Chapter 164: Judgment of the Demon King?

The Tower of Justice is the most famous building of the Inquisition.

It is 920 meters high and the shape of the tower is like an inverted water drop.

Although it is hundreds of stories high, only the topmost spire is used as a "court", and the interiors of the other tower pillars are hollow.

This design implies the supremacy of the court, which is above all else. After a felon is tried here, if more than half of the judges vote and approve it, the barrier under the prisoner's feet will be opened directly.

At that time, the prisoners will fall from the top of the tower into the sky, along the internal passage of the tower, and fall directly into the bottom of the tower, the legendary "still water" prison.

Yes, the Tower of Justice is built directly above the most famous "Still Water Prison" of the Inquisition.

The whole process was like being sent from heaven to hell.

Therefore, the "Tower of Justice" is often called the Tower of Exile by local people.

Although ordinary people in the trial court cannot get close to the Tower of Justice, and are not qualified to attend the jury, they can still watch the entire process through the official magic projection.

For the people of the Tribunal, they will basically not miss any judgment that can be placed in the Tower of Justice.

After all, those who can be sentenced here will not be little shrimps. They are all heinous villains who have committed various heinous crimes.

Watching such a human scum full of evil being sent to Jingshui Prison.

It is both a stimulation and a ritual that makes them proud.

And today.

Everyone in the Tribunal was very excited.

Because not long ago, their second prince, His Highness Danye, announced that through the efforts of the Judgment Knights, their female knight captain, Captain Lan, would remain on the run, and the felon "Demon King" from the Sorcerous Kingdom was successfully captured. Captured.

And now, without further ado, the towering Tower of Justice began to shine with dazzling light, and a grand and solemn trial was immediately carried out.

The light of the tower is visible to everyone, and it changes everyone's face.

That is
Dazzling red light.

Depending on the prisoner's degree of guilt, the tower will reflect different light.

From bottom to top they are white, gray, black, and red.

This also explains why the countless people in the Tribunal who were watching the projection of the spell immediately turned into incomparable expectations and excitement after being shocked.

After all, the "red light" symbolizes the highest judgment of the Tower of Justice - the Blood Moon Judgment.

The last time a tower could flash red was probably a hundred years ago.

What kind of villain is he?
What kind of sin he had committed to make the tower shine with a red light that had not been seen for a hundred years.

The eyes of all the people in the Tribunal were focused on the magic projection.

All concentrated.
A young man is located in the center of the courtroom on the top of the tower, in the position of the defendant and prisoner.

This was the first time for the people in the trial court to see such a young prisoner.

Moreover, what makes them even more puzzling is that the young man is not like the previous felons who were escorted to the Tower of Justice, with handcuffs, anklets, and a black collar around his neck to seal the magic power.

There is nothing in the young man.

If anything, if people looked carefully, they seemed to be able to see a thin thread similar to a spider web, wrapped around the young man, trapping him in place.

In this regard, one of the jurors in the court and the biggest contributor to the arrest of the Demon King, the female knight Chang Lan, gave the people an explanation.

I saw Lan holding a flag high.

That is the brave relic belonging to the eldest prince, the flag of command.

Of course ordinary people don't know it.

But after explaining it, I realized that those thin threads came from this flag. They were spiritual threads that were more powerful than physical restraints.

The current demon king has been mentally convinced. Every consciousness of the young man will be exposed through thin lines, and any evil thoughts will have nowhere to hide. Once there is an idea of ​​resistance, Lan, as the trial knight commander, will immediately Subdue it.

The people in the Tribunal sighed at the power of the flag and the female knight Chang Lan, but at the same time they were puzzled as to why the eldest prince's sacred relics appeared here with His Highness Danye?

And the subsequent trial cleared up the people's doubts one by one.

"Demon King."

"Do you plead guilty?" A serious voice sounded in the courtroom at the top of the tower.

I saw a well-dressed justice wearing a black robe and a tall hat, sitting on a high chair.

He and the other eleven judges formed a circle like a round table, looking down at the young man in the "defendant" position below.

The chief judge opened a book of testimony, which listed various incriminating evidences belonging to this young "devil king".

"You and your subordinates took advantage of the imperial envoy's diplomatic visit to Illinois to turn a dinner that was supposed to be a national celebration into a bloody feast of bloodshed."

"According to statistics, from the entire Illinois royal family and nobles, even to the king, a total of 790 three innocent people who attended the dinner were deprived of their lives by you and died tragically on the spot."

"In the next few days, you are still carrying out killings secretly. No less than a hundred high-ranking officials in Illinois died of assassination because they resisted your tyranny. There is not a single nobleman in the entire Illinois. The family's inheritance and accumulation have been destroyed in your hands."

"The people of Illinois, who have lost their aristocratic leadership, are miserable and displaced, and the country is in chaos." "The above are all the crimes you have committed against Illinois."

"Demon King, do you admit it?"

After the chief judge spoke, the people in the trial court who came to observe were suddenly in an uproar through the magic projection.

What a cruel and cruel villain this is!
Just kill civilians.

Why do you want to kill even noble men?

The noble gentlemen were so kind and benevolent. They provided them with jobs, arranged accommodation for them, and constantly maintained social stability and created a stable and orderly living environment for them. How could these villains do this? Get rid of it?

At the same time, the people in the Tribunal also felt sympathy and pity for Illinois.

Although many people don’t know this small country.

But if you think about it with your feet, you can imagine how the common people will live in a country without the leadership of aristocrats, and where will they find jobs?It was absolutely dark.

The commoners shook their heads, and the nobles in the Tribunal changed their eyes when they looked at the young man.

All crows in the world are equally black.

Nobles do not distinguish between countries.

The nobles from the Tribunal also shared their hatred and cast malicious glances at Liao Yu.

"I admit."

The young man in the center of the tower spoke.

Liao Yu did not deny the fact that there was a river of blood.

but for the rest
"However, the nobles and royal families in Illinois are corrupt, bend the law, and use their power to do whatever they want. Rather than leaders, I think it is more appropriate to describe them as maggots growing on the country. Likewise, I think they deserve to die."

"So after the rivers of blood flowed, Illinois, which left the nobles, did not fall into chaos as you said. Quite the opposite."

The image of the judgment magic suddenly changed.

It's like some external force intervened.

It was no longer a broadcast of the trial of the young devil on the tower, but another scene from Illinois.

It seems that the lives of the Illinois people here have not changed much.

What should be worked is still working, and what should be farmed is still farmed.

The only difference is that maybe the salary for the work has increased, and they have received the value of their labor that should belong to them, without exploitation by a third party.

In the magic academy, many children dressed in simple clothes appeared. These children looked like civilians at first glance. They should not appear in any country, because civilians are not allowed to learn magic.

However, with the popularity of magic, farmers on the land can use the magic of their children to grow their crops several times. Apprentices in foundries can also use various magic to assist production. People from all walks of life have Start using magic to create more value.

Illinois has achieved this in a very short period of time. The productivity has leapt and expanded. The entire country seems to be prosperous, and the faces of the people on the street are filled with smiles.

A strong atmosphere of magic was created among the people, and many civilian geniuses were born. They began to improve and improve the magic. It was visible to the naked eye that the level of Illinois's national power was leaping forward.

As for the nobility
It seems that in just a few months, the nobles were completely forgotten by the Illinois people and disappeared without a trace.
The people in the Inquisition who saw these projections were in an uproar for a while.

Especially for ordinary people, it had a strong impact.

They don't understand why, after losing their aristocratic leadership, instead of starving to death, the common people of Illinois are living a better life.
When these people wanted to see more, the projection seemed to be cut off angrily.

In the court on the top of the tower, the second prince frowned.

"what happened?"

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, it seems that the eldest prince's relics have gone awry, reflecting the demon king's spiritual consciousness. But please rest assured, Your Highness, I have fixed the loophole."

Lan immediately explained to Danye.

The second prince moved his lips. If it were someone else who had made such a big mistake, he would have been dragged out and executed immediately. However, after all, the person carrying out the task now was Lan, his most trusted female attendant. Dan Ye did not say much. What, just said:
"This trial is very important. Don't let any more surprises happen."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Tell the Lord Chancellor to go ahead."

Transient anomalies are excluded.

The court returned to its original solemnity and solemnity.

The heavy judgment voice of the justice continued to sound.

"After the massacre in Illinois, you fled into the Syndicate to avoid being pursued by the Empire."

"However, there, you planned a bigger conspiracy. You forged a ruins, which was actually a trap set by you. After tricking countless Syndicate people into it, you took them as hostages to force them to come. The seventh prince who is attacking you, His Highness Alba."

"The kind-hearted seventh prince, in order to save the people in the ruins, resolutely entered your trap alone, and was eventually murdered by you. Later, you used witchcraft and evil methods to kill tens of thousands of the eldest prince's cavalry, and the empire The heroic soldiers turned into strange monsters."

"Demon King, the above are all the evil deeds you committed in the Syndicate. Do you admit it?"

(End of this chapter)

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