Chapter 238 Secret Malice

After finally reconciling the two little lolita, Liao Yu counted the time and it was time to participate in his first academy competition.

According to the historical game plot, it was after he won the title in the competition and became a dark horse that he, the brave man, began to enter the eyes of the major forces in the world and show his talents in a small way.

In order to stabilize the world line, Liao Yu still has to restore the past, and there must be no less competitions to participate in.

However, although the route process must be the same, it does not mean that the intermediate process must also be restored. There is still no problem with differences in combat.

Liao Yu clearly remembers that he had to reload the game several times during this competition. There were several opponents with exaggerated levels and skill sets. He had to challenge it several times before barely passing the level.

But now, the brave man who is sitting on the second round of the "LV99 Demon King" can be said to be completely playing the game with the modifier. After Liao Yu comes on the stage, he still holds his small branch and uses it as a magic staff. One move to win.

At first, because it was a shortlisted audition, the audience didn't pay much attention. The few who saw it were mostly surprised.

The contestants who serve as opponents are also relatively weak. They know that there are many monsters in this competition, so they don't complain much about instant-kill opponents like Liao Yu. After all, there are many instant-kill fields like this in the finals.

But gradually, as Liao Yu's ranking got higher and higher, the intensity of the competition increased, making the opponents' levels more and more similar, and instant kills like this became more prominent.

Although Liao Yu kept a low profile and pretended to have some back-and-forth with his opponent, because of his mysterious appearance and eye-catching appearance, he insisted on using "small branches" as weapons.
Therefore, compared with the original game, which gradually attracted attention in the "Top [-]", Liao Yu, who has just finished the qualifying rounds, has already caused heated discussions in this competition.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know. You're still wearing a cloak. Why are you so secretive?"

"However, the host academy does not seem to stipulate that contestants must show their faces."

"Having said that, whoever comes here to compete is not to become famous, but to be valued by the legendary archmage. He is so mysterious now that he doesn't even know whether he is a man or a woman under the cloak. He is trying to figure it out. What?"

"I'm guessing that he might be a young master from a certain big family who escaped secretly. That's why he's afraid of being recognized, and that's why he's so strong."

"I think it makes sense. The "branch wand" in his hand must be some kind of magical weapon! "

"Come on, he's a genius. I guess he's a wanted criminal. He's afraid of being caught and coveting competition rewards, so he doesn't dare to show his face!"

Freya, who was mixed in the crowd, listened to the surrounding audience talking about the brave man on the stage. The saint in this scene felt familiar, as if she was in a trance.

In fact, this was not the first time Freya had such a "trance" feeling.

She always felt that such a scene seemed to have happened somewhere similar.

As the saint tried to grasp something, the scene around her began to become increasingly blurry, and the audience's comments were all different.

The voices in her ears became more extreme, more intense, more angry, and mixed with all kinds of malice that made Freya very uncomfortable.

"Hand over it!"

"Yes, either hand over the evidence of his cultivation, or he is a heretic practicing an evil destiny!"

"How could the competition allow such an unknown person to sneak in!"

"I have long thought that there is something wrong with this kid. He was still at level [-] during the qualifying round. Now, only a week has passed, and he can defeat Master Lezos at level [-] in the blink of an eye?"

"Cheating! He must have cheated! As for the organizer, this kind of person must be investigated strictly!"

In this trance-like scene.

Freya saw that it was also an academy competition, but the brave man on the stage had to work harder. He had to fight almost to the point of exhaustion every time before barely winning his opponent.

But even so.

But still not recognized by everyone.It seems that no one pays attention to the efforts and fighting skills of the brave man. Instead, they are criticizing the brave man. In their words, he is a young boy who pops up from nowhere. How can he defeat those popular players who are favored by the public.

There must be some inside story.

Several opponents defeated by the brave man, the magic students of the academy, also protested.

They have studied hard for so many years. If they were defeated by those well-known geniuses, they would admit it. But in the end, they were defeated by an unknown country bumpkin. How could they swallow this tone, how could they be willing to accept it.

No matter how outstanding you are, if you have no background or status, you will only get doubts and questions from everyone.

Anxiously, she wanted to defend the brave man.

However, Freya discovered that in this hazy scene, not only the audience was different, but "she" was also different.

She is no longer the saint who is a hero.

And the Glory Temple, which should have been on the side of the brave, providing shelter and help, has now joined those "questioning" voices.


As the brave master defeated powerful enemies again and again, showing amazing resilience and exaggerated speed of rapid increase in strength, Freya felt greedy eyes one after another.

It came from all directions, and the forces from all sides concentrated on the brave man on the stage, like a hungry wolf, unable to eat the brave man and divide his flesh and blood.

That "cannibalistic" look made Freya's hair stand on end and her whole body trembled.

She ran frantically, wanting to report to the elders of the temple.

However, in the dark shadows, among the group of "man-eating" monsters, the faces of several glorious elders she was familiar with were mixed in with horror.

Freya's pupils trembled sharply, and the strong mental impact suddenly broke her out of the illusory state she had just been in.

The originally blurry and abstract distorted scene completely disappeared, and the voices of the audience returned to normal.

"Sister, what's wrong with you, sister?"

The two little lolita looked at Freya who was sweating profusely with concern. From their perspective, Freya suddenly felt dizzy and squatted down.

"It's okay, I'm okay, I might be a little dizzy, I'm sorry for making you worry."

Freya waved her hand.

After first comforting the two little ones, the Saint was not as relaxed as she appeared.

What was that just now?
Why do I always feel like this?
Some of these scenes even appear in dreams while sleeping.

Freya looked at Liao Yu, who was still competing on the stage, and the saint tightened her hands. She was afraid that the situation in the hallucination would actually happen in reality, if someone really wanted to be detrimental to the brave man.
She quickly made up her mind that she had to do something. Freya first sent the two little lolita to the hotel and told them to stay in the room, not to run around, and no strangers should open the door. After that, the saint After dressing up in disguise, he returned to the competition site.

But this time, Freya no longer went to watch Liao Yu, but hid in the crowd to pay attention to those who were also watching Liao Yu.

If the "hallucination" is some kind of warning, it means that this competition is by no means that simple, and there must be a lot of "malice" directed at the brave man.

Then she must nip it in the bud.

In this way, Freya began to secretly stalk them, and what soon made the saint's heart skip a beat was that she actually discovered many people who were behaving strangely in the crowd of spectators.

(End of this chapter)

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