Chapter 1
"Huh! Finally cleared the level!"

Liao Yu took a long breath and stretched out in his chair. He couldn't help but feel deeply as he watched the game enter the final CG animation on the screen.

This is a stand-alone RPG game called "The Devil". Players in the game will play the role of the son of destiny, travel across the continent, meet various partners during the adventure, and continue to grow amidst disputes and crises again and again.

In the tenth year of the game, the real mainline "Demon Invasion" event will start.

At that time, countless powerful and brutal extraterrestrial demons will pass through the dimensional rift, tear the sky, come to the world, and launch an invasion war. Continental countries will fall one after another, and their lives will be ruined. Tens of millions of human beings will become slaves of the demons.

As the child of destiny, the player becomes the last hope of mankind and the world. He leads the remaining forces of the countries to form the Dawn Defense Line to resist the demons, step by step, regain the occupied land and liberate the enslaved compatriots.

The finale CG in Liao Yu's screen now is the character he controls, who finally defeats the demon king, annihilates all the invading demons, seals them into the Chaos Rift, and restores peace to the world.

With the end of the CG, the screen fell silent, and the narration text began to scroll and emerge.

[The centuries-long war between humans and demons has finally come to an end. Under your leadership, civilization No. 001 successfully wiped out the demons, the world got rid of the fate of being invaded by the demons, and civilization continued]

[However, the cruel war has devastated the world, the dying land is full of suffering, and the former homeland is no longer alive. For the 001 civilization, the era of hardship has just begun. 】

[In any case, the history written by you will be remembered by the world, and the hymn of human courage led by you will continue to inspire future generations and become the driving force for progress]

[Thank you for playing, and welcome to log in to "The Fallen" again]

(Next, you will enter the additional settlement interface)
(We will filter out your outstanding performance in this round of the game, and make additional settlement scores. Based on the scores, you will receive special achievement rewards)

Extra settlement, and special achievements?
Is it a hidden easter egg?
Liao Yu immediately clicked in with curiosity and anticipation.

The screen turns.

The narration text scrolled again.

[You have snatched vehicles from passers-by 703 times in total in the game, and won the bronze medal achievement - shared bicycle] (settlement score +5)

[In the game, you have destroyed 15836 public/other items including wooden boxes/ceramics/crocks, etc. by violent means such as smashing/smashing/kicking, etc., and you have obtained a silver medal achievement-a little effort] (Settlement score +10)

[You have accumulated 5970 times of trespassing into other people’s villas/manors/castles/mansions without permission in the game, and you have won the silver achievement——Your home is really big] (settlement score +10)

[In the game, you have stolen 47 thousand-year-old cultural relics, destroyed 24 world wonders, hunted and killed 16 legendary creatures, overthrew 7 fate statues, and won the gold medal achievement - doing nothing good] (Score + 50)

[You have killed 199 succubi in total in the game and obtained the gold medal achievement - Oil and salt do not enter] (Settlement score +50)

[You have snatched children’s lollipops 148 times in total in the game and obtained the silver medal achievement—Childlike innocence remains] (Settlement score +10)

[In the game, you have sent your partners to carry out missions for a total of 150 years, eight years, seven months and three days, averaging 23.6 hours a day, and obtained the gold medal achievement - Conscientious Capitalist] (Settlement score +50)

[You have accumulated in the game, formed bonds with 42 partners beyond friendship, and won the gold medal achievement - Peerless Warm Man] (Settlement score +50)

[You have kicked 42 partners out of the team in total in the game, and in the final chapter, you conquered all ten BOSS battles alone without any partners, and obtained the gold medal achievement - Lonely Warrior] (Settlement score +50)

[You have slaughtered 5268 innocent chickens in total in the game and won the gold medal achievement——what are you doing? 】(Settlement score +50)
[You have molested the Radiant Saintess 65 times in total in the game, and you have obtained the silver medal achievement - Beast] (Score +10)

[You have defeated and captured the Glory Saint 21 times in the game, and still allowed the Glory Saint to remain a saint at the end of the game, and obtained the gold medal achievement - worse than a beast] (Settlement score +50)

【You have accumulated in the game】

After looking at it, there is still a long string of narration texts to be scrolled.

Liao Yu: "."

[Settlement has not been completed, are you sure you want to skip it? 】


[After calculation, your final extra score is: 18695 points, congratulations on your extra clearance achievement—heinous]

[Heinous crimes cannot be forgiven]

【Quality: Ultimate】

(Your high morals deserve such praise!)

(Note: Additional clearance achievements will affect your mysterious gift)
Liao Yu: "."


The copywriter of this game understands "achievement".

But what is this "mystery gift"?
Liao Yu was just confused when the next game screen came to the next interface.

[In view of your excellent performance in the game, we sincerely invite you to participate in the questionnaire]

(Note: After filling in the questionnaire, in order to thank you for playing and clearing the game, you will receive a generous mysterious gift~)

(Note 2: Please fill out the questionnaire carefully. Every item you fill in may affect your final mysterious gift, so please be sure to fill it out carefully)

"Falling Devil" is not a game for public sale, it is still in the closed beta stage.

Its manufacturer seems to be an unknown small workshop, Liao Yu has never heard of it anyway, and can't find much information about "Falling Devil" on the Internet.

And he was able to get in touch with "The Fallen", because the manufacturer took the initiative to invite the internal test and sent a private message to his mailbox.

As a veteran player with many certifications on the platform, Liao Yu has received many invitations to participate in closed beta tests, which is quite common.

He originally just played "The Fallen" briefly with the mentality of giving it a casual try, but unexpectedly he got hooked as soon as he played it and became completely addicted to it.

Pulling back his thoughts, Liao Yu refocused on the questionnaire.

The games in the closed beta stage will basically have a link for players to fill out questionnaires. Liao Yu is not very surprised.

In order to encourage players to fill in carefully, the manufacturer will give some gifts, which is also the basic practice of the industry.


Give us a "heinous" final achievement, right?

There is obviously nothing unforgivable about this.

There is only a son of destiny who works diligently for the cause of saving the world.

Liao Yu has always been a courteous person. Since the official copywriting is so naughty, he has to pay back.

After opening the questionnaire, the content inside is not complicated, there are only three questions in total.

first question:
[Excuse me, what do you think your (protagonist) background level is for your game experience? 】

[1. Difficulties——(I think the background of the protagonist is too rough and difficult, which has brought me many difficulties and setbacks, and made my game experience very bad. I hope it can be strengthened)]

[2. Ordinary - (I think the protagonist's background is acceptable. Although it is difficult in the early stage, it will be much better after you persevere through it)]

[3. Simple—(I think the protagonist has a good background, and it is very easy to grow up all the way)]

[4. Very simple - (I think the protagonist's background is too easy, and he doesn't feel the pressure at all. I hope the difficulty can be increased)]

The protagonist in the game was born in a down-and-out nobleman. When he was young, his parents made a marriage contract with the count's daughter. Unfortunately, the family declined later, causing the count's daughter to come to regret the marriage. This opened the first chapter of the game's story.

It is actually a bit difficult for Liao Yu to evaluate the start of this background.

At the beginning, players have to face all kinds of ostracism and provocation within their families, and they also have to participate in a series of competitions in the arena. Almost every battle involves a level-up challenge.

Later, when the count's daughter came to regret her marriage, if she, like Liao Yu, chose to "divorce" her wife before regretting the marriage, she would immediately turn against the count and be hunted down and wanted.

If it were an ordinary player, it is estimated that just the prologue would have to be stumped a lot.

But how should I put it.

Liao Yu moved the mouse quickly.

[You have selected "Very Simple", do you confirm the submission? 】

(Note: It cannot be modified after submission, please choose carefully)

【Successfully Submitted】

next question.

[Excuse me, what do you think your (protagonist) talent level is for your game experience? 】

[1. Difficulty - (I think the protagonist's talent is too low, which has brought me many difficulties and setbacks, making my gaming experience very bad. I hope it can be improved)]

[2. Ordinary——(I think the protagonist’s talent is acceptable, although it was hard in the early stage, but it will be much better after persevering)]

[3. Simple - (I think the protagonist has good talent and it is very easy to grow up along the way)]

[4. Very simple——(I think the protagonist’s talent is too high, and it’s too easy to obtain power, so I can’t experience the fun of nurturing it at all. I hope to increase the difficulty)]

As the protagonist in the game has the setting of "Destiny Child", it goes without saying that he is talented and can double or even triple cultivate multiple life paths at the same time.

In the later stage of the game, Liao Yu made the protagonist a top-notch transcendent in the three major fates of [Glory], [Judgment], and [Protection].

There is no need to think about this question, it is still "very simple".

After submitting, come to the last question of the questionnaire.

[Excuse me, what do you think of the "Glory Saintess" as the supervisor of your (protagonist) behavior, for your game experience? 】

[1. Difficulty - (I think the strength of the Glory Saint is too strong and cannot be matched at all. It has brought me an extremely bad experience and serious psychological shadow. I hope it can be weakened]

[2. Ordinary——(I think the strength of the Radiant Saintess is acceptable, although she can't beat her, but it is not difficult to escape from the pursuit of the Radiant Saintess, just maintain the status quo]

[3. Simple——(I think the strength of the Radiant Saint is slightly lower. I can often fight her regardless of the level. I hope it can be strengthened so that she can bring me more tension)]

[4. Very simple——(I think the strength of the Radiant Saintess is too weak, she is not my opponent at all, she can't supervise me at all, and she doesn't feel nervous or oppressive at all, I hope it can be greatly strengthened]

Radiant Virgin
The concept of "Glory" in Fate Track is light and glory, and it is also the one with the most followers, the most followers, and the most powerful among the many Fate Tracks in the game.

Just like most games, there will be an organization similar to the "police station" to restrict players from doing evil in the game. The saint who belongs to "Glory" probably has such a positioning.

In the early days before Liao Yu grew up, there was indeed a time when he was shrouded in the shadow of the glorious saint.

However, in the mid-term, Liao Yu gradually figured out the game, and as he became more and more proficient, the growth of the glorious saint could not keep up with him, and he began to be pulled further and further away by him.

Even later, it can be seen from the previous "achievements" that the glorious saint who punished rape and eliminated evil has been reduced to being treated like a monster by Liao Yu, let alone the "evil" who stopped him Behavior, almost become rbq.

rbq, Request Bank Queue, bank cash machine, refers to gold coins.

In the questionnaire, the first two are different from the game manufacturer's vindictiveness. For this question, Liao Yu filled in the "very simple" option from the bottom of his heart.

For one thing, the Holy Maiden of Glory has been brushed by him so many times, and I always feel embarrassed.

Secondly, he quite likes this strong female character who has a strong sense of justice, even though she has been molested and defeated by him so many times, she still sticks to her beliefs and is indomitable.

Liao Yu hopes that the government can strengthen it.

Good people should not become rbq.

【very simple】


After the mouse is clicked, all three questions have been answered so far, and the questionnaire comes to the end page.

[We have received your valuable comments, we will listen carefully and improve them]

[In order to thank you for your participation, the mysterious gift has been prepared for you. Do you want to receive it immediately? 】

Don't you need to fill in the delivery address?
It was so formal, Liao Yu thought that the "mysterious gift" should be a physical gift such as a pillow or a figure, but now even the delivery address is not required, it seems that it is probably just some kind of achievement medal, right?

Liao Yu, who was a little disappointed, clicked the [Yes] option casually.

Then in the next second.

This light.! ?
(End of this chapter)

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