nursery rhymes

Chapter 8 Flower Pot Bottoms

Chapter 8 Flower Pot Bottoms

When the chicken blood was almost done, the man stood up holding the bloody kitchen knife.

Zhuge Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his limbs stretched out.

Jiang Jiang's father has no resemblance to the suspect in either height or shape.

Zhuge Yang looked up at the wooden door of Nuanjia B&B. "Is it convenient for me to go in and take a look?"

"Oh, it's convenient. Why is this inconvenient? Please come in." Jiang Jiang's father held the bleeding hen in one hand and gestured with the kitchen knife with the other, smiling honestly.

Unlike Jiang Jiang’s mother, who exudes melancholy at all times, Jiang Jiang’s father seems not to be affected by the loss of his child and the verbal attacks from netizens.

The courtyard of the B&B is not big, with a total of two floors.

There is a tall pomegranate tree growing in the center of the yard. The branches are trimmed neatly, so you can pass under the tree without bumping your head.Green onions were spread on both sides of the doorstep, and braids of garlic hung under the eaves.

The first floor is the restaurant with eight long tables.Behind the dining room is the kitchen and warehouse, and next to the warehouse are two bedrooms.The second floor is full of guest rooms, with eight rooms.

Zhuge Yang did not go to the second floor, but only walked around the restaurant and kitchen on the first floor.

Jiang Jiang's father poured hot water on the newly killed hen, pulled up a bench, sat next to the iron basin and started plucking the feathers.

"Our family lives on these eight rooms. Fortunately, we own the house and don't have to pay rent."

Zhuge Yang felt that the smell of boiling chicken feathers in hot water was a bit overwhelming, so he moved back two steps without leaving a trace.

"Jiang Jiang's mother has been in a bad mood these days, and I have been working alone in the B&B. I told her that the child was definitely taken away by someone, and it was not that he fell into the sea, but she just didn't believe it."

"Being carried away?" Zhuge Yang stared at the naked hen that had been plucked and spoke subconsciously.

"Jiang Jiang has been running around the beach since he was a child. He never goes near the sea water. He just digs sand and plays with shells on the shore. He is such a small child. If someone hadn't taken him away, Jiang Jiang's mother would start to notice that he was out of sight. Look for it, how can you not find it?"

"I've told the people in your police station a long time ago to ask them to keep an eye on the bus stations and highway exits. The people who stole our rivers must be human traffickers."

While speaking, a hen had been plucked and cleaned, and its internal organs had been ripped open.

Zhuge Yang watched as the dark purple chicken gizzards were cut open with a kitchen knife, and the yellow sac inside was pulled out and thrown into the trash can.An idea flashed through my mind.

If the missing Jiang Jiang is found first, will the rumors on the Internet and the murderer's plan to use the rumors to commit crimes again be shattered?
Before he could bring up the idea of ​​the boy's disappearance, Xiao Liang pulled him into the conference room as soon as he returned to the police station.

The director, whose muscles were slumped and the corners of his mouth were also sunken, sat upright and tapped the table with his fingertips.

"Have you heard the rumors on the Internet?"

Zhuge Yang unexpectedly turned to look at Xiao Liang. Xiao Liang winked at him, so he could only sit upright and listen carefully.

"They all said that the seven stabbings on the back of the second victim were a warning of the next murder. The murderer will commit another crime on April 4, huh. What does the suspect want to do? What do you think of human life? Take our police officers. What?"

"Today is April 4th. I'll give you three more days. Zhuge Yang." Zhuge Yang was suddenly called, and before his mind could react, he stood up so quickly that his chair was overturned by his legs. "arrive."

"Lao Chen's departure was so sudden, and the suspect's relentless pursuit left us no time to feel sad or regretful." The director's voice suddenly softened. "Zhuge Yang, you were brought out by Old Chen. You have been investigating and following up on this case, and you have more comprehensive and detailed information. From today on, you will temporarily take over as the captain of the first team. I will transfer two more to you. "

"Thank you Director for your respect, but I'm not suitable to be the captain." Zhuge Yang interrupted the Director's next words with a crisp statement.

His hands were tightly attached to the trouser line, his chest and back were straight, and his chin was stubbornly set.

Xiao Liang quietly pulled down his pants under the table and even pinched him.But no matter what, Zhuge Yang still stared at the white wall opposite, his cheeks biting into corners.

The director's anger could be heard in the brief sounds of nails tapping on the table.

The first team sat in the row to the right of the director, and the second team sat in the left row.Everyone in the conference room secretly sweated for Zhuge Yang.

At this time, the captain of the second team rubbed his thumb on the watch dial on his wrist and said: "Director, this case is so difficult, why not merge the first team into the second team."

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Yang finally reacted.

He glanced at the captain of the second team's melon face, which was more than ten degrees paler than his master's. The fingertips placed on the trouser line were so hard that his entire upper body was shaking.

The master has long said that the captain of the second team is not a hard worker.Leaving all the dirty work to the team members is not a good leader.

Zhuge Yang stared at the director from the corner of his eye, fearing that he would agree.

The sound of tapping on the table stopped, and Zhuge Yang was named again.

"Zhuge Yang, I know this case is very stressful. But you can't evade responsibility just because it's stressful. Why do you think you have the opportunity to be the captain of the previous team? Lao Chen has talked to me before and wants you to be the deputy. Captain, practice your organization and deployment skills. And Xiao Liang, his skills are no worse than yours, but Xiao Liang also talked to me and I think you are the most suitable for this position."

"Under pressure, people will grow up as quickly as possible. Zhuge Yang, don't let down those who have high hopes for you."

"Xiao Fang and Feng Yi from the second team are temporarily seconded to the first team. The nursery rhyme murder case is under the responsibility of the captain of the first team, Zhuge Yang. From today on, you will work tirelessly for me to investigate, and you must find the suspect before the 14th. The meeting is dismissed."

Zhuge Yang returned to his workstation, took out the blue thread and thought about it.

Xiao Liang slid his chair closer and talked about the figure who seemed to be a suspect in the basement video. "I watched it over and over again, and I thought that person walked very strangely. You may think I'm crazy, but the way that person walked really looked like the ladies in The Legend of Zhen Huan."

Xiao Jiang held a thermos cup and interrupted: "I think you have been poisoned by the legend of Zhen Huan."

"Hey, don't interrupt, I'm serious. The reason why that figure's walking posture is strange is that he may have worn high heels or a flower pot to increase his height." Xiao Liang said, and took out his mobile phone to find out what he had swiped five or six times. The Legend of Zhen Huan.Pointing at the concubine Hua who looked down upon everything. "Look, they walk straight."

Zhuge Yang just glanced over casually, and his attention immediately focused on the bottom of the flower pot.

Why are there tiny footprints of children's shoes at the murder scene? The answer is ready to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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