I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 104 Profound Bead Divine Light Curse Curse

Chapter 104 Profound Bead Divine Light Curse Curse

After the Taoist teachings were finished, Qinmenshan Master Zhu left and returned to his cave. He took out the Xuanzhu and observed it carefully.

Just now he used this mysterious pearl to perform the God Speed ​​Jue, the Dao Jue was urged by the Xuan Bead, the sound of the thought was like a thread, and it went straight to the source of the heart, and the power was ten times stronger than the God Speed ​​Jue he used before.

Under the urging with all his strength, a strong man from Xiantai was saved in an instant and joined the Qin Sect.

But if this mysterious bead only has this benefit, it is not enough to make Master Qinmen so excited.

After pondering carefully for a long time, he suddenly raised the mysterious pearl, and injected a burst of divine power into the mysterious pearl. The mysterious pearl immediately rose to the void and spun, and a misty mysterious light burst out from the fetal heart of the pearl body, covering the immortal platform between his eyebrows.

With the illumination of the mysterious light, treacherous and gloomy Dao patterns appeared on the main immortal platform of Qinmen Mountain. Dozens of Dao patterns combined to form a crimson chain that was as strong as a giant python. .

At the same time, the Dao pattern is still evolving, forming new chains every moment, going deep into the depths of Xiantai, devouring the divine power of the Qinmen Mountain Lord every moment, assimilating his spiritual consciousness, and wearing away his spiritual consciousness.

At this time, the red chain had broken through his outer defense and began to gradually penetrate into Sendai.

The Master of Qinmen Mountain knew that when the power of his spiritual consciousness was completely assimilated, his consciousness would be lost, and he would lose his mind like his ancestors in the past and become a madman who only knew about massacre.

But when the mysterious light of the mysterious pearl irradiated the Dao pattern chain outside the Xiantai, the generation speed of the Dao pattern immediately stopped, and no new chains could be generated under the restraint of the mysterious light.

"It really works."

Seeing that the Dao pattern that blocked him was restrained by the Xuanzhu, the Qinmen Mountain Master was overjoyed and thought to himself.

"The records left by the family are indeed true. This kind of treasure produced by the alien god insects that feed on the source is really effective against this kind of curse."

However, the power of Xuan Guang was too weak, and the effect of containing the Dao Mark was too poor. After only blocking it for a moment, the chain that sealed the master of Qinmen Mountain began to form again, and continued to assimilate his spiritual consciousness.

Mountain Master Qinmen frowned slightly and sighed inwardly.

"It's a pity that the divine insect was killed by King Biluo before it fully grew. As a result, its original orb was taken out before it was fully formed. Otherwise, if the original orb of this adult divine insect is used to deal with these Dao patterns, the curse will definitely be lifted."

At this time, a black energy suddenly flashed across the Xuanzhu. A flash of inspiration flashed in Qinmen Mountain Master's mind, and he patted his head and shouted.

"Since this insect lives on the divine dragon marrow formed from the origin of the dragon's veins, even though the orb was taken out in advance, it can also be reborn with dragon marrow and other substances."

So the mountain master of Qinmen took a stone jar from the treasure house in the door, and the jar was full of purple dragon marrow.

He carefully put the mysterious beads into the stone jar, the mysterious beads floated in the center of the stone jar, the beads emitted a faint divine light, a small vortex appeared above the dragon marrow, and the center of the vortex was the mysterious beads. After sinking and floating, the dragon marrow was swallowed into the bead, and soon after one night, the whole pot of dragon marrow was swallowed up, the mysterious beads became a bit rounder, and the mysterious light emitted was stronger than before.

"It really works." Qinmen Mountain Master was overjoyed and murmured. "When the orb is completed, I will definitely be able to break the curse that has plagued the family for thousands of years and make our Cai clan rise again."

After laughing for a while, he continued his efforts, took out all the gods and dragon marrow that had been preserved in the family for thousands of years, and fed them to the orb. generation.

The Master of Qinmen Mountain placed the Xuan Bead in the center of the Immortal Platform, and constantly urged the Xuan Bead to emit the mysterious light. Sure enough, with the help of the orb, the chains sealed outside the Immortal Platform were blocked, and he could no longer penetrate his consciousness.

Seeing all this, Qinmen Shanzhu showed a gleam of joy on his face: "With this orb, I don't have to worry about losing my consciousness in old age like the elders in the clan and becoming a lunatic for the time being.

It's just that we still need to continue to search for all kinds of dragon veins and treasures. The strange source in the stone helps the orbs to continue to conceive. "

The next day, the master of Qinmen Mountain entrusted the affairs of the sect to an elder from his clan. He took a group of sect backbones and earth masters from his family to the depths of Qinling Mountains to search for high-quality dragon marrow to feed Xuanzhu.

There are five extremely famous alien masters in the Qinling Mountains near Qinmen.

"Qin Xuanming, you and I have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in recent days. What's the matter with our visit today?"

Near a dragon-veined mountain in the Qinling Mountains, where the dragon energy was high and the ancestral roots of the dragon-vein lay underground, a strange bird with a green light all over its body resembled a green roc, but its head was that of a wolf.

The strange bird screamed loudly, and all the surrounding mountains were smashed, and the smoke from it covered the Shenyue hanging high in the sky.

Master Qinmen held a scroll in his hand, and stood out of nowhere in the void. Behind him were dozens of monks with powerful auras, all staring at this ancient alien with unkind eyes.

"Sirius Ye, I came here today specifically to borrow something from you, and I will definitely return it in the future."

"Whatever the mountain master borrowed, I will go back and get it."

When Ye Tianlang saw the strong men standing behind Master Qinmen, he wanted to retreat. In order to avoid becoming the object of Mountain Master Qinmen's prestige, he decided to agree to the request of Master Qinmen first and resolve the immediate crisis.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

The mountain master of Qinmen smiled slightly, revealing a pair of red lips and white teeth, and a light flashed in his eyes: "I'll lend you my head."


Ye Tianlang was shocked when he heard this, and the huge bone wings behind him spread out, ready to fly away.

At this time, the master of Qinmen sent the picture scroll in his hand, and flew far away to the top of this ancient one. The picture scroll unfolded, revealing a beautiful mountain and river, and sucked Ye Tianlang into the picture scroll out of thin air, turning it into a figure on the picture scroll.

The picture scroll was gently unfolded, and a divine light emerged, after Ye Tianlang who fell into it was refined to death, at this time, a gourd appeared from the mouth of the master of Qinmen Mountain, and flew to the bottom of the picture scroll, forming Ye Sirius after death. The essence was stored in, and then the scroll was closed again and flew back to the hands of the Qinmen Mountain Master.

Then with the help of the Earth Master, the Lord of Qinmen Mountain probed the terrain to find Ye Sirius' lair, and looted all the dragon marrow liquid that Ye Sirius had worked so hard to save inside.

In this way, several masters near the Qinling Mountains, such as the silver giant ape, the corpse king of the emperor, the ancient corpse of the Arhat, and Shi Zhongyu were wiped out one by one by him. null.

Qinmen Mountain Master fed these treasures to the Xuanzhu one by one, making the Xuanzhu grow a little stronger again, and the Xuanguang he swallowed was even stronger, and he was able to start to clear the Dao pattern chain that penetrated deeply into the Immortal Platform for Qinmen Mountain Master.

Seeing that this method was indeed miraculous, the Lord of Qinmen Mountain was inspired. He followed the earth master all day long among the mountains and rivers to search for the magical marrow and fed the orbs, hoping to make the divine beads become powerful enough for him to break the curse.

(End of this chapter)

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