Chapter 102

The Saintess of the Zifu attacked with hatred. In just over a month, she led the disciples from the Holy Land of the Zifu and Li Ran to wipe out the entire Heavenly Demon Dao near Zishan.

Afterwards, Li Ran hung in the sky above the Demonic City of Heavenly Demon Dao. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the distance. He grabbed a huge dragon thousands of miles away and held it in his palm.

Grasping the dragon's veins in his hand, Li Ran's dantian Yudan turned, and a supreme magic power emerged from his palm. He slapped down, and the mighty dragon was instantly driven into the depths of the earth by him.

With the dragon veins hiding in the ground, gathering the inspirations of the heaven and the earth, the aura from thousands of miles nearby rushes madly towards the magic city, and the rich aura condenses into a liquid state. Wherever they pass by, green grass grows on the desolate land, attracting cranes, spirit beasts to build nests and live in peace.

At this time, Li Ran raised his hand again, the eyes of the dragon in the center of the earth opened wide, the mouth of the dragon opened wide, and the ultimate dragon breath came out, clusters of rocks broke through the ground, and a majestic mountain of ten thousand Renren grew in a short moment. After the heavy rain, the entire mountain range The green hills are stacked with green waves, the blue waves are rippling, and the aura is transformed into clouds and clouds lingering around the mountainside, and a cave of paradise is formed in an instant.

Li Ran took off the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Mask and threw it to the top of the mountain. The mask grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a continuous fairy palace. Li Ran stood in the sky and looked at the masterpiece he had made, and he took Jiang Tingting and walked leisurely. Enter the Taoist palace.

The three characters of Taiqingzong are written on the plaque on the door beam of the Daoist Hall.

A melodious voice slowly spread from the palace.

"Tingting, this will be our home from now on."

In this way, Li Ran took root in the Northern Territory. He recruited orphans and widowed children within a radius of ten thousand miles, selected those with the best bones, passed down the golden elixir, established the Taiqing sect, and called himself Yinyang Zhenren, and began to slowly spread the golden elixir. leaf.

After Jiang Taixu destroyed the Heavenly Demon Dao with one blow, the remnants of the sect died down and hid, and Mo Luo also disappeared, and there was no trace of him in the Northern Territory.

The saintess of the Zifu stayed in the holy city for several months, and was never disturbed by Mo Luo again. She finally calmed down and returned to the holy land of the Zifu in the middle of the Eastern Desolation to concentrate on her cultivation and prepare to eliminate the hidden ghosts in Sendai.

However, for some reason, not long after the Demonic Path disappeared in the Northern Territory, a strange thing suddenly appeared in the Qinling Mountains in Zhongzhou.

The mountains in the Qinling Mountains are filled with dragon veins. The dragon veins exhale spiritual energy all year round. Over time, a kind of dragon marrow will be born in the mountains, which is the most precious treasure for monks in the realm of transforming into dragons.

There are many fairy mountains here, and there are many dragon veins, so the emperors and princes of various dynasties, and the great sages will choose to be buried in the Qinling Mountains after their death.

On this day, in a mountain in the Qinling Mountains, an underground master discovered a dreamy dragon marrow in the tomb of a certain emperor of the Chinese Dynasty. The news quickly leaked, attracting the peeps of many nearby treasure hunters who have been searching for treasures in the Qinling Mountains all year round. The dragon marrow contains the purest dragon energy of the earth's dragon veins, and the dream dragon marrow is the best among them. It even contains a fragment of the law of the great road, which is of great help to the great power of Sendai in enlightenment.

This news even attracted the attention of a nearby hermit sect, and they sent a Bi Luo King Body to lead the team.

As soon as the Biluo King in the realm of Xiantai made a move, thousands of blue rays of light wandered under his palm, and with a single palm, dozens of dragon veins and mountains were moved flat, flattening the greed of all peepers.

After clearing away all the prying eyes, the Biluo King entered the emperor's tomb and opened the coffin.

The emperor was wearing a dragon-pattern imperial robe that was very different from the present world. He died and was buried tens of thousands of years ago. After being nurtured by the dragon of the Qinling Mountains for a long time, he turned into a spirit.

His whole body is covered with white fur, his limbs and body are covered with silver scales, and he has two gnawing fangs at the corner of his mouth. He lies quietly in the coffin with his eyes closed, holding a copper pot in his hand, and inside the pot is a pool of colorful flowers. The green spring continuously exudes dragon energy.

The ancient emperor just lay quietly in the coffin to receive the energy of the dragon, but the movement of King Biluo breaking open the tomb was too shocking, waking him up from his deep sleep.

When King Biluo opened the coffin, the emperor also woke up at the same time. He opened his blood-red eyes, and a shocking aura broke through the mountain, appearing outside the Qinling Mountains.

Faced with the interference from outsiders, he seemed very angry. He put down the copper pot in his hand and got into a fight with King Biluo who broke in.

While the two were fighting, a black figure sneaked into the tank.

The emperor was buried after his death and received tens of thousands of years of nourishment from the dragon veins of the Qinling Mountains. His body channeled spirits after death, which was almost equivalent to living another life. With a wave of his hand, the skeletal dragon behind him glowed brightly, and the invincible imperial dragon energy was absorbed by him. Just type it out.

King Biluo was not afraid at all, and after a deep snort, he raised his hand to meet the enemy. Biluoxia filled the tomb room with green light all over his body, and the sea of ​​bitterness was full of life, fighting with the emperor's corpse without losing the wind.

After all, the emperor's transformation was not complete, and was interrupted by King Biluo in the middle, leaving some fatal weaknesses.

After several fights, King Bi Luo found the door and hit the emperor's corpse on the sea of ​​bitterness with one blow, dispersing the little vitality that was born after tens of thousands of years of dragon energy.

Kicking away the dead body of the emperor, King Biluo slapped his palm on the coffin, stretched out his hand to grab it, and the copper jar fell into his hand.

He opened the copper jar and was startled. He saw that there was only a few drops of dragon marrow left in the jar, and a black worm was lying in the jar. The marrow was eaten clean.


Seeing the bug slowly crawling towards the last drop of dragon marrow in the jar, King Biluo couldn't help but shouted, and grabbed the greedy bug.

It's a pity that it was too late, and the last drop of fantasy dragon marrow was licked into the mouth by the bug and swallowed in one gulp.

King Biluo saw that he had worked so hard and defeated many opponents to obtain a jar of dragon marrow treasure liquid. The hateful worm in front of him took the lead.

But King Bi Luo regretted it as soon as he finished his attack, and realized that he was impulsive. The black worm in front of him could eat up a whole pot of dragon marrow without being attacked by the huge dragon energy of the dragon marrow. Little bugs, in terms of value, might be better than dragon marrow.

It's a pity that it was too late, King Bi Luo looked for the jar to see if there was anything left.

At last he found a black orb where the worm had died.

The quality of this orb is extraordinary, and the divine light is contained in it, he held the orb with hatred and it didn't move at all, it was not affected at all, obviously it was also a rare treasure.

It's a pity that after rummaging through the entire tomb, only this orb was the most valuable in the end. King Bi Luo had no choice but to pick up the orb and return it to a hidden sect in a small mountain, and told the mountain owner what happened before and after his trip. Offer.

Unexpectedly, after getting the orb, the mountain lord laughed out loud and didn't care about King Biluo's failure to capture the dragon marrow.

(End of this chapter)

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