she will listen to her as long as she can be reasoned with."

Yao Xin lowered his eyes and his eyes fell on a circle of water stains on the edge of the tempered glass that had not been wiped off.She seemed to be lost in memories, murmuring to Zhuge Yang.

She said that she always hears parents scolding their children, complaining that their children are here to collect debts, and she has also been scolded in this way.But when she had a child of her own, she realized that the child was actually here to repay the favor.

When Cao Ying was more than two years old, the first bite of anything she ate had to be put into her mouth.When she ate it and said it was delicious, Cao Ying would giggle for a while.

Cao Gang was often away from home when he was busy with projects. In those days when she should have been lonely, and in the dark nights with thunder and lightning, Cao Ying was always with her.

She had an argument with Cao Gang and sat aside crying. Cao Ying's small, soft body got into her arms, wiped her tears and patted her back gently.

The little child doesn't understand love, hate, right or wrong, but he knows to open his arms and protect his mother behind him.She still clearly remembers what Cao Ying said to Cao Gang with a frown on her face, blocking her way in front of her.

"What are you doing! You can't bully mom!"

She had a difficult delivery with her first child, so she was always worried after she unexpectedly became pregnant with her second child.She also thought that since Cao Gang didn't want this second child, she might as well abort it.But Cao Ying was lying on her belly, calling for her brother in a Nuojijiji voice.

She asked, how did you know he was a younger brother?

Cao Ying said: Because I have lived in this house, I know that there is a good brother in it.

Cao Ying also said that when his brother grows up, he will be a man, a stronger man than his father.

Her belly was getting bigger and bigger, and it was inconvenient to do anything.Cao Ying would take the initiative to help her wash the dishes. Although the dishes were full of bubbles and the floor was full of water stains, she felt hot just looking at the child stepping on the bench.

She told herself that she must always remember the warmth Cao Ying gave her, and she must not be partial.

On the day of the home birth, she was frightened, and Cao Ying was also frightened.

She called Cao Gang who was outside, but no one answered.She wanted to call 120 for help, but Cao Ying came over with a basin of water for washing her feet. Her phone fell in and the screen went black.

Cao Ying burst into tears and apologized repeatedly, saying she didn't mean to do it.

She was so hurt that she fainted and scolded Cao Ying.Cao Ying was sobbing and crying. She went downstairs with a storybook and hid in the warehouse.

She thought that her appearance at that time should be very ferocious.

But when she gave birth to the baby alone in the bedroom, the baby's cry reached downstairs, and Cao Ying ran upstairs immediately.First she looked at her wrinkled brother in surprise, and then asked her: Mom, does it hurt and are you tired after giving birth to your brother?
At that moment, she felt that all the hardships were worth it.

Yao Xin came to his senses and looked up at Zhuge Yang again. "I know that I killed so many people and made such an outrageous mistake. I will definitely not have the chance to watch Yingying grow up. Although I can't see her, there are some things I still want to say to her. Zhuge Yang, I can Can I write a letter for you to give to my mother-in-law?"

Zhuge Yang nodded.The visit time was limited, but the letter Yao Xin wrote was very short.

On a piece of letter paper covered with red lines, there were only five or six lines of words.


When my mother wrote this letter, she was in the visiting room.Mom did something wrong and needs to take responsibility.By the time you read this letter, you should have already.There are many things that mom wants to say to you, but the most important ones are just a few words of advice.In a person's life, many choices need to be made.Some choices are right, some are wrong, and even one step is wrong and the other step is wrong, and finally step into the abyss.

Mom is a warning, so you have to remember that it doesn’t matter if you make the wrong choice, we must correct it immediately when we find out.If you marry the wrong person, you must stop your losses immediately.If you are bullied or treated unfairly, you must be brave enough to seek help from the police and the righteous party.

Mom has done something to take away your life. Here, mom apologizes to you. I'm sorry.

Mom loves you and will always love you, so when you love your children in the future, remember to use the method of love.

Finally, I wish my daughter health and happiness.

Yao Xin said that he should give this letter to Cao Ying's grandmother and show it to her after Cao Ying's birthday.

Zhuge Yang held the folded letter in his hand and took one last look at the familiar figure in the tempered glass.He said: Goodbye, old classmate.

The person on the other side of the glass gave a relieved smile and said silently: Goodbye, Comrade Police.

On July 7, the verdict was announced in Yao Xin’s case.

In the police station, Xiao Liang took a piece of watermelon and took two bites, chewing it with drool and said: "If Yao Xin killed someone out of anger just because Cao Gang committed domestic violence and killed his son, maybe he would be lenient if she confessed. Get a lighter punishment. Alas, but she took the initiative to cause the deaths of Feng Yaozhong and Fu Mingyang. The one Zhou Shunfang committed attempted murder, and so did the one Cao Ying. They will be punished for several crimes, and the death penalty is inevitable. "

Watermelon juice splashed on Zhuge Yang's dark arms, and he frowned and glared at Xiao Liang.Xiao Liang grabbed a piece of watermelon with only a few black seeds from the pile of cut watermelons in the plastic bag and stuffed it into Zhuge Yang's mouth.

The sweet watermelon juice enters the mouth, and any words of disgust are swallowed into the stomach along with the watermelon juice.

Yao Xin's case aroused great public opinion and response.

On the short video platform, people flocked to the platform to report domestic violence against someone with their real names.There was even a wave of reporting, with more and more people showing up on camera holding ID cards, and the types of reports becoming more diverse.After all, among more than one billion people, only a few families are unhappy, and very few have domestic violence.If you want to take advantage of the popularity of the case and speak out for your unfair position, you can only muster the courage to stand in front of the camera.

The 70-year-old old lady who picked up waste used her neighbor's mobile phone to complain that her four sons did not fulfill their support obligations;

Migrant workers in their 50s wearing yellow safety helmets asked the media and the public to intervene to help them recover unpaid wages;

A housewife in her 40s reported that her husband, a public servant, was raising a mistress outside the home, buying real estate, and engaging in corruption and bribery;

A single mother in her 30s asked for child support from her ex-husband who had been a defaulter for many years;

A white-collar worker in his 20s cried about being harassed in the workplace by his boss;
An eight or nine-year-old girl went to the fire brigade for help, saying that her mother exploited and oppressed her and made her do homework until one o'clock in the morning every day;
No one dares to say anything like the weak are guilty anymore.

Those men who had previously arrogantly stated that women must live dependent on men and dare not mention divorce are begging their wives not to divorce and to think about their children.

Every now and then there would be a big drama in the divorce registration office where the husband would plead to stay.Some hugged their thighs, some knelt on their knees, and some revealed the location of their private money on the spot.
There is also a popular saying on the Internet: If you dare to domestic violence me, you must be prepared to sleep with your eyes open.

Although Yao Xin's case was shocking, everyone understood that she was wrong in planning the murder later.But a murderer like her is hard to hate.

Many people are paying attention to her verdict.

Anticipating that it might be the death penalty, when I actually heard the verdict, I couldn't help but sigh.

Once upon a time, she was such a pitiful and pitiable weak woman.

She stepped into the abyss, going deeper and deeper, without even a chance to pull her out.

After this incident passed, it seemed that the original calm was quickly restored.Everyone's life goes on as usual, and people and things that have nothing to do with them are gradually forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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