Chapter 82
The gala dinner was full of lively atmosphere.

The resplendent palace ushered in the most lively and grand day in recent years.

How many nobles and members of the royal family were present, and the largest palace in Illinois was used as the venue for welcoming the imperial envoy.

On weekdays, the people at the bottom may save up for several weeks to eat rare delicacies, but now they serve the long table from the attendants one by one as if they don't need money.

Not to mention the extremely luxurious and bright clothes that the royal family and nobles now wear, and the sparkling, beautiful and dazzling various gold and silver ornaments, jewelry and rings.

On weekdays, they may even cover up to avoid suspicion.

After all, there will always be those low-spirited people who don't have eyesight, who question them and are jealous of their wealth.

They also understand this very well.

They sat in the room and spent an hour or two every day, working hard on various documents, approving and signing, the group of low-level people couldn't see it at all, and they didn't have the opportunity to see it. Naturally, they couldn't understand their hard work. .

I can't understand how much they have contributed to this country.

These advantages are what they deserve.


For now, these are not problems.

The purpose of high-end clubs is to isolate the envious, red-eyed lower class from the opportunity to disturb their elegance.

On this special day.

Surrounded by the same nobles and royal families as they are, they are the upper-class celebrities who gathered almost all of Illinois. Everyone is of the same class as each other, and they can understand each other's contribution to the country.

For the same type of people, there is no need to hide it anymore.

Emeralds, diamonds, jade bracelets, expensive monster furs, alchemy accessories from imperial masters, beautiful crystal shoes, and elegant dresses.
Every nobleman in the hall is showing their most beautiful and best-looking side, just like a group of peacocks vying for favor, for the next big shot.

Your Excellency.

If they can say hello to Lingshi, it will be enough for them to talk about in the future, and if they can have a few words with Lingshi, then they can envy others.

Not to mention, if he can be selected by the adults, it is very likely that the carp will leap over the dragon's gate and go from a sparrow to a phoenix in one step.

Those who have daughters in their families, daughters of various nobles, even little girls who are only thirteen or fourteen years old, are all dressed up beautifully by their parents and pulled over to attend the banquet.

They waited hard, but what came was not the envoy.

"What's going on, Master Lingshi hasn't come yet?"

"Did something happen on the way? The reception team in Wangcheng are all idiots! How did you entertain Mr. Lingshi!"

"Speaking of which, have you noticed that Mrs. Walker doesn't seem to be here either?"

"Hey? You are sure about what you said. Where is the Duchess? The envoy is here. For such a big event, Mrs. Volker, as the leader of the Five Flowers Alliance, must be there."

Just when the royal family and nobles were feeling very strange, some people with sharp ears noticed something was wrong.

"Is it because I have auditory hallucinations? Why does it feel like someone is calling outside?"

"Huh? Did you hear it wrong? The palace at this time should be the most heavily guarded time. How could it be possible? It seems that someone outside is really shouting something?"

"It's a bit strange, why the movement is getting bigger and bigger."

"Is there someone making trouble? What are the Knights doing? If the envoy sees this, our Illinois will be completely embarrassed."

"I have raised the Knights for so long, why can't I even do the most basic guards well, a bunch of idiots, I'll go out and see what's going on!"

This angry noble had just opened the door to the banquet hall, and before he even took a step, what greeted him was a sharp bone blade.


The skeleton soldiers are unrecognizable, the nobleman's gorgeous clothes and precious jewelry that symbolize status.

All it knows is to stab the bone blade and then pull it out.

The nobles who were still full of confusion were like mud, lying limply in a pool of blood. The blood quickly stained the carpet red, and began to spread from the gate to the hall.

a time.

All the aristocrats and royals in the venue who were still talking and drinking, fell silent and were dumbfounded. They froze for a few seconds, as if their brains hadn't reacted yet.

Until the skeleton soldiers at the door, the ghost fire with empty eye sockets came and went towards them.

More and more skeleton figures appeared at the door, and on their dense white bones, there were blood stains all over them. The nobles in the venue were so clever, and the expressions on their faces were instantly filled with shock and fear.

"What is that. What is that!!"

"Monster, monster!!"

"Killed! Killed! Blood, that's blood, Baron Colemo is dead, dead!!"

"Come here! Come here! The Knights! The guards! Protect us!!"

"Don't come over, don't come over. Ah."

"You can't kill me, my father is uh."

Money and fame cannot bribe the undead.

Just like the beautiful and luxurious clothes worn by these nobles, they could not block the sharp bone blades for them, and those expensive jewelry became a burden for them to escape.

Oh, and there are also the layers of grease and fat accumulated on their bodies due to the abundance of fish and meat, and the rich and luxurious life.

The thugs who had been ambushed by the Wuhua Alliance, together with the skeleton soldiers, poured into the palace hall.

Like a shark entering a school of fish.

The royal family and nobles, who were unarmed and had no combat power at all, could only flee amidst screams.

A bloody massacre has become the new theme of the banquet.

Of course, there are a few royal families who are exceptions.

Just like the little princess who was still enjoying it, Sophia's eyes were shining with excitement at this moment.

Kill more!
Kill more!
In Sophia's eyes, every death of one of these relatives' royal family is equivalent to an extra vacant seat, and when she takes over, more confidants can be arranged for her.

She is immersed in this coup.

The smell of blood that quickly filled the air was far sweeter than the smell of the food she was tired of eating and about to vomit.


one left!
Someone she can never let go!

Sophia is a very vengeful princess.

Now she was staring viciously at the professor who was in the camp of the eldest princess and her sister, Liao Yu.

This is the disgusting man who rejected him last night.

"Hey! You guys, hurry up and kill that person for me!"

Sophia held back a member of the Wuhua Alliance who rushed in, and ordered the other party to drive the skeleton soldiers to kill Liao Yu with a superior attitude.


boom!This member of the Five Flowers Alliance kicked Sophia down. When the little princess was still in a daze, the thugs grinned ferociously and stomped their shoes on Sophia's stomach.

"Ah!" The little princess immediately screamed in pain.

She, who was pampered and pampered since she was a child, has never been treated like this.

"Damn! Are you blind! Can't you recognize who I am!!!"

"Who are you? Of course I recognize you, little princess Sophia. We have been eyeing you for a long time, and we have long wanted to taste what a princess is like." The thugs of the Five Flowers Alliance laughed.

"Where is Mrs. Volker! I want to see her! You bastard! You are finished! Let me go! Do you know that if your actions are not supported by me, it will be... ah!"

Before the little princess could finish her sentence, she was trampled on again by the thugs. Her beautiful face was now covered with tears and snot.

"Do you really think that you are special? Apart from the fact that the eldest princess will be left to your Majesty, you? You, like those royal families, will be eliminated. If you serve me well, I may I’ll keep you for a little while longer, haha.”

Sophia listened to the ravings of the thugs, and combined with the previous ones, it was true that Mrs. Walker had disappeared. Only then did she realize that she had also been deceived, she became a clown, and the Five Flowers Alliance was simply using her.

"Help! Help!! Sister!"

"You people! Help me! Help!!! I'm here! Haihu! Knights! Professor Liao Yu Liao Yu!!"

The little princess who finally saw the situation clearly, Sophia fell into deep fear.

Her mind was blank, and she began to yell for help frantically, and everything she could think of, even Liao Yu, who was disgusted by her, became the object of her call for help.

Although her voice was really insignificant in the chaotic hall full of screams and other life-saving voices, it would be drowned out soon.

But this is a reminder, this thug of the Five Flowers Alliance.

Now is not the time to enjoy this little princess.

It's not too late to wait until the threat is removed.

After leaving a few people behind to watch the captured Sophia, the group of thugs moved their eyes to Liao Yu following the place where the little princess called for help just now.

This professor is also on the removal list, and there is a bounty. There are more or less people from the Great Queen's camp. As long as they can kill them, it will be a big profit for them.

No one wants to miss this opportunity.

Especially now, they still have the powerful support of "Skeleton Warrior".

Bringing a few skeleton soldiers, the thugs of the Five Flowers Alliance rushed towards Liao Yu with a smirk on their faces, as if they were fighting for the moving bounty head.

(End of this chapter)

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