I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 116 Dao Heart Seeds Demons (Gan, Why Can 51 Be So Blocked)

Chapter 116: Demon in the Dao Heart (Gan, why is May Day so blocked)
Li Ran turned into Mo Luo and left the central region. He brought his newly married wife, Zixia, back to the Northern Territory. The ancient religions outside the mine once again unfurled the banner of the Heavenly Demon Dao in the territory of these ancient religions, and established a great reputation.

After Li Ran re-established the mountain gate of Tianmo Dao, he began to continuously send demons to invade the sect he established on Taiqing Mountain, showing an attitude that Dao and demon were incompatible with each other.

The invasion of the Demonic Dao was indeed effective, and soon affected the disciples who were cultivating on the mountain. They couldn't bear the harassment of the Demonic Dao, so they found their omnipotent master and asked him to eliminate the troubles of the Demonic Dao for them.

Li Ran looked at them and yelled loudly.

"You have been practicing with me for so many years, do you want Master to help you solve even a little devil?"

Jiang Tingting heard the implication of Li Ran's words, and immediately stood up and said to Li Ran: "Master Taoist, don't get angry with the juniors. I have achieved some success in my cultivation. I am willing to lead all the juniors down the mountain to eliminate the demons." , rescue the suffering people in the Northern Territory."


Li Ran looked at Jiang Tingting and nodded in satisfaction. At this time, some other disciples finally understood the meaning of the master. Although they were still young, they were born in the difficult environment of the Northern Territory, and they had an aura of perseverance. They all stood up and said: "Master, we are willing to follow the senior sister down the mountain to eradicate the devil."

So Li Ran taught these accomplished disciples some magical methods, and left them some life-saving treasures, and then asked them to follow senior sister Jiang Tingting down the mountain to eliminate demons and hone themselves at the same time.

Jiang Tingting seemed very happy to get Master's order, as if she thought that she had finally grown up and had been recognized by Master.

Excitedly, she rushed down the mountain with a group of little boys, and took the initiative to find troubles for those Heavenly Demon Cultists.

After arriving at the residence of the Heavenly Demon Dao, Jiang Tingting urged an alien Yuan Dan with cold vitality to float above her head. When the Yuan Dan's divine light shot out, a large frozen lunar annihilation divine light suddenly appeared from the alchemy, and the divine light moved forward. With one swipe, an extremely cold vitality rushed towards these Heavenly Demon Cultists, freezing them together with their consciousness and thoughts into ice, and then with another swipe of the divine light, the demon cultists frozen by the divine light instantly turned into powder, Duan can be said to be a mighty god.

Because there were no high-level demons to stop her, Jiang Tingting, who showed her might, seemed to have gained the happiness she had never encountered on the mountain from slaying demons. , Rescue the Limin people who were caught in it.

Finally, when Jiang Tingting went too far, some middle- and high-level Tianmo Taoists reluctantly stepped forward to stop Jiang Tingting's behavior. Due to Li Ran's order, they did not dare to offend the beloved little princess too much, so they could only As if acting, he accompanies the prince to study and hone his magical powers for the disciples of the Taiqing Sect.

Just when Jiang Tingting brought a group of Taiqing disciples into a fierce fight with Tian Mo Dao.

Li Ran incarnated as a demon and occupied the top of a big mountain. He sat on a futon and meditated. His thoughts turned into countless ghost shadows floating around the mountain, and the endless magic energy centered on Li Ran, overflowing and dyeing this world into a supreme world. magic soil.

Next to him, his beautiful wife, the Saint of Zi Mansion, was forced to sit on the futon next to him and meditate.

Affected by the innate Tao fetus, the spiritual energy on the top of the mountain where Li Ran was located fluctuated extremely flexibly, and the avenue of heaven and earth poured into this mountain soil as if it was free of money.

Li Ran was lying on the futon, and the Yang Shen was out of his body, swimming in the ocean of avenues, feeling the various auras attracted to him.

After entering the Yangshen, Li Ran's requirements for resources are almost non-existent. In this state, he needs to sense the deep changes in the vitality between heaven and earth, so as to understand the laws of the operation of the avenue and feed it back to his own practice. Zixia's innate The Taoist fetus is the most friendly Dao, which is very helpful to his practice.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Yang Shen finished swimming in the sea of ​​avenues and returned to his physical body.

Li Ran opened his eyes and smashed his mouth, finishing today's practice with some lingering thoughts. Then he glanced at Zixia who was practicing on the side with some hatred, and a demonic thought entered her immortal platform.

Zixia sat cross-legged in the center of Xiantai Zifu with a smile on her face, urging the ancient scriptures to practice in the secret realm of transforming dragons. The improvement of her cultivation made her feel joy from the bottom of her heart. At this moment, the smile on Zixia's face Stalled, she saw a face she didn't want to see at all.

"What are you doing here?"

Li Ran stood in the middle of Zixia's fairy platform, with his back to her, surrounded by demonic energy, and replied lightly: "Zixia, your progress in cultivation is too slow, why did you only reach Hualong now with such a good physique."

"I want you to take care of it." Zixia shouted to Li Ran angrily, and her spiritual consciousness deliberately carried her back, not to look at him.

Li Ran ignored her petty behavior, teleported in front of her, stared at her and said: "Your cultivation level is too low, which has delayed my cultivation. From today on, my evil thoughts will always be on you." In Xiantai, I will take you to practice, and you will cultivate to the holy realm as soon as possible."

"I don't want it." Zixia shook her head when she heard Li Ran's words.

"You have no choice." Li Ran left a sentence in this magical thought, and then turned into a magic bead and imprinted it on the eyebrows of the saintess of the Purple Mansion, forcibly evolving various secret scriptures and instilling them into her mind.

Zixia was disturbed by Li Ran and lost the mood to practice again, so she woke up from meditation, but at this time Li Ran had lost track of the outside world. Even if she wanted to get angry, she could not find God, so she could only get angry. Stomping your feet on the top of the mountain to vent your anger.

And here, the demonic seed that Li Ran left in the heart of Yaoguang Holy Son two years ago finally started to change. The harvest season finally came. He had waited for two years to pick this delicious fruit.

So Yang Shen crossed the mountains and seas with a thought, and jumped to a blessed land in the southern region. Li Ran appeared in form and looked at the fairy mountain pavilion in front of him. He smiled slightly and stepped directly into the Yaoguang Holy Land without causing any waves. The Immortal Platform of the Holy Son.

At this time, Yaoguang is in his immortal platform, constantly fighting against the demon species that Li Ran left behind. Whenever Yaoguang practices, the demon species will transform into a human form and appear in his immortal platform, practicing with Yaoguang. Grow together.

At the beginning, when Yao Guang saw the demon seed, he thought of his fiasco, so he used his consciousness to attack the demon seed in Sendai every day, trying to erase it.

But after a while, he realized that he overestimated himself and underestimated the power of the demon seed. After realizing that he could not eliminate the demon seed in his mind alone, Yao Guang found his guardian, but at this time he Encountered the same predicament as Zixia at that time, even though he could see the demon seed in Sendai, when he wanted to tell the news about the demon seed, there was always an invisible magical thought that imprisoned him, making him unable to say anything related to the demon seed. Information about monsters.

He asked the guardian's spiritual consciousness to enter his immortal platform to explore, but the guardian could not see anything strange except himself in Yaoguang's immortal platform. The demon stood quietly in front of the guardian, no matter what. Let him explore.

After many attempts like this, Yao Guang gave up his plan to eliminate the demon seed. At this time, he discovered another benefit of the demon seed. Whenever he practiced, the demon seed would always appear consciously and evolve the way he practiced. Mystery, and the magic seed is more subtle than what he practiced every time, like a guiding light, evolving the subtlety of the scriptures and secret arts for him, and in the end, the devil seed evolves some supernatural powers and secret arts that Yao Guang has never seen from time to time , These supernatural powers are as if the principles of heaven and earth are the same, and they are not much worse than the ruthless inheritance he inherited.

Gradually, Yao Guang unconsciously followed the demon seed to practice, immersed in the various exquisite secrets of the evolution of the demon seed, and was gradually eaten away by the demon seed. Now there is only one last step left, and he will become the minion of the devil seed.

So Li Ran came.

(End of this chapter)

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