I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 121 Seizing the Emperor Ding and Controlling the Shrine of Shaking Light (2)

Chapter 121 Seizing the Emperor Ding and Controlling the Shrine of Shaking Light ([-])
While speaking, the mystical lines of the divine fire revealed in the Lihuo furnace emerged, fueling the temperature to rise again. At this time, the temperature of Lihuo was almost comparable to the power of the true flame of the sun on the surface of the sun.

The divine fire in the sky was continuously stimulated by Li Ran. The divine fire emerged from the sky and surrounded the mountain peak where the old man was. The terrifying temperature caused all the flowers, plants and trees on the mountain to wither and fall, and the earth was melted and burned into a whole piece of black. stone.

The old man just stood in the center of the divine fire, sweat from the high temperature of the divine fire continued to flow down his face, looking at the divine fire permeating the emperor's prestige all around him, a trace of solemnity gradually appeared on his face.

Facing the divine fire that had already surrounded him, the old man waved out a fairy art, and then three thousand Taoist flowers appeared beside him. After the flowers bloomed and faded, newborn worlds were born in the world, countless worlds It was suspended beside the old man, emitting rays of fairy light, giving the old man an awe-inspiring and inviolable majesty.

At this moment, the old man struck out with a palm, and he pushed the three thousand worlds forward, bombarding the surrounding Lihuo. Li Ran snorted coldly when he saw this, and immediately the heavy emperor patterns appeared from the Lihuo furnace and poured into the Lihuo. .

With the blessing of the emperor's pattern, the power of the divine fire surged again, and the fairy flower world played by the old man was completely burned by the divine fire in an instant, without even a slight wave of shock, and the divine fire followed the fairy flower as if smelling blood. The connection with the old man, pounce on the old man in the center.

The terrifying Lihuo instantly spread to the body, flowing from the outer skin to the internal organs of the body. The place in contact with the divine fire turned into a piece of black charcoal, and was burned into a piece of useless dead flesh, and soon followed the dead flesh. places continue to spread to other areas.

Seeing the terrifying power of Lihuo, the old man's face changed drastically. He endured the severe pain caused by the burning of the divine fire on his body, and swung his knife to cut off the area contaminated by the divine fire. Come from the fire.

Seeing that the holy light he shot was effective, even though the holy light was constantly being burned into vitality by Lihuo, but after all, it isolated a protective space for him and blocked the divine fire for him, the old man was relieved, and he turned the phoenix Jie, the place that was cut off soon grows again.

Although the secret technique of Phoenix Tribulation continues to help the old man recover, he is approaching the end of his life after all. If he fails to break through to the next level in a short period of time, he is afraid that he will not live much longer. How can there be so many The source is available for him to squander.

Looking in horror at the terrifying emperor pattern on Lihuo, facing the Dao pattern laid down by a great emperor-level powerhouse, the old man was sweating coldly and did not dare to act rashly. The power of Lihuo just now had taught him the power of the quasi-emperor soldier.

The old man flinched, but Li Ran became arrogant. He controlled Shenhuo to compress the old man's activity space bit by bit, with a playful smile on his face, watching the old man keep retreating. The messy heart is like boiling a frog in warm water, enjoying the process extremely.

Finally, Li Ran's aggressive attitude overwhelmed the old man. He looked up at Li Ran who was holding Li Vulcan Stove outside of Shenhuo and said coldly: "Boy, you are too aggressive. Today, the old man is desperately trying to exhaust his source and sit down." , I will also kill you here."

After finishing speaking, he spat out a stream of blood essence from his mouth and sprayed it onto the center of his finger. Using his finger as a brush, he swung a large brush in the void, and wrote a mysterious talisman and divine pattern, while muttering formulas in his mouth at the same time.

As the divine pattern written by the old man became clearer, a terrifying power of summoning came out centered on the old man.

Earth-shaking vibrations occurred in the square of Shaking Light Holy Land, and the black gold tripod with dragon patterns in the center of the square kept changing. Finally, when the old man’s divine pattern was written, the eyes of the sleeping god’s mansion in the tripod moved slightly, and turned over. body, Di Ding immediately flew into the sky in response to the old man's call.

The black golden cauldron with emperor dragon pattern came through the sky, easily shattered the sacred fire cage of the Lihuo furnace, and liberated the old man.

The old man held a small black cauldron in his right hand and appeared again between heaven and earth. He looked at the blue sky above his head and let out a loud laugh while breathing in the fresh air between heaven and earth.

Then he looked sternly at the innocent Li Ran, and said ruthlessly, "Boy, you caused me to spit out my origin to re-establish contact with the Diding Divine Mansion.

After today, I have at most three months left in my lifespan, and I have to pay the price for everything I have done today. "

With the divine power of the old man breaking in, a black gold cauldron with dragon patterns suppressed the heavens and the earth, and the terrifying emperor's prestige that looked down on the nine heavens and ten earths as nothing suddenly appeared. The Nanyuqi spread throughout the entire Beidou in an instant.

The powerful black golden cauldron with dragon patterns gave the old man incomparably full confidence. He laughed and looked at Li Ran as if he were looking at a dead body. He threw the cauldron out of his palm and killed Li Ran.

Li Ran watched the old man arouse the black gold tripod with dragon patterns to kill him, with a smile on his face, he walked towards the old man leisurely.

"Could it be that you were fooled by the threat of the emperor's soldiers?"

The old man looked puzzled at Li Ran who not only ran away, but also walked towards him facing the imperial soldiers.

At this moment, Li Ran suddenly said something, and the old man was so frightened that he was sweating profusely and was stunned.

"Old man, with this Fluctlight on this deity, I even know the secrets of your ruthless people. Do you think I will not expect you to do this?"


Facing the emperor's soldiers, Li Ran lightly pressed his palm on the emperor's cauldron. Infinite black dao patterns poured into the black golden cauldron with dragon patterns from his hands, and resonated with the dao that Li Ran had entered into the emperor's cauldron before. The Youxuan shroud was formed under the spread of the Dao pattern, which cut off the connection between the Diding Divine Mansion and the outside world.

Then Li Ran once again urged the military secret obtained from the Cai family in Qinling to forcibly take the emperor tripod away from the old man's control.

The old man only saw Li Ran lightly press the emperor cauldron, which he summoned after exhausting his energy, changed hands in an instant, and couldn't bear such a huge blow for a while.

After an unexplainable scream, the old man was heartbroken, and the last bit of original essence dissipated in the world, and he sat down and left on the spot.

Li Ran looked at the Daohua old man in the world with a tut-tut smile and sighed: "I told you to surrender and leave early to save yourself a face, but you just don't listen and ask for trouble."

After finishing speaking, Li Ran turned and left, leaving Fluctlight with an inexplicable expression on the spot.

After killing the strongest member of the ruthless lineage, Li Ran scanned the entire Wailing Holy Land with the dragon-patterned black gold tripod with his consciousness, and found that except for the old man's only saint, there was not a single person who was sealed in the source of the gods.

"Che, with this background, I dare to compare myself to the inheritance left by great emperors like Ji Jiang and Yaochi.

No wonder he was eaten away by ruthless people. "

After a loud laugh, infinite demonic thoughts swayed out from Li Ran Xiantai, surrounding the entire Yaoguang Holy Land, and numerous demonic shadows invaded every Yaoguang disciple he saw.

Li Ran laughed loudly and came to the Zongmen Hall in the Yaoguang Holy Land, waiting for the arrival of the believers who would come to visit him.At this time, Li Ran suddenly felt that somewhere in the Holy Land of Waving Light, the phantoms under him were being blocked, he laughed, and the Yang God came to the place where there was a change.

"Weiwei." When Li Ran arrived, he saw a figure beyond his expectation. It was the fairy eye disciple that Ye Fan met when he first came to Beidou.

"Fairy eyes."

After these three words came to his mind, Li Ran's eyes immediately fell on Weiwei's eyes, and he saw that there were rays of fairy light in her eyes, blocking the demonic shadow representing the ultimate desire from her body, so that the other party could not invade her. Body.

Li Ran opened her eyebrows and sky eyes, and glanced into Weiwei's fairy eyes, and saw that there were all kinds of mysterious Dao rules in them, and the multiple Dao rules converged to form the so-called fairy eyes in her eyes.

After seeing the fairy eyes in Weiwei's eyes, Li Ran suddenly had an idea in his heart. With a big wave of his hand, the countless ghosts hovering around Weiwei disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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