I'm covering the sky and practicing alchemy

Chapter 139 Hearty Battle, Li Ran Relay

Chapter 139 Hearty Battle, Li Ran Relay

The holy prince smashed down with a stick, and the fairy iron stick instantly became the size of a thousand feet, and the immemorial sacred mountain weighing as much as ten thousand junctures crashed down, transforming into stick flowers all over the sky under the clear sky of thousands of miles.

The Holy Prince is indeed worthy of being a holy ape known as the Dou Zhan clan. Although his cultivation base and bloodline strength are more than a step behind the Heavenly Prince's, his fighting style is ten times fiercer than the Heavenly Prince's, extremely fierce and violent.

The Holy Prince knows the strengths and weaknesses between himself and the Emperor. He is inferior to the Emperor in terms of cultivation and blood, but he has the courage to fight and kill and the courage not to be afraid of sacrifice, so facing the Emperor's Heavenly Sword Attacking, he completely ignored the attack of the emperor, and let the sword slashed by the emperor.

It's just a simple and forceful gathering of all the energy in my whole body into the palm of my hand, and then I swung the fairy iron stick to smash out the stick that concentrated all my energy, to see how the prince would deal with it that day.

Every stick that the Holy Prince struck was so simple and unpretentious, but this stick condensed all his divine power. With just one hit of the stick, he struck out with unparalleled power.

The Heavenly Prince held the Heavenly Saber, and seeing the Holy Prince's completely unreasonable stick, he couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"A monkey is indeed a monkey. It can only use brute force, and it can't even use the most basic stick technique."

He smiled confidently, and lightly raised the five-color sky knife to resist the stick of the Holy Prince. Unexpectedly, the moment the swords and sticks met, the face of the Heavenly Prince paled. The immortal iron rod, a wild force that was completely beyond his expectations came from the tip of his knife, and instantly smashed the emperor's eyes with stars, his head was dizzy, he was in the sky, but his body lost his sense of direction.

The Emperor was thrown back several miles by the fairy iron rod, and his body fell on a nearby mountain, piercing the entire mountain into a big hole. The Immortal Heavenly Sword made of five kinds of fairy gold did not cause any damage, but the Emperor However, the son suffered a lot of damage from the powerful stick of the Holy Prince, and the strong force of the fairy iron rod bounced back into his internal organs, causing him to feel a strong nausea in his lower abdomen, and the Emperor forced his luck. Using his divine power to expel the force from the immortal iron rod, he could barely suppress the nausea in his heart.

But at this time, another blow from the Holy Prince had already come one after another, like a giant pillar of the sky, the Emperor who had just fallen on this mountain had no way to hide, so he could only take the stick of the Holy Prince hard again.

He was caught off guard and raised the Heavenly Sword in a panic to resist. The moment the sword and stick met, the Emperor lost control of the divine power in his body. As a result, the nausea that had just been suppressed in his heart lost control. The Emperor screamed and spit out a mouthful. bright red blood.


The one hit by the holy prince seemed to make the emperor feel that he had lost face. He yelled angrily, and swung out a wave of saber energy, smashing the sacred mountain he had just fallen into. Then he glared at the man in front of him The holy prince ignited a shocking scarlet divine fire all over his body, and a phantom of a fairy phoenix sprang out from the divine fire, and soon the injury caused by the holy prince was healed.

"Monkey comes again!" He roared angrily and rushed towards the Holy Prince in the sky to fight.

The two of them were going back and forth in the sky, and we were extremely fierce with our sticks. Unknowingly, Li Ran, Golden Goddess and others stopped their weapons, and they stopped in the sky nearby to watch the Holy Prince and the others. A shocking battle between the emperor's sons.

"No wonder, the old man who fought against the Holy Emperor back then had the pan peach elixir in his body, but he only lived for more than 1 years in the two lives. This kind of fierce and violent fighting style is completely at the cost of overdrawing his body." Prince Xuehuangshan Huang Xudao watched the Holy Prince defiantly resisting the Heavenly Prince with a saber-like energy and waved the fairy iron rod in his hand to attack the Heavenly Prince, he couldn't help sighing.

You must know that the Heavenly Prince is from the Xianhuang clan, with the racial supernatural power of Phoenix Nirvana in hand, he can recover from his injuries and go into battle again at any time, but the Holy Prince has nothing more than this stick in his hand, and his cultivation level is even lower than that of the Heavenly Prince. It's a bit worse, how can the body be able to bear it if it goes on like this for a long time.

Sure enough, after thousands of moves, the Holy Prince was exhausted. Every time he attacked, he tried his best. Although the Heavenly Prince was unable to parry, he also consumed a lot of energy. Gradually, the Heavenly Prince gradually gained the upper hand. Although running the Phoenix Nirvana Technique once will consume some of his essence, but this essence is completely a piece of cake for him when he is just young.

After being reborn from the ashes again, the emperor stood vigorously in the sky, his face was as rosy as ever, holding the sky knife, but the body of the emperor opposite was already trembling slightly, his face was dripping with sweat, and his right palm holding the immortal iron rod was no longer as good as it was. As powerful as it was at the beginning, the Holy Prince kept breathing in the fresh air outside in order to regain his strength and fight again.

The Heavenly Prince looked at the already exhausted Holy Prince with a very satisfied smile on his face.

"Sure enough, how could these creatures of low bloodline be my opponents, and only that humble dragon is worthy of being my opponent."

Thinking of this, the Emperor subconsciously looked at Li Ran, who was watching a play with the golden goddess and others. Seeing that these people stopped fighting and looked like they were watching a play, the Emperor's face darkened.

"These royal families are really not trustworthy. I asked them to deal with the Wanlong Nest together, but they didn't work hard, and they all pointed at me alone."

So he raised his head and looked at the Holy Prince who was recovering in front of him: "Forget it, let's get rid of the damn monkey in front of him first, cut off one of Qianyuan's left and right arms, and then deal with these guys slowly."

The Heavenly Prince immediately raised the Heavenly Sword in his hand to kill the Holy Prince again. He looked at the Holy Prince in front of him and shouted: "If you can't do it, get out, have you lost your strength after just beating for a while?"

The Holy Prince was furious immediately when he heard the words, he ignored his own physical strength, forcibly raised the fairy iron rod again and slammed at the Heavenly Prince, continuing to fight with him in the sky.

After Li Ran saw being provoked by the emperor's ridicule, the monkey who insisted on fighting the emperor thought it was not good.

Li Ran knew that it was obvious that the emperor wanted to take the opportunity to grind the prince to death before dealing with himself. He must not give the other party this chance.

So after a loud roar, Li Ran turned into a dragon and joined the battlefield.

Seeing Li Ran rushing in, Huo Qizi focused his eyes, and just wanted to stop Li Ran.

At this time, the golden goddess reached out her hand to stop him: "Let them fight, the strength of the blood of these two people has already posed a threat to our Dilu battle, and let them kill you to the death."

After finishing speaking, the golden goddess gave Huang Xudao a wink, and when Huang Xudao saw it, he immediately turned into a thousand-foot divine phoenix to fish out the holy prince who was in battle, and Li Ran continued the battle with the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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