I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 127 The Birth of the True Dragon

Chapter 127 The Birth of the True Dragon
"Your Highness." Yilong flew in front of Zilongnv and turned into a human form and knelt down to her.

Zilongnv took a glance and found that Lailong was Lei Zhan, the grandson of Qianlun Great Sage.

"What's the matter?"

Lei Zhan looked at the graceful Purple Dragon Girl in front of him, with a glistening skin, and a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes. He looked at the Purple Dragon Girl shouting excitedly, with the intention of claiming credit.

"Your Highness, not long ago, Xiaolong discovered that the dragon's nest naturally conceived a dragon fetus, and the power of the divine dragon's bloodline in it was far superior to that of Xiaolong, almost on par with Your Highness."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Li Ran's position not far away, and said to Zilongnv: "Xiaolong has stayed here to wait for this dragon fetus for many days, just for the birth of the dragon fetus today, and dedicated this fetus to His Highness to help His Highness transform into a dragon. body."

Because they were in the Dragon's Nest, Lei Zhan was determined to express himself in front of the Purple Dragon Girl, so these words were spoken loudly, and they also reached Li Ran's ears.

At this time, Li Ran was uniting with the breath of the real dragon in the womb, and was about to transform into the body of a real dragon. When he heard the words of Radium War, he was suddenly startled. Now his Yang God is doing his best to combine the breath of the dragon, and he is completely distracted by him. However, if at this time, the people from Wanlong Nest wanted to seize the dragon fetus, he would be able to retreat safely, but this real dragon avatar would fall short.

"It can only be like this when necessary?" Li Ran glanced at the old man who was sealed in the source of the gods in the depths of Wanlong's Nest, thinking that if the situation was not right, he would activate nuclear deterrence and let the old man come out and enjoy a beautiful meal. Dunlong Meat Dinner.

But this is also a last-minute strategy. After all, the old man is sometimes sober and sometimes possessed. Most of the time, he can't distinguish between enemy and friend. Once he is released hastily, his true dragon avatar will still be lost in nine out of ten.

At this time, another dragon flew from the depths of Wanlong's nest, landed beside Zilongnv, and turned into a middle-aged man holding his beard and laughing at Radium Zhan kneeling on the ground: "Your Highness, I didn't expect this rumor to be true!" Yes, my dragon nest can actually give birth to a real dragon.

Why don't you let my grandson carve out the dragon's fetus and collect the blood to help me advance to the next level on the road to the true dragon? "

The later middle-aged man was none other than the great sage Qianlun of Wanlong's Nest. After he finished speaking, he secretly gave Radium Zhan a look with his eyes.

Lei Zhan got his grandfather's reminder, and was eager to ask Zilongnv for credit, so before Zilongnv could respond, he raised his weapon and approached Li Ran's real dragon avatar step by step, preparing to dissect the dragon fetus and take out the inside of it. A true dragon bred.

Li Ran looked at the approaching Radium War, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes. He raised his hand and struck out a series of talismans to float in the void, preparing to wake up Dongfang Taiyi at the last moment.

At this time, Zilongnv glanced at the dragon fetus that was still in gestation consciousness, and suddenly called Radium Zhan.

"Stop the battle of radium. All of you are not allowed to take action. My father has already made arrangements for the birth of this true dragon. This true dragon is the hope of my Ten Thousand Dragons' Lair to rise. You must not be disrespectful to him in the slightest."

Being stopped by the Zilongnv on the way, Lei Zhanxin stopped unwillingly. He also wanted to eat a few mouthfuls of the real dragon in front of him. Maybe with the help of the blood of the real dragon, he could also break through the shackles of blood and become The second true dragon in the world.

It's just that Zilongnv has the imperial decree of the Wanlonghuang, so he dared not refuse to listen, so he could only stop reluctantly, and glanced greedily at the real dragon avatar that was still being conceived.

Zilongnv called Radium after the battle, and took out a small transparent jar from her body. Inside the jar was a small red dragon, the whole body was crystal clear, as beautiful as amber.

Great Sage Qianlun's eyes straightened when he saw the red little dragon in Zilongnv's hand. "The blood essence of the Dragon Emperor!" He wished he could snatch the small jar from Zilongnv's hand and swallow the little red dragon inside in one gulp.

The purple dragon girl held a small jar in her hand and walked gently to the real dragon clone step by step. She looked at the active dragon fetus in front of her, gently caressed the top of the fetus, and said lovingly: "Be good, sister, I will give you a tonic. "Then he opened the small jar in his hand and poured the red dragon inside onto the dragon fetus.

The moment the red little dragon fell into the dragon fetus, the real dragon avatar controlled by Li Ran felt an extremely powerful force pouring in, and he felt a strange emperor's rule in it. Li Ran glanced at the dragon The Zilongnv outside the womb, at this time, an extremely close connection was established between the two, just like the blood of a close relative.

At this time, Zilongnv's voice came into the dragon's womb: "Brother, when will you be born, sister misses you so much."

Li Ran's eyes showed understanding when he heard this. "No wonder Purple Dragon Girl, you will stop them for me. It turns out that this is your intention. It just so happens that I will infiltrate your plan into your Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest and compete for the position of the leader of this ancient clan."

With the infusion of the essence of Wanlonghuang's blood, the real dragon avatar conceived by Li Ran was greatly supplemented. He controlled the real dragon avatar in the dragon womb and let out a loud roar. Riots are taking place in the Dragon Nest. In response to Li Ran's call, many dragon veins under the Ice and Snow Palace condense into a solid shape, flying out from the center of the earth to the ground to surround the Ten Thousand Dragon Nest, feeding in the essence of the Earth Vein.

The huge change instantly shocked the disciples of the Ice and Snow Palace built above. The leader of this generation of Ice and Snow Palace was shocked when he remembered the records left by the founder Bai Yuan.

He triggered the bells and drums in the square and struck them nine times in succession.

"All the disciples of the Ice and Snow Palace are evacuated, and all of them leave the snowfield without leaving."

Finally, when all the disciples of the Ice and Snow Palace above left, the mouth of the well that had been blocked by the corpse of the white ape was shaken open, and a black dragon's nest slowly flew out from the abyss below.

Stimulated by the huge dragon energy, the Holy Master of the Underworld Palace woke up from the Great Hall of the Abyss, frantically came to kneel outside the Wanlong Nest, and waited for the birth of the Immemorial Royal Family Wanlong Nest.

Li Ran once again controlled the real dragon clone and roared, cracks appeared outside the dragon fetus, and suddenly a small claw with nine dragon claws broke open the carcass and was exposed.

"With nine claws, it really has the shape of a dragon." The purple dragon girl was overjoyed when she saw one claw exposed after breaking open the egg shell.

Soon as the first claw was exposed, other parts of the true dragon clones appeared one after another. Finally, a true dragon with nine claws, towering horns and an inch long was revealed.

He flew and roamed, and the cloud air was naturally born under his claws. When he opened his mouth and called out, heavy rain fell from the sky, followed by a strong wind. The ice and snow melted and turned into a sacred mountain and fairy soil. With the cry of the real dragon, countless dragon veins appeared from the dragon's nest, drilled into the nearby land veins, and arched a series of mountains.The dragon's nest also flies up and down in the very center of the mountains, guarded by all the dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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