Chapter 141

Li Ran's intrusion was like a fuse, instantly triggering the chaotic divine thunder that filled the dark clouds.

For a moment, the sky and the earth around the two of them were surrounded by lightning, and in an instant, a chaotic thunder fell and hit the emperor's wings. A burnt smell came from the place where the chaotic lightning hit, and the emperor's body was gorgeous. Huacai's five-colored wings were scorched black by the falling chaotic divine thunder, and the five-colored phoenix feathers fell off one after another, revealing the bright red fleshy wings inside.

"It hurts!" The emperor looked at the place hit by the chaos god's thunder, and the corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and a strong sense of pain came from his wings to his mind.

Looking at the place hit by the Chaos Thunder, the Emperor of Heaven drew out a phoenix fire from the sea of ​​bitterness, and healed the injury with the help of his Nirvana regeneration power. Wrapped by the God Fire, the place that was originally hit by the Chaos Thunder recovered as before, and the five-color feathers grew again. Let the emperor turn back into the original handsome and extraordinary phoenix bird. After recovering from the injury with the fire, the emperor felt that the severe pain on his body was relieved a lot.

But this chaotic divine thunder was just an introduction. After it, countless thunders fell from the sky and smashed on the two of them. The chaotic thunder after another almost split the emperor into a bald chicken , all the colorful and beautiful feathers were pulled out completely by the thunder of the chaotic god, and the emperor felt that there was pain and pain in every part of his body under the attack of the thunder calamity.

He endured the severe pain all over his body and kept urging the Phoenix Nirvana Technique to recover from his injuries. His whole body was covered by the red Phoenix Divine Fire, and the strong vitality in the Divine Fire continued to heal his injuries. The ensuing thunder calamity made the emperor temporarily forget Li Ran, who was on the side, concentrated on resisting the chaotic thunderstorm from around him.

Gradually, the Prince of Heaven could bear the severe pain caused by the thunder calamity, and he looked up to Li Ran with the strength to spare. Under his gaze, he saw the endless chaotic thunder calamity almost forming a sea of ​​thunder, a true The dragon was bathed in the sea of ​​thunder, with an expression of great enjoyment on his face.

"Wouldn't he be in pain?" If he hadn't seen Li Ran's original water-blue scales smashed into charred black by the chaos god's thunder, the emperor almost thought that these thunders would have no effect on him.

At this time, Li Ran's aura also climbed to an extreme point, and he was on the verge of killing.

"It's no wonder that the power of Thunder Tribulation suddenly became so powerful that he also chose to break through.

A breakthrough is a breakthrough, why do you want to cross the tribulation in the same place with me? "

Seeing that the Thunder Tribulation suddenly became ten times more powerful due to Li Ran's joining, the Emperor couldn't help complaining. Only now did he realize that Li Ran was a lunatic.

At this moment, Li Ran suddenly opened his eyes, and his jet-black pupils looked directly at the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven saw an inexplicable smile on Li Ran's face, and then he suddenly let out a dragon chant, carrying the thunder calamity Flying towards him.

Li Ran raised his sharp dragon claws and grabbed the wings of the Emperor. A handful of colorful feathers fell into his hands. He blew gently on the feathers with his dragon's mouth, and blew the feathers down, facing the Emperor. Smile evilly.

"Let's fight!" Li Ran exerted all his strength to fight against the Heavenly Prince against Lei Jie's body.

The emperor finally couldn't help but gasped when he saw Li Ran who was going to fight him against the strongest thunder in the world.

Facing Li Ran who was attacking powerfully, the emperor had nowhere to hide, so he could only face up to the difficulties and fight him in the thunder calamity. In this way, the two fought continuously for three days and three nights. Li Ran was comparable to the god of iron. The body of the real dragon was pierced with scars that penetrated into the flesh and blood. The dragon scales were torn apart by the heavenly sword-shaped wings of the emperor, and fell off one by one to the ground. The water-blue dragon scales lost their former luster and became dull. dull.

The Prince of Heaven was not feeling well either. His colorful feathers were completely scratched by Li Ran. He no longer had the energy to use the Phoenix Nirvana Technique to restore his beautiful feathers. At this point in the battle, he had to save every ounce of strength. Come down and use it in key places, and leave it to use in the battle with Li Ran.

At this time, all the colorful feathers on his wings fell off, leaving only bare fleshy wings, and the intertwined dragon paw prints left on the phoenix body, which could not be erased, the emperor resisted the thunder Jie, while bearing the whipping of Li Ran's powerful dragon body, even with the phoenix nirvana technique to continuously recover to the peak combat power, it is still difficult to bear the consumption of the source.

Seeing the countless scars on the dragon's body on Li Ran's side, these are the masterpieces left by him in the three-day battle, and the two of them are close to running out of oil, so the emperor gave birth to the idea of ​​stopping the battle. thought.

"Qianyuan, you and I have been fighting for three whole days, and there is no result in these three days, so why persist in this way, why don't you and I stop fighting first, and how about continuing the battle after the thunder tribulation is over?"

From Li Ran's point of view, the Emperor's words to stop fighting were all meaning of begging for mercy. In his opinion, the current level is just the end of the warm-up. The Emperor's Dao Xin who will not fight today has completely collapsed. How can he give up willingly.

Looking at the emperor, Li Ran sneered fiercely: "You are a waste after all, you can't bear it at this level, and you dare to be my enemy."

"I'm not trash!" Li Ran's words seemed to arouse the deep scars in the emperor's heart. With a loud cry, he spread his phoenix wings and took the initiative to attack Li Ran. The colorful light surrounded the wings. , so that the emperor's wings were like a heavenly knife, and he swung the knife to attack Li Ran.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Ran laughed loudly, spattered a few drops of blood inadvertently, and continued to meet the emperor, just like this, the two of them fought for three days and three nights under the thunder calamity.

During this period of time, the battle between the Zishan side and the Wanlongchao side had already ended, and the two sides stopped their troops and stood guard outside the Heavenly Tribulation, watching the earth-shattering Chaos God Thunder, waiting for the outcome of the two inside.

"Why does it take so long to get through the catastrophe? I'm so anxious?" Zilongnv looked at the two people inside who hadn't moved, but could only wait outside. The anxiety in her heart couldn't be expressed at all.

And Huo Lin'er also looked worriedly at the Heavenly Tribulation not far away, because of the Blood Phoenix Mountain on one side, the members of the Golden Clan, Huo Lin'er didn't dare to show it too clearly, and could only secretly care about her newly married Husband, the terrifying black thunder in the sky has lasted for six full days. Li Ran and the emperor also survived the thunder disaster for six days, but there was still no movement inside.

"Qianyuan, stop fighting!"

At this time, the emperor was finally afraid in the catastrophe. Now there is only a dry riverbed left in his sea of ​​origin. He no longer has the strength to use the phoenix nirvana technique, and the origin in his body is almost exhausted. Now he relies on himself The powerful bodies of the Phoenix Clan are fighting with Li Ran. Under Lei Jie, the two people's bodies are covered in blackness, and there is no place that is not attacked by Lei Jie. Now he just wants to stop fighting with Li Ran who is like a lunatic in front of him. Make peace.

Li Ran is not feeling well now. The successive battles with the Emperor have drained all the vitality from his body. All the dragon scales protecting his body fell off during the fight, and precious dragon blood continues to flow from his wounds.

But at this moment, he still refused to let go, facing the emperor's begging for mercy, he just sneered, and charged forward again.

Seeing that Li Ran was still lingering on him, the Emperor of Heaven sighed, with a trace of fear in his eyes, he could no longer bear the pressure, and finally chose to stay away from this bastard.

But Li Ran is not willing to let him do what he wants, he wanders around in the thunder catastrophe to chase the fleeing emperor, this catastrophe is the best guiding light, as long as the catastrophe is not over, the emperor will have nowhere to hide , following the chaotic divine thunder all over the sky, no matter where he fled, Li Ran could find the emperor.

After being chased by Li Ran for an unknown number of times, the Emperor of Heaven collapsed. From his birth to now, he has never seen anyone like Li Ran. He is like a stalker. He must be subdued. .

"I admit defeat, okay.

Qianyuan, I admit that you are better than me, please let me go. "

The Emperor of Heaven lay on the top of a sacred mountain, propping himself up with his hands, and shouted in dismay as he watched Li Ran who was catching up with him again.

(End of this chapter)

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