I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 124 Refining the Divine Treasure, Coercing the Patriarch of the Great Bull Demon Race

Chapter 124 Refining the Divine Treasure, Coercing the Patriarch of the Great Bull Demon Race
Li Ran took a step forward and entered the sky. He pointed his palm towards the palace on the top of the mountain and gave a quick shout. The palace instantly turned into a divine shield and fell into his hand. Nine fire dragons flew out from the top of the mountain and surrounded Li Ran intimately. Ran was circling and flying around, and the dragon's body was looming in the sky.

He glanced at the shield, then raised his finger to the sky and shouted: "Thunder is coming." Suddenly dark clouds formed in the clear sky, the yin and yang energy between the sky and the earth changed drastically, the weather changed drastically, and thunder loomed in the clouds.

Now, as Li Ran's cultivation continues to improve, some of the magic weapons he refined earlier can no longer keep up with his rhythm. At the same time, he also realizes that he is a little too dependent on Li Vulcan Furnace now. , This is not good for his practice, so now that he has the dragon pattern black gold tripod as his hole card, he is determined to clean up his original magic weapons and refine them again for his own use.

The Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Shield circled around Li Ran. He slapped the shield with a big palm and immediately drove the shield into the thunder. The shield was refined in the thunder and intertwined with the avenue of heaven and earth. Then there was another sword shadow. Lifting it up, the small black gold sword with dragon patterns flew out from his dantian. The sword body was covered with dragon patterns, as if it was pregnant with a kind of supreme principle of heaven and earth.

Looking at this little black gold sword, Li Ran sat cross-legged in the sky, closed his eyes, put his hands in front of his body, and muttered in his mouth, using the master of the Qin Sect to save the gods of the elders of the Yin-Yang Sect. The tactic is sung in the mouth.

Different from the tactic used by the elders of the Qin Clan at that time, this tactic created by a ruthless person was performed by Li Ran in his own way, and when it was sung, it faintly caused the heavens and the earth to tremble, and a wave of desire to shake people's hearts The Xuanyin under the door of Thought Duhua resounded between heaven and earth, and the Dao Xuanyin evolved into Dao patterns to reveal the world, wrapping the black gold sword in front of Li Ran.

Xuanyin continued to be transmitted into the sword body, causing the sword body to clank. Li Ran saw the strange movements of the small sword, opened his eyes in the void and smiled softly. He knew that this was the last thought of the Nine-Aperture Stone Man, and he was unwilling to live in this world. The last trace has been completely erased, so it has been hiding in the small black gold sword with dragon patterns, affecting his ability to control the divine sword. Now that he has time, he will naturally completely eliminate this hidden danger.

Li Ran recited the God-Saving Art again in a more violent way. The sound of the Tao in his ears transformed into a paradise of bliss in the nine-aperture stone man Can Nian. It aroused Can Nian's deepest desires. In the ultimate happiness, Can Nian picked up flowers. With a smile, the Tao gradually disappeared.

After finally singing the God-Saving Jue over and over again, Li Ran felt refreshed and refreshed. He looked at the small dragon-patterned sword hovering quietly in front of him, stretched out his hand to hold it gently, and felt that the sword and man were one, The small dragon-marked sword seemed to have become a part of his body, and there was no barrier between them.

He laughed loudly and swung his sword smoothly and freely. Countless sword energies were generated out of thin air, and he almost split the thunder clouds that he gathered in the sky with one sword. After swinging the sword to his heart's content, Li Ran smiled and waved his sword. sky.

"Nine Heavenly Thunders, honor my command." As soon as he sang, a dazzling light broke through the dark clouds and descended from the sky, and the Nine Heavenly Thunders heard the sound and fell.

Li Ran pointed out with a sword, and under his command, all the thunderbolts rushed towards the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier in the center of the dark clouds.

Nine little dragons inside the hood hit by the huge thunder force whined and wailed, looking at Li Ran's pitiful pleading.

Facing the wailing of the nine fire dragons, Li Ran didn't move at all. He never left any waste around him. If the nine fire dragons can't survive the thunderstorm, it's better to fend for themselves as soon as possible.

The Nine Fire Divine Dragon seemed to feel Li Ran's ruthless attitude, so they stopped wailing and begging for mercy. Facing the falling thunder, a stern look appeared in their eyes. After the dragon chanted loudly, they rushed towards the thunder. He spits divine fire from his mouth to fight against the thunder.

Seeing this, Li Ran smiled satisfied with Xiaolong's actions, sat down again, and sang loudly, manifesting the principles of the Dao that he had thought and realized into reality, turning them into blossoming dao flower cloths and spreading them in the thunder, Give the bruised little dragons a moment of respite as supplementary nutrients to help them grow.

Under Li Ran's tough attitude, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield was rising independently in the sky thunder. So while Li Ran was chanting his thoughts on the great road, he also punched out a ten-foot-long stone filled with chaotic energy. This was a single piece. The Chaos Stone was moved from someone's tomb alive after he took a fancy to it.

This chaotic stone is a good storage treasure, and the energy of chaos is naturally compatible with ten thousand ways. He has always had the idea to refine a thunder pool treasure. Now that he has this chaotic stone, he can use his own ideas to display it.

Under the step-by-step carving of the small black gold sword with dragon pattern, Kui Niu, Thunder God, Qinglong and many other mythical beasts that symbolize the genus of thunder were carved out one by one by him, and a simple small pond gradually appeared, with many divine patterns carved by Li Ran on the stone pond , causing a faint mysterious aura to spread out from the stone pool.

In the end, Li Ran sent Xiaochi under the sky thunder, and continued to absorb the power of the sky thunder. Thousands of thunders from heaven and earth continued to bombard the stone pool. Many of the thunder beasts that had just been carved by Li Ran opened their eyes at this time, and were constantly being bombarded by the thunder. The thunder that was pulled and bombarded was fed, and gradually as these beasts ate, these beasts carved out of stone gradually gained a sense of agility and realism, and a thunder seed was nurtured in the depths of the stone pool.

Li Ran clapped his hands when he saw this, with a smile on his face. Now that the thunder pool has just been formed, he only needs to continue to accept the baptism of thunder and continue to give birth to thunder seeds. In three years, the thunder pool will be refined.

So he threw the thunder pool on the top of Taiqing Mountain and continued to receive lightning strikes. With one hand, he recalled the transformed Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield into his hand. At this time, the shield emitted a shining golden light under the refinement of thunder, and the nine fire dragons had thunder in their eyes. The light kept flashing.

Li Ran held the divine shield in the palm of his hand. The fierce divine fire inside the shield contained a hint of thunder from heaven and earth. The combination of thunder and fire greatly increased the power of the divine shield. Various mysterious divine patterns on the divine iron appeared on the surface, as if the heaven and earth were born naturally.

After some refining, Li Ran returned to the ground with satisfaction. He only saw Weiwei sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, breathing in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. After some questioning, Weiwei said that she did not know where Xiao Tingting had gone. Li Ran Ran let out a long sigh and then stretched out his right hand. After groping through the blue void several times, Li Ran stretched his right hand back, holding a greedy little cat eating dragon meat.

"Master Taoist!" Jiang Tingting showed a shy smile of embarrassment when Li Ran found out that she was stealing.

Li Ran was softened by Jiang Tingting for a moment, but finally she couldn't bear to reprimand her, and just asked: "Tingting, have you finished the two hour piles?"

"Master Taoist, Tingting has finished training a long time ago, otherwise she wouldn't dare to eat."

"Okay!" Li Ran touched Jiang Tingting's head and smiled lovingly: "Little Tingting, let's go. Master will take you to visit the Taichu Ancient Mine today and choose a pet for you."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Tingting happily clapped her hands and laughed, took Li Ran's hand and followed Li Ran sitting on the Nine Fire Dragon and flew out into the distance.

On the other hand, Weiwei looked at the happy and warm scene of the master and the apprentice, showing a hint of envy for a moment.

When he came to a desolate stone beach, Li Ran stopped and looked carefully. He could vaguely see a dragon floating in the ground. All the spiritual energy from tens of thousands of miles nearby was swallowed up by the dragon underground, turning into dragon energy to nourish the earth's veins.

And on the various acupuncture points of the dragon, there are strong men with heads above the sky, one hundred feet tall, with human bodies and bull heads sleeping quietly in the source of gods.

"Strong Bull Demon Clan." Li Ran looked at the muscular figures on the ground, almost crying, God is sorry, he is a dignified future Taoist ancestor, who has cultivated to this day, and he still has to walk on his own feet. reasonable?Is this humane?
This was really unfair. He had endured it for so many years, and it wasn't until he cultivated to the Yang God realm that he had enough strength that he finally made up his mind to take this powerful bull demon under his command.

After that, when he, the Taoist ancestor, accepted disciples again, he directly equipped each of his disciples with a sacred bull with strong legs as a mount. How magnificent this was.

Thinking of this, Li Ran couldn't help but smile on his face, and his heart was about to blossom.

So he hugged Tingting on his shoulders and sat down, turning into a sky-reaching giant of ten thousand feet in size, standing on the ground, facing the land of dragon veins under his feet, Li Ran stomped on it one by one, and the ground veins immediately shook, The dragon's position was out of order, and Li Ransheng shook countless gods from the acupoints of the dragon's veins.

"Who dares to act presumptuously in front of my Great Bull Demon Race?"

With the huge commotion caused by Li Ran, countless powerful men of the Strong Bull Demon Clan were awakened from their divine sources by him and could no longer sleep peacefully. They felt the powerful power coming from the ground. Finally, the ancestor king of the Strong Bull Demon Clan was Born from the source of God.

He came to the ground, but his hundred-foot-sized body was as weak as a doll when facing Li Ran's ten thousand-foot body.

And the savage and ferocious aura about Li Ran also made the ancestor king of the holy realm a little uneasy. He kept wondering if he was the opponent of the giant in front of him. When the patriarch of the family wanted to retreat and decided to follow his heart, Li Ran suddenly lowered his head from the sky to the ground, bringing up a gust of wind that almost knocked the patriarch in front of him to the ground.

"You looking for me?"

A loud noise like thunder passed into the ears of the ancestor king, almost shattering his eardrums.

The ancestor king carefully bowed to the behemoth in front of him, and asked in a soft voice: "Senior, the powerful cow demon clan suddenly visited me, but you have something important to ask us to handle?"
Senior, please speak freely. I, the powerful bull demon clan, can do it, and I will definitely try my best to help senior to complete it. "

"Easy to say, easy to say." Li Ran saw that the ancestor king from the powerful bull demon clan was so polite and sensible, and he didn't want to embarrass them. After all, they will all be his subordinates from now on. If you can be polite to him, you should be polite. good.

"A certain person has practiced to this level, and still has to rely on his own feet to walk. It is really inappropriate not to have a good foot to follow. I heard that your foot strength is unparalleled in the world. I came here to borrow a suitable one from your family mounts.

I wonder if the nobles are willing?"

The Patriarch King of the Holy Realm of the Vigorous Bull Demon Race immediately showed embarrassment when he heard the words. He really wanted to refuse Li Ran's request, but he was afraid that it would bring disaster to his tribe. "Gou".

After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to sacrifice himself and bowed to Li Ran: "Senior, if you don't mind it, I, Lao Niu, am willing to be a helper for you."

After hearing this, Li Ran was noncommittal, and quietly straightened up and stood on the sky, with his hands behind his back. After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "Do you think your strength and identity are worthy of a certain one?"

"This!" The ancestor king was shocked when he heard the words. He was extremely angry at Li Ran's naked contempt. The vast momentum of the abyss and the sea finally made him dare not act rashly.

After a long time, he continued to pay respects to Li Ran: "Senior, your request is too harsh. I, Lao Niu, have to go back and discuss with the patriarch."

"Yes." Li Ran stood on the cloud and said quietly.

After a long time, an aura of great sage's strength gushed out from the depths of the leylines to the ground.

An old man with a bull head rushed to the ground angrily, looking around. "Which bastard dared to let a member of my Vigorous Bull Demon Clan serve as a mount for him, get out of here."

After the strong bull demon clan appeared, Li Ran raised his head from the clouds again, and looked at the old bull demon clan in front of him with his two giant eyes like the sun, moon and stars.

"it's me!"

"You?" The old man Bull Demon looked at Li Ran carefully, and suddenly smiled: "Where did you come from, the human race boy, I don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and my strong bull demon clan, as one of the top ten royal families in ancient times, is also something you can easily humiliate?
If you don't hurry up and retreat, I will spare your life. "

"Really?" Li Ran transformed his body into the same size as the old bull demon in front of him. "I heard that your ancient clan can be called a royal clan if you have a great saint. I didn't know that besides you, your powerful bull demon clan also has several great saint-level ancestors."

"Hmph, how can you, a mere child, know the strength of the Great Sage? My patience has a limit. I advise you to leave quickly, so as not to make me angry."

"Really, I don't believe it?" After Li Ran laughed loudly, he waved his palm and struck out. He used all the secret characters and struck out a battle holy method. Ten times the divine power was released by him in an instant, and he hit the person in front of him with a single blow. The great sage and powerhouse of the Great Bull Demon Clan.

The ancestor king accepted Li Ran's move abruptly, and stepped back dozens of steps with his feet. After breaking several mountains, he stopped his body, while Li Ran on the other side did not move at all.

After Li Ran finished his move, he put his hands behind his back, and looked at the ancestor king of the bull demon clan leisurely again: "I advise you to think twice, don't challenge my patience."

Following Li Ran's voice, a shroud flew out gently, covering the head of the ancestor king, and nine divine dragons flew out from the shroud, spitting out nine-color fairy fire that was like a fire field, faintly threatening Look at the ancestor king who is surrounded.

The ancestor king was sweating from the terrifying high-temperature fairy fire beside him. Looking at Li Ran, who had a hint of murderous intent in front of him, he swallowed his saliva. Finally, he lay down in front of Li Ran with a pop: "Belong to Li Ran." The cattle soar to the sky to pay homage to the Lord.”

"It's too slow, I regret it." Looking at the old cow who bowed in front of him, Li Ran suddenly said something surprising, which made the old cow's face change drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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