I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 114 The monstrous magic power suppresses the Purple Mansion

Chapter 114 The monstrous magic power suppresses the Purple Mansion

At this time, a powerful holy power appeared in the sky, and the red divine light illuminated the whole world. The numerous Dao pattern formations outside the Zifu Holy Land were all opened in a moment, revealing golden light in the void, as if resisting this inexplicable force. The holy prestige came to attack.

The powerful movements from the outside world instantly attracted the attention of the entire Zifu Holy Land, and the Holy Lord of the Zifu led many elders in the Holy Land to rush outside the gate to investigate the situation.

After rushing to the gate, he saw a white-clothed figure floating in the sky, with his hands behind his back, a cauldron of sacred furnace swaying beside the white-clothed figure, and the crimson sacred furnace overflowed continuously from the top of the furnace, bombarding the mountain guard formation in the holy land of Zifu superior.

"Who are you, and why did you invade my Zifu for no reason?"

Mo Luo stood in the void, looked at the crowd of people from the Purple Mansion who had heard the sound, and glanced around a few times. He didn't see the figure he wanted to see from the crowd, so he faced the questioning of the Lord of the Purple Mansion. , There is no good temper to answer.

He ignored the Holy Lord of the Purple Mansion in front of him, and said calmly to the mountains in the Holy Land: "Where is the Saintess of the Purple Mansion, let her come out and tell her, I am here today to go to the words I made back then."

Mo Luo's contemptuous attitude aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of the Lord of the Purple Mansion. From the exuberant anger on Mo Luo, he knew that Mo Luo was not very old.

So he frowned, and looked at the white-clothed figure standing tall in the void: "Where did you come from, a brat who ran around with a family weapon to cause trouble, for the sake of your youth and ignorance, if you leave quickly, I will let you go!" a horse.

If you really want to find my saintess of the Purple Mansion, prepare gifts, and pay a thoughtful door-to-door visit, the saintess will come out to see you, and..."

Before the Holy Lord of the Purple Mansion finished speaking, Mo Luo suddenly frowned, stretched out one hand, and slapped him away.

"Extremely noisy, if you tell me to call someone, go call someone, what are you talking about."

Although the Holy Lord of the Purple Mansion had deep cultivation, he was also burned with anger by Mo Luo's arrogant attitude, ignoring Mo Luo's hidden noble status, facing Mo Luo's palm, he waved a purple air divine light.

Mo Luo looked at the opponent's weak attack and smiled contemptuously, retracted the palm print he had made, and only stretched out one index finger to tap it lightly, instantly shattering the purple light, piercing a big hole on the chest of the Lord of the Purple Mansion with one finger, beating him into pieces. seriously injured.

Mo Luo's understated move happened to fall in the eyes of a beautiful shadow flying towards the mountain gate, and Zixia's pupils widened instantly.

She looked at the extremely arrogant Mo Luo figure flying above the sky of the Holy Land, and at the master who was seriously injured by his casual blow, her eyes showed an expression of extreme despair.

"He is far stronger than he was two years ago, and his current strength is completely beyond my imagination. Could it be that I really can't get out of his clutches?"

Thinking of this, two lines of clear tears appeared on Zixia's face.

But she still has the support of the sect. Mo Luo wounded the Lord of the Purple Mansion with one blow, which caused great dissatisfaction among many elders in the Holy Land. They looked at Mo Luo floating in the sky, and shot nearly a hundred magic weapons in an instant.

Among the hundreds of weapons, there are swords, axes, axes, bells, tripods, mirrors, furnaces, and all kinds of magic weapons. Under the blessing of the secret method of the Holy Land of Zifu, they reflect the purple clouds floating in the sky and the earth.

Facing the joint attack of dozens of Xiantai powerhouses in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, Mo Luo was not at all afraid. He raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly, urging the Bing Zi Mi with all his strength, and instantly established a link with these magical weapons in front of him.

Then through this connection, Mo Luo forcibly seized the control of the weapons by the elders of the Purple Mansion Holy Land, and injected a burst of vitality to send these hundreds of divine weapons back the same way. In an instant, the sound of nuclear explosions resounded through the mountain gate of the Holy Land of Zifu.

After a burst of terrifying smoke, the elders of the Zifu climbed out of the deep pit created by the divine soldiers in a panic.

At this time, Mo Luo's next attack had already arrived, and they were not given the slightest chance to breathe. They saw Mo Luo transformed into a ten thousand-foot god and demon, holding two hundred-foot snakes in the palm of his hand. The entire Purple Mansion Holy Land is covered.

The god and demon stepped on it like a mosquito, and stepped towards the mountain gate of Zifu.

Looking at the condescending demonic feet that blocked him and others from all directions, the elders of Zifu seemed to have fallen into the nether world, unable to feel any vitality.

At a critical moment, a shocking power came from the Holy Land of Zifu, and an old man in purple flew to the mountain gate from the depths of the Holy Land of Zifu with a scroll of mountains and rivers in his hand.

As soon as the old man in purple clothes held the picture scroll with his big hand, the picture scroll rose ten thousand times against the wind, and a mountain, river, sun and moon evolved between heaven and earth, enveloping the demon god who had changed from Mo Luo, and then endless divine light and purple energy emerged from the scroll, refining the ten thousand zhang demon god , Only then did these Zifu elders be saved.

The Lord of the Purple Mansion saw the old man in purple who had arrived at the critical moment with the sacred artifact, and without caring about his own injuries, he hurriedly turned to the old man, showing a trace of shame on his face: "It's really embarrassing to ask the master to come out and clean up the mess for this disciple.

The old man in purple helped the Holy Lord of the Zifu who was about to salute, looked up at the Mara who was still fighting against the holy artifact in the scroll, and sighed: "Such a devil is really a catastrophe that my Zifu will never encounter in ten thousand years.

Ya'er, do you know why this devil came to me in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion. "

The Lord of Zifu gave a wry smile: "This devil disciple has never seen him before, so he really doesn't know. He only knows that he is looking for Zixia."

After the words fell, the two suddenly turned their eyes to the saintess of the Zifu who had arrived quietly.

Looking at the master and the master, Zixia felt a pang of pain in her heart, and suddenly burst into tears to explain the cause and effect to the two.

After hearing this, the old man in purple stomped heavily on the ground, and snorted coldly: "Although my Zifu Holy Land is not a powerful sect, I can't allow the devil to act recklessly and humiliate my Holy Land saint."

He raised his head to look at the mountain and river map of the sect's sacred artifact in the sky: "Today, this old man refines this devil to death, in order to uphold the prestige of my Zifu."

After all, a powerful aura suddenly emerged from his body, and the powerful divine power in his body was continuously injected into the holy vessel by him, arousing the holy power to refine Mara.

Mo Luo looked at the purple-clothed old man below him in the map of mountains and rivers and smiled contemptuously, and uttered a loud bang: "Old man, who gave you the confidence that you can defeat me with this little sacred weapon."

As soon as the words fell, a shocking divine power burst out from Mo Luo's body. A pair of giant arms supported the sky and the earth, and instantly stretched out the mountain and river map that manifested thousands of miles of beautiful mountains and rivers, and slowly stepped out from it.

"A frog at the bottom of a well dares to spy on the vast galaxy."

Mo Luo's cultivation was completely manifested, and his momentum was close to that of a saint. He slapped it with one palm, and suppressed it like a sacred mountain in Zifu Holy Land.

Mo Luo's astonishing power completely shocked all the people in the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion. They looked at Mo Luo who was almost like a demon god born at this time, and they had no intention of resisting at all.

"Hide in the Holy Land and open the sect formation."

(End of this chapter)

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