Chapter 243 The Price of Strength

At this point, all the past belonging to the "Emperor" stored in the Philosopher's Stone has ended.

Although Liao Yu could guess part of these secret contents, after truly experiencing it from the perspective of the "Emperor", it was not difficult for him to understand Freya's final darkening.

The core point is still that the brave man is played by humans.

Indeed, you are like a doll in the game, and every step must follow the planned main line.

If all this is the plan of the "evil god", then everything will be explained.

Judging from the intelligence of the second week, the evil god has no entity, but is more like a concept - the end of cultivation is distortion.

under this concept.

The harder the creatures in the plane universe work hard to cultivate magic power, the more they actually go into the abyss and become distorted.

If there is no outside interference.

I believe that it won’t be long before all the ethnic groups around the world will become like the vampires. The end of the ninth level is not to ascend, but to become the offspring of the evil god, a kind of flesh and blood monster.

The existence of demons, in this concept, is more like a self-protection mechanism from the plane.

Just like white blood cells.

The evil god will make ordinary cells (civilization) increase in value out of control, so the demons will kill them before they become cancerous.

Those worlds were destroyed one by one by the demons.

In fact, they are all worlds that have been distorted and polluted by evil gods and are on the verge of becoming "heirs".

So the devil wants to achieve his goal.

The demons must be eradicated.

Only after the demons are eliminated can other races in the cosmic plane begin to develop crazily without restraint.

The more civilization develops, the more it will be disturbed by the power of the evil god, the more it will become distorted, and eventually become its heir.

So the game "Demonstration" was born.

Using "Adventurer" to defeat "Adventurer" is the answer given by the evil god.

The reason why the previous Star Spirit Goddess called herself the evil god.

In a sense, that may be true.

After reading the emperor's memories, Liao Yu was convinced that the hero's power itself came from the evil god.

The entire game is like a script written by the evil god.

This is the opportunity for the evil god to truly "hatch" from a concept into "him".

She deeply loves the brave, hates the demons, and even later, is full of despair for the world, humanity, and everything. A collapsed saint is the best container for the evil god.

Logically speaking.

Such a huge and complicated secret is difficult for anyone to accept, and its impact may even directly lead to collapse.

That's why Freya was so afraid to explore her memories and find the truth about the "Emperor".


Although the current Saint is also shocked, confused and at a loss, she is different from the "Emperor" in her previous life.

After all, next to her this time, he is no longer a hero as a player, but a hero as "Liao Yu".

Oh no.

He is the Demon King and Hero as "Liao Yu".

a few months later.

A grand auction is being held.

Countless dignitaries gathered together, and they were determined to win the final auction item.

After all, it was the artifact that they had finally forced the hero to hand over.

That branch of the "World Tree" that symbolizes the authority of the "brave"!
After the academy competition, as Liao Yu won the title, the Temple of Glory announced his status as a hero, officially allowing the hero to join the public.

But it's the same history as before.

No one believes in disaster.

No one wants to help the brave man.

in contrast.

Everyone hopes that the brave can hand over their power and share their power.

And this time.

Liao Yu readily agreed.

He not only shared the so-called cultivation rules.

Weapons were even handed over.

So, at the auction, the nobles and princes were fighting each other with red faces and shouting loudly, just for the small branch in the exquisite box on the stage.Thanks to Liao Yu’s persistence.

Always use only twigs as weapons in every battle.

This convinced them that this is what makes a brave man so powerful.

Branches are the authority of the brave!

No matter which world line it is, the powerful are the same. Greedy desire is human nature, and the nobles are just amplifiers. This is the reason why Freya finally despaired and became the "Emperor".

The brave man in the previous life could not change and could only continue to be a slave of mankind and a toy of the nobles according to the plot.

But this time.

"Wait, wait! What's the sound!"

"Earthquake? Earthquake!!"

"Look at the sky, what is that!"

"The sky is cracked? This, no, something seems to be emerging from it!"

Strong winds began to sweep across the land.

Dimensional cracks tore from the sky.

The flames of disaster spread over the world.

The demons have arrived.

This scene is much earlier than in memory.




"Brave, where is the brave!"

"Monster, help, help!"

"Ju, is it really true? Catastrophe, catastrophe, doomsday no. no."

"Don't be afraid! Use the power of those brave men!"

Amidst the fear, some people still maintain some sense.

Over the years, by forcing Liao Yu to hand over his "cultivation" methods, their strength has improved dramatically, and their magic power is extremely powerful.

It's not that they hate heroes.

But they hate that brave people are not themselves.

Now, Liao Yu meets the needs of these powerful people, allowing them and many humans who spy on the power of the brave to obtain the so-called power of the brave.

In short, Liao Yu included them all in the "partner" system.

In this way, they can increase their magic power like crazy.

But it will not be distorted and mutated.

After all, the authority of the brave comes from the evil god, and the so-called partner system is actually a "successor" system in disguise.

This also explains why behind the "Emperor" line, as the brave disappeared, those partners immediately began to mutate one by one.

The strength of a brave man comes at a price.

Liao Yu quickly made these people understand this truth.

He opened the panel, and after removing all the "partners", at that moment, the people who thought they had the power of the brave suddenly experienced changes.

"Body. My body"

"Why is my arm...what is this...ah!"

"Sarcoma, is a sarcoma growing? It's disgusting. Something is moving. Get out of here! Get away!"

"Uh ah ah ah."

This time, no brave man came to save them.

But they don't really need to be saved.

In an instant, all the dignitaries who were contaminated with the "brave power" had their forces, organizations, religions, and countries contaminated by the evil god. The brave power they stole from Liao Yu eventually became the source of their ruin. the root of.

But this can be considered a contribution to mankind.

They became flesh and blood monsters and successfully stopped the evil army led by Gu Luodan.

This greatly reduces the pressure on those human countries that truly believe in brave men and have been preparing for disasters for a long time.

Similarly, it also bought time for Liao Yu's next meeting with the "apostles".

(End of this chapter)

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