I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 106 The Demon Head is Hidden in the Divine Orb, and the Ancestor's Target is Huaxian Po

Chapter 106 The Demon Head Hidden in the Divine Orb, Where the Ancestors Are—Target Huaxian Pond

Cai Xuanling, a member of the Cai clan of the Qin clan who is temporarily serving as the mountain master, has been very worried in recent days. His mind has been disturbed by all kinds of complicated news. In the past few months, several ancient places related to the Cai family have been inexplicably bloodbathed. All the corpses were scratched to death with one claw, and their expressions were extremely distorted before they died, as if they saw a great horror before they died.

And just now he received news from Qinling that shocked him greatly. The disciples of the clan who went out to search for the dragon marrow with the clan leader all died mysteriously in an underground cemetery. Even the elders who protected the law also suffered murderous attacks.

The house was leaking and it rained all night. Not long after he took over as the mountain master, he encountered such strange things one after another. How could he not be upset?

After receiving the news, Cai Xuanling hurriedly took the elite of the sect to the cemetery to confirm the situation.

In the underground palace of the cemetery, Cai Xuanling found the clansmen who had gone out to explore the dragon's marrow. The injuries of the people in the ancient land were exactly the same, and the expressions on the faces of these dead Cai people were different. Their faces were pale and dead, their eyes were wide open, their mouths were wide open, and they looked towards a place in the palace in surprise.

Cai Xuanling followed the direction of the corpse and came to a wall. He saw a huge human-shaped pit deeply imprinted on the wall. He didn't know what kind of creature left it, but Cai Xuanling knew that this creature must be the murderer of his own people. .

"Back to the source."

Cai Xuanling came to the corpse of a clansman and performed the secret technique of the clan. A ray of divine light fell, and Cai Xuanling's spiritual consciousness entered, affecting the remaining consciousness and spiritual consciousness on the corpse, and reappearing everything they saw before they died.

In the deep underground palace, in the deep underground palace, the eyes of the Cai clan members of the Qin clan who came out to explore the source this time were glowing red, and they were killing other companions wantonly.

Suddenly, a beast-like roar sounded in the palace. When these Cai clan disciples heard the roar, they immediately stayed where they were and stopped killing. The red light in their eyes gradually dissipated, and the clarity of the spiritual platform was restored.

At this time, a red light flashed in the dark environment. Before Cai Xuanling could see what the red light was, his vision went dark and the picture disappeared.

So Cai Xuanling found a corpse again, and used the secret technique of "returning to the source" to investigate the situation.

But without exception, all these disciples were killed on the spot without even a chance to react subconsciously after seeing a red light.

Cai Xuanling inspected many corpses in a row, and finally got what he wanted before the last corpse with a red mark on its neck. This was a supreme elder from the Cai family, whose strength could already rival the Holy Master of the Great Sect.

In the picture, there is still a red light flashing everywhere in front of the palace. Every time the red light appears, a Cai tribe child dies. Finally, when only the last person is left, the red light attacks the Cai tribe elder. , He did not wait for death. As he raised his hand, the five secret realms of Lun Hai, Dao Palace, Four Poles, Hualong, and Xiantai were all emitting black divine light. In one fell swoop, he gathered all his divine power in Zhang Xin and shot out the red light of his life. hit.

The divine power collided with the red light, and there was a strong sound of metal and stone clashing.

Finally, under the horrified eyes of the elder of the Cai clan, a giant red-haired hand jumped over his divine power attack and locked his neck. It was a humanoid monster with red hair all over its body and two blood-red eyes. Appeared in front of his eyes and lifted him up to the sky.

Cai Xuanling looked at the red-haired monster that appeared in the picture and felt that it looked familiar, as if he had seen it before.

At this time, the elder in the picture stared in horror, looked at the red-haired monster holding him high, and made a begging, and it was this begging that made Cai Xuanling's face change drastically.

"The patriarch spares... my life!"


Cai Xuanling was shocked when he heard this. The sound of clan leader made him panic. He couldn't connect the ugly red-haired monster in the picture with the handsome and handsome master of the Qin clan.

Suddenly he remembered the records in the ancient family books and hurriedly led everyone back to Qinmen. However, when Cai Xuanling and his party left the underground palace, a red figure emerged. Looking at their retreating figures, he followed them with a big mouth open. And go.

After returning to the main gate, Cai Xuanling dug out the ancient books that his family had kept and checked them carefully, finally allowing him to find a clue.

However, at this moment, a cold wind blew outside the house, and the branches outside the door rustled. The cold weather made Cai Xuanlin feel uncomfortable and couldn't help but sneeze.


This sneeze made Cai Xuanling realize that the situation was wrong. With the great power of his Sendai cultivation base, he had already been able to prevent the cold and heat from invading him, so how could he sneeze for no reason.

He lifted his head from the jade slip and walked outside the house, wanting to open the door and take a look at the situation.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly flashed outside the window. Seeing this, Cai Xuanling felt something was wrong, and immediately chased after the shadow. When he came outside the house, the whole main gate was quiet and peaceful, and there was no one there.

There were bones lying on the ground in twos and threes. Cai Xuanling couldn't believe it and found the front mountain from the back mountain. It was deserted and deserted. All the children of the Cai clan had lost their traces, leaving only the bones on the ground. The result is self-evident.

Cai Xuanling was a little dazed. He collected the bones everywhere. Some of them were glowing with the luster of jade, and some of them gave off a familiar aura. Suddenly, Cai Xuanling seemed to recognize some of the bones. He Tremblingly looking at the white bones placed in front of him, he cried out loudly, his expression distraught.

"Xiner, Yuaner, Heer."

These white bones were Cai Xuanling's children and grandchildren. While crying, he saw a few red hairs next to the bones.

Standing up, looking around with two lines of tears streaming down, he shouted: "Cai Xuanming, get out, these are your blood, flesh and blood, dear brothers, how can you bear to kill all these descendants in one fell swoop, so that you can't do it!" My Cai family exterminates the clan.

Cai Xuanming, get out of here, why don't you dare to come out to see me? "

"Step, step, step." A dark wind passed through, and then there was a sound of footsteps. Cai Xuanling turned around and looked, and a red-haired monster appeared in front of him.

There was a blood-red glow in the monster's eyes, and he seemed to have lost his mind. There was a black mark between his eyebrows, which seemed to be some kind of beads embedded in the middle of his eyebrows, constantly emitting dense mysterious light.

"Cai Xuanming, you deserve to die."

Cai Xuanling yelled, waving the divine power of his whole body, and fairy flowers and exotic flowers appeared around him and turned into the world, just like the wonders of the world, the beauty is beyond words.

Cai Xuanling shouted, and the world transformed from these fairy flowers immediately attacked the red-haired monster.

The red-haired monster turned a blind eye to Xianhua's attack, stared at Cai Xuanling's body, and let out a cruel shout: "Flesh and flesh, I only need the last piece of flesh and blood, and I will be able to find the ancestor.

I will definitely be able to remove the eternal seal of the Cai clan and revive the glory of the family. "

"You fart, Cai Xuanming, you've already become a demon, let me kill you to avenge my clansmen."

Before Cai Xuanling finished speaking, a red-haired arm suddenly locked his neck tightly like fine steel, just like the scene he saw in the underground palace.

The red-haired monster looked at the prey in its hand and murmured in a daze, "I will be able to save the family soon, everyone wait for me."

After saying a word, he seemed to have strengthened his conviction, and stared fiercely at Cai Xuanling in his hand.

"Xuan Ling, do your part for the family's liberation."

Cai Xuanling was caught in mid-air, looked at the Qinmen Mountain Lord who had lost his sanity and almost fell into a demon, crying and begging: "Brother, wake up, don't lose yourself anymore, all the people in the clan have died because of you.

Even if you lift the curse, what's the use? "

It's a pity that the red-haired monster seemed to have blocked ears and ignored Cai Xuanling's wails. He activated his divine power, and a mysterious bead appeared between his eyebrows, emitting a divine light that confuses people's minds.

"The magic bead is all because of you, you confuse my elder brother's mind and harm my whole family..."

Cai Xuanling suddenly realized the moment he saw Xuanzhu appear. He kept yelling at Xuanzhu, using unpleasant language that he had never used in his life.

The mysterious light rotated gently in front of Cai Xuanling. Through the mysterious bead, Cai Xuanling seemed to see a demonic figure entrenched in the bead, as if he was laughing proudly at the masterpiece he had made.

Cai Xuanling was still yelling and cursing, but at this moment the ball suddenly turned faster, and a huge devouring force came out from the bead, swallowing Cai Xuanling's flesh and blood, and finally the red-haired monster only had a white bone made of jade in its hand.

After the Xuanzhu devoured Cai Xuanling's flesh and blood, it seemed to burp, and then spun around in the sky, revealing a scene in front of the red-haired monster.

In the picture, a fairy pool on the sacred mountain of heaven and earth flows quietly, shimmering in the sun, and showing a dreamlike brilliance. In a divine source next to the pool, a powerful red-haired monster sleeps in it.

The red-haired monster looked at the red-haired monster in the picture with a big smile on his face: "Ancestor, here I come." Then he disappeared into the night.

(End of this chapter)

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