Chapter 53 Wang, No Longer Alone
Royal Academy of Illinois.

Liao Yu didn't rest late at night. He was sitting at his desk in the room, flipping through books on techniques.

Liao Yu entered the academy as a "professor", not only to get close to the elf princess.

It is also one of Liao Yu's goals to look up the art data in the academy to learn.

The powerful learning ability of my "Star Sculpture II" cannot be idle. I must seize the time to use it and transform it into my own real strength.

As for why Liao Yu didn't choose to go to Shumo
The first is to maintain his identity as a "powerful" demon king, and the second is that the previous "dragon magic" is the best example. The magic skills mastered by the magic demon are too high-level. With his current magic power, Level, you may not be able to use it even if you squeeze it dry.

And look at the Academy of Humanity.

Although they are all low-level first- and second-level spells like "Fire Shock", "Frost Arrow", and "Magic Barrier", these are all real and can immediately improve one's combat power.

Liao Yu does not reject these basic skills.

What's more, unlike in the game, now I can learn the basic skills of all "factions".

Then the operability and scalability are completely different.

For example, Liao Yu used two-two combinations, such as [vine entanglement] and [flame shock], both of which are first-order. If they can be combined and cast, they can produce a "burning" spell effect, which greatly enhances the continuous damage ,
In the same way, [Freezing Art] and [Fire Art] are released at the same time, and the "melting" effect of the magic effect is increased exponentially.

The combination of the Summoning-type [Treant Servant] and the warrior-type fighting skill [Heroic Roar], the Treant, who is a Tier [-] creature, is only as powerful as the Tier [-] Treant Guard.

It can be seen that the "combo" effect composed of these low-level spells can even exert greater functionality than third- and fourth-level spells.

Liao Yu didn't know whether the one-dimensional demon king in the game also had the same "star sculpture" effect as himself.

If so, then Liao Yu can only say that this devil is too good at playing.

Like this cross-system spell combination, the effect becomes more terrifying the further it goes.

As long as the Demon King at the beginning had the idea of ​​trying this, it would be considered as facing the player himself as the "Child of Destiny", not to mention winning, at least he would not lose so badly, and was singled out by himself.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Liao Yu put down the magic book in his hand. Liao Yu has been sitting here reading the book since Vercy left, at least five or six hours.

In return, he now has a lot of densely packed skills in the character's skill column.

It's indeed a bit complicated, but it doesn't matter. After learning the fourth-level [Magic Collection], these basic skills are all packaged together into a separate category.

Although Liao Yu is still very energetic and can continue to learn more basic skills at any time, his body is a little bit overwhelmed.

You have to relax a little bit and change your mind.

Thinking of this, Liao Yu picked up another stack of books from the desk. Notebooks to be precise.

In order to investigate the tricks that the demons had been doing in the human world without telling the other apostles before he was summoned, Professor "Yeno" on Wilhelm's side was undoubtedly a good starting point.

Before the elf left, he asked Wilsey for the elf's class notes on "ancient history".

Liao Yu opened the notes, and there were careful records of the elves, all of which were the key points of the "Professor Yeno".

At first, Liao Yu just hugged and tried to find clues.

But after reading a few lines, he sat upright in his chair and looked much more serious.

In the year 162 of the Glorious Calendar, Melvin was born in the Daran Empire
In the 176th year of the glorious calendar, Melvin graduated from Daran Middle School of Law with excellent results in all subjects.
In the 180th year of the Glorious Calendar, Melvin won the Olympic Games.
In the 200th year of the Glory Calendar, the demons invaded, and Melvin served as the great guardian.
The historical events thousands of years ago in the notes are actually accurate to the year, and even Liao Yu recalled the plot of the first episode of the game, and most of the information in it is correct.

It seems that among human beings, there are still some people who have not forgotten the ancient history, but have always recorded it?

And it was because of this that they were bewitched by evil spirits?

Based on Liao Yu's understanding of evil spirits, he would definitely not do this simply.

As his gaze continued downward.

Liao Yu stopped when he saw the last line about the ending of "Melvin" recorded in the elf's notebook.

In the year 271 of the Glorious Era, the great guardian who dedicated his life to mankind died at the hands of his beloved disciple, a traitor who possessed demons. .

The soul-striking curse was a high-level magic technique that the magician clan used all their strength to kill him, the son of destiny.

Liao Yu remembered that episode clearly at that time. Melvin chose to place the bet on himself, telling him that it was the hope of mankind, and finally replaced him and took on the Soul Curse.

Liao Yu: "." He continued to scroll down, and soon saw a familiar character name.

At that time, the commander of the Human Alliance Army, Anna.

And this heroic princess who personally went into battle and killed countless demons, the ending recorded here also became that she was lured by the "traitor" to the encirclement of the demons, and she died at the end.

But Liao Yu knew that the real plot was that Zhimo launched a surprise attack while he was breaking through. Anna, as the nearest commander of the human army at that time, learned the news and ignored waiting for reinforcements. , just to delay his breakthrough.

This was Liao Yu's great regret in the game at that time, not being able to save Anna.

After he successfully broke through, in order to vent his anger, he pushed the demons all the way until he approached the base camp, beheaded the projection of the wise demons, and then returned.

These histories have only been changed, but the results have not changed.

But at the core, black and white are turned upside down, completely different.

No wonder.
Liao Yu has never seen the words "Son of Destiny" in the entire "Ancient History" notes.

Now it seems
The existence of the Son of Destiny has been erased from history.

Instead, only one remains.
Human traitor?

Not only that.

Looking at the entire ancient history, from what I have experienced in Zhoumu, human beings have worked hard and made various sacrifices before finally repelling the demons together under the leadership of the Son of Destiny.

has become now.
The demons are weak and vulnerable. Only because there is a "traitor" among humans who has been colluding with the demons, the demons have the strength to fight, and of course they are successfully eliminated by humans in the end.


of course.

Liao Yu was undoubtedly angry inside.

The source of the anger, the dirty water on his "Son of Destiny" is second to none.

Those NPCs in the game, like Melvin, like Anna, and many sacrificed human spirits, these characters that he respected and liked, were also recklessly edited and their brilliance was erased. Liao Yu's most angry point.


Anger is anger, but now Liao Yu is surprisingly calm.

He quickly realized that this kind of tampering with history was definitely not something that an apostle trapped in the "chaos rift" could do.

It's like how no matter how a prisoner in prison can contact the outside world, he must have someone who is actually outside the world who can help him with things.

Liao Yu quickly flipped through some other "ancient history" books, and the records on them were exactly the same as those in Versy's notes, which proved that in human society, this kind of cognition had reached a consensus.

There is no doubt that such influence
There must be people among human beings who are assisting demons in tampering with history.

Do not.
even say.

Liao Yu suspected that the evil spirit was the one playing "support".

Gu Luodan does not have the ability to change history on a large scale and forget history. This kind of transformation, which is almost brainwashing, must start spontaneously from within human beings.


Liao Yu also affirmed one thing, that is, as he cleared the game and the end of the first week, his character must have disappeared along with it.

Because only this kind of possibility will make the subsequent human rulers have evil thoughts, dare to weaken the influence of the heroes in the past, and force the world to "forget" the past for the sake of political power and better rule of the world.

But Liao Yu still has many problems.

Where is the Radiant Saint?
Although I have been complaining about the dish of the Glory Saint in the game, but that is in comparison with myself, a "cheating" player. Looking at the entire human world at that time, the Glory Saint was definitely the top group in the pyramid.

but why she
As if nothing was done?
Even if you don't talk about the glorious saint, in the game, Liao Yuke still got the full favorability of more than 40 partners.

Although Liao Yu did not take these partners with him in the final battle, because of this, they should all be alive and well, but why couldn't even they prevent the tampering of history?
"Wang, what happened?" Liao Yu kept frowning and thinking, which made Hill couldn't help but care.

And the voice of Shadow Demon also pulled Liao Yu back.

"It's nothing."

Liao Yu shook his head and did not show his inner emotions, but no matter how much he concealed it, Hill could still feel it. She came closer and comforted Wang in any way she could think of.

Hill's petite body approached Liao Yu in front of the desk, and hugged Liao Yu with both hands.

"Wang, Hill doesn't know what Wang is worrying about, but please believe that, no matter what, Hill will always be by your side. Wang is not alone."

It seems that I was very lonely when I mentioned it casually at the beginning, but the Shadow Demon has remembered it until now.

how to say.

In a sense, Liao Yu may also be grateful to the evil spirits and the humans "behind the scenes".

It was because of their existence that he untied a knot in his heart.

Liao Yu has always been affected by the experience in the past games, and he still has the shadow of the "Son of Destiny" savior in his heart, and he still wants to protect this "own" world.

But now.

Familiar people are gone, and all familiar things disappear, and even the history of his "existence" will be erased and modified by future generations.

Then use "own" world to describe

How silly.

So for a "different world".

Or a different world that "killed" everything he was familiar with.

Liao Yu will no longer have any worries.

He now understands more and more that the goal of "heinous" has been achieved.

And he will soon let the "behind-the-scenes" ruler of this "second week" different world understand what a player will look like when he really becomes "heinous".

What's more, as Hill said, is he lonely now?

Liao Yu smiled.

Feeling much relieved, Liao Yu immediately reached out and rubbed the head of the little purple-haired Lolita in his arms.

"Of course, Hill is my favorite."

"I can't do it, Wang. It's good that you like Hill second. You have to give it to Elena first, otherwise she will come to fight with me again, which is very troublesome." Shadow Demon squinted his eyes and enjoyed Liao Yu's head stroking.

"Okay, then Hill is my second favorite."

"Yeah, lord, let's go to sleep."

Satisfied, Hill pulled Liao Yu to the bedside. Since being scolded by the wise demon last time, Hill understood that as a guard, she not only had to protect the king's safety, but also had to take care of all aspects of the king to be qualified.

But Liao Yu found it interesting.

"Why, you don't mention Elena now?"

But Hill was justified, and the little loli shook her head seriously: "It was Elena's request. In order to prevent the king from being tempted by the elf princess, Hill must sleep with the king."

Liao Yu was amused when he heard it.

"Then, does Elena have any other precautions for you?"


"Then let me tell Hill a bedtime story, okay?" said the heinous Liao Yu.

"Hill, I want to hear it."

"This story is about, there used to be a professor who lived in the college, so the abbreviation is also called "Day in the College". It must be due to the ability of the "shadow clone" of the main body."

Liao Yu is very persuasive, but he has not forgotten that Irene's magic pattern is still on Hill's body.

"Unlock the ability of shadow clone, the king will tell you the wonderful story of "Day in the Academy", okay?"

"Okay, unfold!"

(End of this chapter)

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